Chapter 136 I Don’t Want This Marriage 21
Jiang Lusheng wanted to ask if it was Lu Yihan who called her, why she was laughing, and whether she still had feelings for Lu Yihan.

But if he really asked, he crossed the line, and today's meal couldn't continue. His emotions were impulsive, but his reason was still online, pulling him out of the gloomy abyss.

He sorted out his expression in an instant, and smiled softly: "I just feel that this phone call is not appropriate. It broke the good atmosphere we had just now, and it makes me a little uncomfortable."

Frantically testing the boundaries and showing his frankness appropriately, the effect is excellent.

Lan Shuang said with a smile: "It's quite inappropriate, don't worry about it, today is a good day, you shouldn't worry about insignificant people, come, eat cake."

Instead of cutting from the original cake, she took a plate and divided half of her own cake to him: "Well... I didn't eat it, don't you think it's disgusting?"

Jiang Lusheng stared at the half cake, his eyes gradually became clear, "Of course I don't dislike it."

"I can't eat that much by myself. Let's eat half of it for each of us, and then save our stomachs for hot pot. It's just right."


With a few words, Jiang Lusheng's unhappiness was resolved, and the two happily ate again.


After the call was hung up, the unimportant person took a deep breath of cigarette, and then slowly exhaled. The smoke drifted away, covering his face, adding a kind of sick haggard to him.

He stood against the wall for a while in silence, falling into a kind of lost contemplation.

What is he going to do now?
His mother was still living in the hospital. She was seriously ill, and the high surgery fee was simply not enough for him to pay with his salary.

The Lu family was disappointed with him again. Although the head of the Lu family hadn't said anything about it, if he really broke with Lan Shuang completely, he might be kicked out of the house.

And Su Le...

Su Le himself is a child from an ordinary family, and his school expenses are very tight, so he can't help at all.

Lu Yihan was more irritable than ever.

When he ran out of cigarettes, he stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can, washed his hands and face, if it really didn't work, he could only sell the things that Lan Shuang gave him as an emergency.

With a heavy heart, Lu Yihan returned to his seat, but people around him looked at him differently.

He could barely pretend nothing happened, staring at his computer.


After Su Le left the company, he took a taxi back to school. The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he was. Qian hurried away, and the exhaust gas slapped Su Le's face.

Su Le: "..."

She turned her head and said "wow", and cried louder.

Tang Yiyi, who received the news and came to pick her up, was startled, "Lele, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

Su Le cried and hugged her: "Yi Yi, woo woo woo, Lu Yihan bullied me, I don't want to talk to him anymore!"

As soon as Tang Yi thought of Lu Yihan, he remembered the money he had paid for Lan Shuang's wedding dress, and his flesh ached for a while, and his complexion turned bad instantly.

"What happened to him?"

Tang Yiyi asked in a bad tone: "It's not easy for you to be together, and he still doesn't know how to cherish it? Why, can't it be regret?"

After the incident at the wedding, she had resentment towards Lu Yihan, and she was unwilling to speak for him again.

"Go ahead and talk."

Su Le was still a little sensible, seeing the people coming and going at the school gate looking this way, she pulled Tang Yiyi's sleeve and led her into the school.

Tang Yi nodded: "OK."


Sitting on the bench in the school, Su Le wiped his face, told Tang Yiyi what happened in the afternoon, and finally complained in a low voice: "I suspect he just regretted it, that Lan Shuang's motives were not pure at first sight, Her family has such a big business, so it's not a good place to go, so I have to go to Lu Yihan's company for an internship?"

Hearing this, Tang Yiyi said angrily: "That's right! She clearly did it on purpose! On the surface, she seems to let go, but she is actually playing hard to get?"

In a sense, the two of them really guessed right, but their ultimate goals were somewhat different. They thought that Lan Shuang was an unforgettable old relationship and wanted to reunite. Dumped, tit for tat, just to give the original owner a bad breath.

Su Le took a sip of water, sighed and said, "Yiyi, I'm a little tired, what do you think I'm planning to be with Lu Yihan? Even if no one said it to my face, everyone said behind my back that I was a third party, obviously Lu Yihan I don't love Lan Shuang, it's Lan Shuang who has been holding him tight, why am I the third party?"

Tang Yiyi sneered: "That means Lu Yihan is not a good bird either. If he wanted to, he would have broken up with Lan Shuang a long time ago. Why do you have to bear all this?"

Su Le was silent, which was also an important reason why she had been on and off with Lu Yihan before.

Lu Yihan said that he and Lan Shuang were together because of family pressure, but he had no feelings for Lan Shuang himself, and asked her to bear it. When his mother's illness was cured, he would get rid of the control of the Lu family and the Lan family.

But after waiting and waiting, it was the news of Lu Yihan and Lan Shuang's engagement. She didn't go that day, but she saw the photo from Tang Yiyi.

Lan Shuang's wedding dress was really beautiful. The diamond crown made her look like an unworldly princess. The flowers, wine, and luxurious decoration in the hotel were all things she had never seen before.

It is false to say that you do not envy, and it is even more false to say that you do not hate.

Finally, Lan Shuang repented of her marriage, and Lu Yihan returned to her side, but she felt as if a thorn had been stabbed in her heart, and she couldn't pull it out.

There is no obstacle between them, and the relationship should have become more stable, but...

Su Le looked at the setting sun in the distance, thinking blankly, why does it feel worse than before?
Tang Yiyi looked at her expression, and persuaded her earnestly: "Lele, you can't just be depressed like this, do you love Lu Yihan?"

Su Le said without hesitation: "Of course, otherwise why should I be with him?"

It seems that because her sincerity was questioned, her tone was not very good.

Tang Yiyi was taken aback by the words, feeling uncomfortable: "Then you have to hold on to him even more! He just broke up with Lan Shuang, no matter what the reason is, he feels guilty in his heart, if you don't take care of him at this time Performance, it is easy to be used by Lan Shuang, taking advantage of the loophole."

Su Le was taken aback, and frowned: "Is it possible?"

"Of course! Men are like this. If you don't get it, you will always be in turmoil. If you get it, you don't know how to cherish it. You must not quarrel with him at this time, it will only push him further and further away, and today's matter , It is indeed your fault first."

Su Le: "I..."

"Think about it yourself, and then decide what to do next. I have something to do in a while, so I'll leave first."

Tang Yi glanced at his watch and stood up to leave. Before leaving, he still reminded: "Remember not to lose your temper casually! You have endured it for so many years, don't get stuck in the last hurdle!"

 Going back to the previous chapter, Jiang Lusheng turned his mobile phone on silent and turned it upside down so that no one would disturb the world between the two of them. The sound is not good, and the picture is not good. Are you guessing right?
(End of this chapter)

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