Chapter 133 I Don’t Want This Marriage 18
If she pushes her away impatiently at this time, the people outside who don't know the truth will definitely think that she is domineering. Even if they know that she is not a third party, but seeing Su Le crying so pitifully, and seeing how indifferent and fierce she is, they will definitely think that she is domineering. Subconsciously favor the weak.

This is not the overflowing of the Virgin Mary's heart, but an innate compassion for the weak.

We also feel unbearable when we see stray cats and dogs on the street, it's all the same.

At that time, they will have to say that they are too aggressive.

Although she doesn't need to care about these people's opinions, but... her goal is to break up Su Le and Lu Yihan, so she can't be at a disadvantage, she has to let Lu Yihan see Su Le's ugly side.

Isn't it just pretending to be pitiful?

Who doesn't know it, it's green tea that has been around for thousands of years, it's more fragrant than anyone else, and when dealing with evil people, you can treat them in the same way as others.

The above were all Lan Shuang's brainstorming in that short 1 minute. When the door was completely opened, she suddenly sighed, lowered her head and stood aside helplessly, "Miss Su, I have said many times, I am willing to let go and make it happen." You guys, I canceled the wedding because of this, and I handed over Lu Yihan to you, why are you still relentless?"

Su Le was taken aback, "You..."

Not giving her a chance to speak, Lan Shuang's voice was a little choked up: "It's me, it was my freshman who took the initiative to pursue Lu Yihan, he may not like me that much, so under the persecution of his family, he stayed with me. It was only later that I realized that now I don’t want to make the same mistakes again and again, so I voluntarily withdrew, I thought that my concession would allow you to let me go, but I didn’t expect that what I got in return would be worse.”

She covered her face with her hands and raised her head to force back the tears.

"I don't. I just care too much about Brother Han. If you suddenly appear here, who knows if you still have some love left? No one would be relieved, right?"

Su Le grabbed the corner of his clothes and defended in a low voice.

Lan Shuang chuckled, looked at her with red eyes, and then at Lu Yihan behind, "What about you, do you also think I approached you on purpose?"

It was rare for Lu Yihan to see Lan Shuang like this, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Forget it, you don't need to talk about it." Lan Shuang raised her hand to stop him, "That's all for today, I don't want to worry about it anymore, so as not to disturb everyone's work."

She bowed to the stunned people who were eating melons, "I'm sorry, because my personal affairs affect everyone's work and rest, I will invite everyone out to dinner another day as an apology, let's do it today."

After she "forced her smile", she turned around and wanted to leave, Su Le was stunned, tears were hanging on her face, it looked a little funny.

Ke Lanshuang had just turned a corner when she ran into Zhang Lu and...

"Jiang Lusheng?" Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Jiang Lusheng raised his head and looked at her with a gentle and harmless smile, "I'm here to discuss business."

As he said that, he looked at Zhang Lu beside him. Zhang Lu looked at the two of them in surprise, and then introduced with a smile: "Xiao Lan, this is Mr. Jiang whom we are going to meet today."

Lan Shuang was a little confused. She thought Jiang was always someone else, and she didn't think about Jiang Lusheng at all.

Jiang Lusheng's eyes fell on her face, and he suddenly became gloomy, "Why are your eyes red?"

Lan Shuang's thoughts moved, Xin Dao's assist came, and then she took a step forward, walked up to Jiang Lusheng and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, something bad happened, are you done with the contract?"

Zhang Lu looked very winking, and seeing the familiarity of the two, she immediately said, "I have something to do there, so don't bother me, Xiaolan, since you know Mr. Jiang, you can accompany Mr. Jiang in the company." Let's go shopping."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang agreed, Zhang Lu nodded, walked straight forward, turned a corner and found that Su Le was still there, her face suddenly changed: "Why are you still here?"

"Sister Zhang, I'll send her away right now."

Lu Yihan came out to smooth things over, and pulled Su Le out.

When Jiang Lusheng heard the movement, he raised his head and looked over. When he met Lu Yihan's gaze, the smile in his eyes disappeared, and he ignored her without even looking at Su Le.

"How can your brother feel at ease when he made himself so wronged on the first day of work?"

Jiang Lusheng spoke affectionately, then took out a rose from his pocket and handed it to Lan Shuang, and said teasingly, "Here, I'll see you off, don't be sad."

Lan Shuang reached out to take it, dumbfounded: "Why do you carry roses everywhere you go?"

"That's not the case. I just wanted to see you, and I brought you flowers because I agreed to send you flowers last time."

Jiang Lusheng leaned over slightly, "Do you like it?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, the red one is very pure and beautiful."

"Let's go. I heard from Secretary Zhang that you didn't eat much at noon. It just so happened that I didn't eat either. Let's go eat together?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, turned her head to look at the two people standing behind, smiled and said, "Okay, where to eat?"

"follow me."

Jiang Lusheng turned and went back to the elevator, Lan Shuang followed immediately, Lu Yihan and Su Le stood there in embarrassment.

Su Le tugged at the corner of Lu Yihan's clothes, and asked in embarrassment, "Who is that man?"

Tall and handsome, with a three-dimensional silhouette, he looks very gentle on the sidelines, and his temperament is also first-class.

Lu Yihan shook his head: "I don't know."

"Haven't you seen it? You and Lan Shuang have been dating for four years and you don't even know it? Could it be a new boyfriend?" Su Le murmured, "It looks so close. I thought she had a deep affection for you. It doesn't look like that."

Lu Yihan was already tormented by the two of them, when he heard Su Le's words, he suddenly shouted angrily, "Is it over? What does it matter to you whether she has a boyfriend or not?"

Su Le was stunned by the scolding, and stared at him with wide eyes: "Are you yelling at me?"

Lu Yihan usually has to explain a few words, but right now he is really not in the mood. He squeezed his eyebrows and said irritably: "I beg you, ancestor, I am very tired from work every day, can you stop making trouble?" ? After what happened today, my colleagues still don’t know what to think of me. I’m already bored enough, so let’s say a few words less, okay?”

Su Le sneered: "Ha, so you think it's all my fault? Alright, I understand, I'll leave now, so as not to be an eyesore."

She shook off Lu Yihan's hand, strode out, and when the elevator arrived, she went in without looking back.

Lu Yihan stood on the spot and clenched his fists, gritted his teeth angrily, and punched the air twice to vent his dissatisfaction.

How can you be so tired?
He leaned against the wall decadently, wanting to light a cigarette.


After Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng got into the elevator, they didn't speak for a while, they occupied a corner and looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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