Gu Xiao was sitting next to her, and he could see the photo on the screen clearly when he poked his head a little. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the man, "Tsk, Bai Moran doesn't have any brothers. Who is this? A lover?"

Lan Shuang slid her finger on the screen, there were too many photos, and she couldn't scroll through them for a while.

The white smiles on each of them are bright, and with that man, whether eating together, or going out for an outing, watching the sunrise, watching the sunset, or watching a movie, it is clearly a state of being passionately in love!
And the last one is Bai Moran and the man kissing. The two are standing by the sea. The background is a sea of ​​flying seagulls. The composition is even a bit beautiful.

Lan Shuang: "Wow~"

Looking at the date of the photos, she found another bright spot. These photos were all taken after she and Gu Ting got married.

In other words, Bai Moran had an affair in her marriage!
This news is really exciting.

Lan Shuang exited the photo, and saw the message Xiao Fang sent her.

Xiao Fang: 【This man is Bai Moran's first love boyfriend. He disappeared for a while after Bai Moran married Gu Ting. Later, when he returned to China, he still had an unforgettable old relationship with Bai Moran. We ran into each other on the street, the old relationship rekindled, and we just rolled together. 】

Xiao Fang: [Gu Ting doesn't know about these things yet, the two of them are very secretive, and Gu Ting doesn't like Bai Moran, so he seldom cares about what she does and who she goes to see, Bai Moran is a transparent person in the Gu family. 】

Xiao Fang: [Until Gu Han broke the news about you and Gu Ting to her, she couldn't accept her husband's cheating in marriage, so she pointed the finger at you and got a lot of sympathy points in front of Gu Ting and Gu's family, but Later, Gu Ting noticed her small movements and snubbed her again. 】

Xiao Fang: 【Later, Bai Moran didn't know if his head was squeezed by the door, and he suddenly broke contact with his first love, and never saw each other again. 】

Lan Shuang laughed lightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't have any contacts, these are enough."

She saved all those photos, staring at the phone screen, her thoughts began to diverge.

"What are you going to do?"

Gu Xiao looked at her curiously, "Having these evidences is enough to drive her into the bottom of the valley."

Lan Shuang sent a message back to Xiao Fang: [Has Gu Ting captured anything? 】

Xiao Fang: [QAQ Gu Ting is very careful, I can hardly find any photos, but I have collected some information, and know that he often dates several girls at the same time. 】

"Still a habitual cheater?" Lan Shuang was surprised: "Is the octopus reincarnated?"

Gu Xiao frowned in disgust, "Can't control the trash on my lower body, and still want to compete with me for the Gu family? It's really a dream."

Lan Shuang nodded approvingly: "If that's the case, then I'll split up and operate on Bai Moran first."

Gu Xiao raised his eyebrows, Lan Shuang leaned into his ear and explained his plan.


After a period of time, Lan Shuang obediently recuperated in the hospital. Gu Xiao took all the work to the hospital to deal with, watching her closely.

During the period, many paparazzi came to the hospital to film some gossip news, but they were all settled by Gu Xiao, so the Internet was relatively calm.

Gu Ting also relaxed his vigilance and concentrated on dealing with Gu Xiao's stumbling block.

But what he didn't expect was that the fire started from the backyard.

For Bai Moran's birthday on June [-]th, he originally wanted to invite some familiar friends to hold a party at home, but he received a photo from an unfamiliar number early in the morning.

"Happy birthday, Bai Moran, this is my birthday present to you, I hope you like it."

With this tone, Bai Moran knew it was Gu Han at a glance. She didn't want to talk to him, but she was very curious, so she clicked on it.

However, at this point, the contents inside caused her to explode on the spot.

"Lan Shuang?! She got mixed up with Gu Ting again?"

In shock, Bai Moran bounced off the bed. She looked at one by one, the pitiful beauties and the well-dressed men, no matter how they looked, they all matched each other well. One of them had a particularly good angle. It was Lan Shuang leaning on Gu Ting's shoulder, and Gu Ting stretched out his arms to hug her, intimate and gentle.

This is the treatment that Bai Moran hasn't enjoyed in the past few years since her marriage!

The anger surged up without bounds, burning Bai Moran's heart, liver, spleen and lungs ached, she wanted to pull Lan Shuang out now, give her two slaps, and ask her why she is so cheap!

Gritting her teeth and panting heavily, she wanted to send a message to Gu Han, but remembering that Gu Han had blocked herself a long time ago, she slammed down her phone, "Bitch, they're all sluts! I can't see other people's good things!"

The butler was about to knock on the door, when he heard her going crazy in the room, his face was slightly cold, "Young Madam, the Eldest Young Master is coming back soon, please pay attention to your words and demeanor."

Bai Moran's crazy voice stopped abruptly.

The butler smiled and left.

"Yes, Gu Ting is back today, I can't mess up this opportunity, I finally met him, and I can't push him away."

Bai Moran forced himself to calm down, kept gnawing on his nails, and muttered nervously, "By the way, I can find the marketing account last time and release this news. I can pull Lan Shuang down once, and I can Pull it down for the second time, this time I'll see how she turns over!"

As she spoke, she picked up the mobile phone on the carpet, clicked on WeChat and wanted to send what she just said, but a call came in just right.

Bai Moran pressed the answer button in a panic, "Hello? Who are you?"

Lan Shuang was sitting in the coffee shop, stirring the coffee in front of her, and said with a chuckle, "Lan Shuang."

Bai Moran suddenly gasped for breath, "You still dare to call me?"

"Why don't I dare?"

Lan Shuang's blunt question in turn provoked Bai Moran, and she cursed: "You are shameless! Are you provoking me? Is it so happy to be a third party? I will find someone to expose you in a short while, and I will let you live for the rest of your life." I can't even lift my head!"

"It's up to you, but before that, did you get back the leg you split?"

Bai Moran was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"That is to say, where is your first boyfriend? How far have you progressed with him behind Gu Ting's back?"

Lan Shuang picked up the coffee and took a sip, the slightly bitter sweetness spread between her lips and teeth, she reported the address firmly, "I hope to see you here in an hour, goodbye."

She hung up the phone resolutely, and Bai Moran heard the sound of "beep", as if falling into an ice cave, her whole body trembling and slipping to the ground like a leaf.

" did she know?"

Is she going to tell Gu Ting?Will she put the news on the Internet like she did back then?
Then it's over for me!

Bai Mo stood up abruptly, and rushed out of the bedroom scrambling.


An hour later, Bai Moran sat across from Lan Shuang, looking at that delicately made-up face, Bai Moran almost picked up the coffee on the table and poured it over.

"Long time no see, Mrs. Bai, you don't look very good." Lan Shuang looked at Bai Moran with a smile, seeing her disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, she couldn't help shaking her head.

"What?" Bai Moran asked back through gritted teeth.

Lan Shuang folded her hands on her lap, and said gracefully: "Seeing that you are so bad, I am happy."

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