Chapter 267
Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, took back her phone and walked forward calmly: "Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

Gu Xiao: "Huh?"

He watched Lan Shuang stride forward past him, and reached out to hold her helplessly: "What's the matter with you? I didn't say anything."

Lan Shuang looked back at him: "Are you sure?"

Gu Xiao: "..."

He is sure now that this person is very vengeful and will take revenge, and he will make up for any loss he suffers.

"Sure, sure, ancestor." Gu Xiao snorted, took out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket, and opened WeChat, "Add it?"

Lan Shuang was stunned when she took a look. She thought that the head portrait of the tsundere boss should be a flirtatious one, but she didn't expect it to be a cute looking dog.

"Is this dog yours?" It doesn't look like an online picture.

Gu Xiao nodded: "Well, my Samoyed is called Tiantian."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"What's your name?" She suspected that her ears were broken.

Gu Xiao didn't know what was going on, so he repeated it again: "Tian Tian, ​​don't you think his smile is sweet?"


He remembered that the host's nickname was Tian Tian...and her family members in one life also called her that.

Lan Shuang looked at the dog with a naive smile for three seconds, then looked at Gu Xiao who didn't know it, "It's quite sweet."

Gu Xiao finally heard something was wrong, and looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." After adding friends, Lan Shuang didn't look at him again, and turned to walk to the boarding gate.

Gu Xiao narrowed his eyes, "Why is this reaction? What's wrong?"

He quickly recalled the conversation between the two just now, and suddenly thought of something, raised his eyebrows, "Tiantian?"


He laughed lowly, "So it's the same name."

Looking at it this way, they are really related.


After the plane landed, Lan Shuang greeted Gu Xiao and took a taxi home by herself. Lan Xue was overjoyed to see her come back.

"Sister, you are back!"

She threw herself into Lan Shuang's arms like a bird, and Lan Shuang touched the top of her hair, and said with a smile, "What did Xiaoxue eat these days?"

Lan Xue reported the names of a series of dishes to prove that she was eating well, and then asked Lan Shuang: "Sister, how is the filming of your show? Is there anyone who makes things difficult for you? Are the people on the show easy to get along with? Are you happy?" Who is your partner?"

Lan Shuang took the hand of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and led her to sit on the sofa, "Fortunately, the people in the program team are all good, my partner..."

Thinking of Gu Xiao, Lan Shuang's expression was inevitably a little subtle.

Lan Xue was anxious when she saw it: "What's wrong? He bullied you, didn't he? I'll beat him up!"

As she said that, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to rush out.

"One Hundred Thousand Whys" becomes "Sailor Moon" in seconds.

Is this still a sister-in-law?

"No, he didn't dare to bully me. I'm also good at fighting." Lan Shuang shook her hand, and Lan Xue fixed her eyes on her small arms, expressing deep doubts.

"That sister just now..."

"Oh, it's an acquaintance, so it feels quite subtle."

Lan Shuang leaned on the sofa and let out a long breath.

"Acquaintance? Who is it?" Lan Xue lay beside her curiously, blinking her big eyes.

"You don't know me, so do your homework." Lan Shuang didn't intend to get Lan Xue involved again, she is now in a critical period of study, so she can't be made to worry about her sister.

It's fine if Lan Xue pesters her for a while and doesn't get an answer, and obediently goes to do her homework.

Tired of tossing back and forth, Lan Shuang went back to the room to take a shower, lay down on the bed and fell asleep after a while.

The phone screen turned on and off several times, but she didn't notice it.

On the other side, Gu Xiao looked at the news that he had nowhere to go, snorted coldly, threw the phone aside, and crossed his legs to smoke.

"Yo, who made us Young Master Gu unhappy? Why don't you go to eat and smoke here?" Huo Youzhi pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Gu Xiao's squinted and decadent expression, he couldn't help fanning the wind.

Gu Xiao glanced at him: "If you have something to say, if you have something to fart, if you have nothing to do, turn around and close the door."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

"Hey, are you really angry? Who is so reckless? Say it to make brother happy."

Huo Youzhi raised his nose to his face, sat down on the sofa at one side, and looked at him with one hand propped on his forehead: "Didn't you go to record a variety show? Are you not satisfied?"

Gu Xiao took a deep breath of the cigarette, and after slowly exhaling it, the white smoke obscured his face, making it impossible to see his emotions clearly.

"I can't talk about being dissatisfied, it's just a feeling that I can't put it into words."

Huo You signed and opened a bottle of water to drink, but when he heard this, his eyes widened and he sprayed it out: "What?!"

He bounced up suddenly, crashed in front of Gu Xiao like a cannonball, snatched his cigarette and pressed it in the ashtray, and asked eagerly: "Who is it? Didn't you fall in love with him? Damn, ten thousand years Is the old iron tree blooming? Have you finally decided not to guard yourself like a jade for your future wife?"

Gu Xiao's thick and stylish eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he gave him a disgusted look, "Can you have a human shape?"

"Cut, you're all in trouble, what's the point of me not having a human figure? If it spreads in the circle, those people's reactions won't be much better than mine, okay? Stop talking nonsense, tell me, who is so Are you capable?"

Gu Xiao interrupted him: "Didn't I like it..."

"What is that?" Huo Youzhi straightened up and looked at him suspiciously: "Could it be that you just want to have sex? That's very strange."

Gu Xiao: "..."

He hesitated to speak, wanted to explain and correct the problems in Huo Youzhi's words, but he didn't know where to start, his feelings towards Lan Shuang were too complicated.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xiao whispered, "Lan Shuang."

"What?" Huo Youzhi didn't react for a while.

Gu Xiao switched legs and cocked his hands casually on the armrests, leaning his back on the leather seat, feeling lazy and slumped, "I said, Lan Shuang."

Huo Youzhi's eyes almost popped out of his sockets: "You you you you—Lan Lan Lanshuang?!"

He shouted directly, Gu Xiao picked up the phone impatiently, clicked on the software and started typing.

Huo Youzhi took a step back, pointed at him and asked, " are so awesome! Who are you messing with, your nephew's mistress?! You have a bit of a bad taste, don't you?"

Gu Xiao: "..."

He snapped his fingers, and his murderous eyes slowly fell on Huo Youzhi: "What little San, keep your mouth clean."

Huo You tightened his grip, and his voice quieted down, "Isn't it? There was a lot of trouble back then, don't tell me you don't know, I sent you the link."

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence." Gu Xiao rarely turned cold.

Huo Youzhi was still a little scared of him, but he still pricked his neck and defended: "There is a recording..."

"It's okay to fool netizens who don't know the inside story with things like recordings. Haven't you and I seen so many dirty tricks? What can a vague recording explain?"

Gu Xiao flicked his mobile phone in front of Huo Youzhi, "I suggest you call the number above if you have time."

After speaking, he got up and took the cup and went out.

Huo Youzhi was at a loss: "What phone number?"

He picked up the mobile phone on the table, turned on the screen, glanced at it, and read out in a low voice: "Stuttering, stuttering, and language barrier correction center, professional treatment for 20 years, rich experience, first-class equipment, give you a confident and fluent life, hotline: XXXXXXXXXX..."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

"Gu Xiao, I'm fucking you!"

(End of this chapter)

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