Chapter 277
Lan Xue wakes up by the alarm clock every morning, but today is an exception. Today is her birthday, and she started looking forward to it last night, wondering what her sister would give her, so she woke up early in the morning.

Rubbing her eyes and seeing an exquisite gift box on the bedside table, she immediately laughed, "I knew my sister would never forget my birthday."

She sat upright, and carefully carried the gift box into her arms, cherishing it almost piously. If Lan Shuang only gave her a hairpin, she would probably be very happy.

Unwrapping the bowknot and opening the colored paper, first a card fell out. Lan Xue picked it up and saw that there was a line of character on it.

"To Xiaoxue: Another year older, I wish Xiaoxue a happy 15th birthday, I hope Xiaoxue's 15th year is safe and happy, and I don't want to succeed in school, but I want to be healthy and worry-free."

Lan Xue's vision became blurred. To others, these few words were just ordinary blessings, and she could say them casually, but only she and her sister knew what ardent hope was behind these few words!
Both of their parents passed away due to illness, leaving their sisters to depend on each other. The sister said that she hoped that she would be safe and well, probably because of her parents' affairs so she had lingering fears.

"elder sister……"

She wiped her face with the back of her hand, fearing that her tears would spoil the greeting card, she hurriedly put the greeting card aside. She opened the lid of the box, only to find that there was a mobile phone and a pack of sanitary napkins inside.

There is also a booklet under the sanitary napkin, which tells in detail the precautions for girls during menstruation and the solutions to physical discomfort. There is a piece of paper sandwiched between the title pages, still in Lan Shuang's handwriting.

Lan Xue looked at the mobile phone first, it was blue with shimmering light, very beautiful and thin, it was the latest model, after turning it on, it was fully charged, the sensitivity of the touch screen was very good, and the commonly used software was downloaded, the mobile phone The card is also inserted, so it can be said that this is a ready-to-use finished product.

Lan Xue touched it fondly for a while, then carefully put it aside, picked up the paper inside and looked at it.

"Xiaoxue, you are one year older, and you should have a clear understanding of your own body and gender. Many times, some physiological reactions make you ashamed to talk about it. You are confused and at a loss, and you don't know who to ask for help. , These are very normal, and girls in adolescence will experience it, my sister understands it very well, and my sister also came here like this."

Lan Xue couldn't help coaxing her face when she saw this. Even though she was strong outside, she was only a younger sister when she returned home. She would still be embarrassed to be cared about like this, but she insisted on reading.

"For girls, the menstrual period is very important. Menstruation can be good or bad. Don't worry too much. Under normal circumstances, it is harmless to the body. At this time, pay attention to keeping warm and hygienic. How to choose the right hygienic Towel, it is clearly written in this booklet, if menstrual period is uncomfortable, you can tell the teacher, don’t be afraid, this is a very, very normal thing, it is a characteristic of women, it is not shameful or embarrassing, we should be calm Learn to get along with menstruation."

"My mother was ill before, and your first menstrual period passed in such a muddle. We didn't have much time to care about you. It was my sister's negligence. In the future, you have to remember your menstrual date, and the length of time is regular. If If there is an irregular situation, you must tell your sister as soon as possible, no matter what, the body is the most important."

"May you at the age of 15 grow up naturally and accept your gradually mature self—my sister stays."

"Sister..." Lan Xue sobbed softly, covering her mouth, trying to hold back her tears, she let go, spread the paper and carefully put it back into the booklet.

"Boom boom boom——"

Lan Xue raised her head immediately when she heard the knock on the door, and heard Lan Shuang asking outside: "Is Xiaoxue awake?"

"Sister!" Lan Xue agreed, covered the box and put it back on the bedside table, and went out with her mobile phone.

Lan Shuang brought the breakfast to the table, and Lan Xue ran to the kitchen door and opened the door to look at her: "Sister, is this phone too expensive? You just found a job, and money is tight, right? I don't need such an expensive phone , should we go back?"

Lan Shuang came out with two cups of hot milk, dumbfounded, put them on the table and rubbed her hair: "Don't worry, I still have this little money, and my sister has found a new job opportunity. I joined the filming group, I don’t worry about you being at home alone, it’s more convenient to have a mobile phone, your previous mobile phone is too old, I wanted to change it for you a long time ago.”

Lan Xue was relieved when she heard her say that, "I will make good use of it."


Lan Shuang pulled Lan Xue to sit down at the table, "Eat, and go to school after eating."

Lan Xue suddenly hugged Lan Shuang's waist and rubbed against her stomach, "Sister, you are so kind, I will work and earn money in the future, so you don't have to be so tired. If I grow up faster, I can Protect you."

These words were really heartwarming, Lan Shuang felt it in her heart, and carefully patted her head, "Okay, sister is waiting for that day."


After the two sisters had breakfast, Lan Shuang personally sent Lan Xue away, and then went home to continue reading the script.

When Lan Xue was about to come back from school, she started to make a birthday cake for Lan Xue. Although she hadn't made it for a long time, the craftsmanship was still there.

When Lan Shuang was drinking water, an electronic sound flashed in her mind: "Congratulations to the host, the female partner's resentment value has been reduced by ten, and the remaining ninety, keep up the good work."

It seems that the original owner really couldn't let go of this younger sister, and she lost ten points of resentment for celebrating her birthday.

Lan Shuang looked at Lan Xue with emotion, and the next moment the phone rang.


She looked down and saw that it was a message from the assistant director of "Jie Chun", [Is there any problem joining the group the day after tomorrow?Didn't hit the time? 】


Lan Shuang's eyes lit up immediately, she had to grasp the opportunity given by God.

Gu Ting, your retribution is coming~
Lan Shuang's eyes were filled with flames of war, and she immediately replied: [No problem, I will be there on time the day after tomorrow]

The assistant director sent over the time and place, and Lan Shuang took a look at the notes and went back to her room to pack her luggage.

Although it didn't take long for her to go, it still took some effort, and it was necessary to bring a few clothes.

After tidying up, she sent Gu Xiao a WeChat message, 【I will join the group the day after tomorrow】

Gu Xiao replied in seconds: [OK]

Haha: [When will you invite us to dinner? 】

Tiantian: [returns from the crew]

Haha: [ok]

Gu Xiao turned around and called Huo Youzhi: "Lan Shuang will treat us to dinner in a few days, you just keep your mouth shut, you know?"

Huo Youzhi: "Oh, you guys are progressing so fast?"

Gu Xiao: "If you have time, please hire a sewer master."

Huo Youzhi: "What? Why?"

Gu Xiao: "Because your mind is full of water."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

Gu Xiao——you are an out-and-out beast! ! !

- off topic -

I still have a fever again and again today, so I can only update one chapter temporarily, and I guess it will be the same in the next few days, and there will be more updates when I get better, okay, forget it, forget it, save the infection
(End of this chapter)

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