Chapter 297
Lan Shuang didn't say a word, she opened WeChat and sent a message to Gu Xiao: [Are you asleep? 】

Gu Xiao replied almost in seconds, 【Didn't sleep, waiting for you】

Lan Shuang suddenly felt her heart was hit, who doesn't like to be answered in seconds?

Tiantian: [I'm fine, you must have worked hard today, right? 】

Haha: [Fortunately, although I'm a little tired, but the goal has been achieved, so it's not too tired. You're almost finished, right? 】

Tiantian: [Well, it will be finished in another week]

Haha: [See you at the finale, take a good rest]

After saying this sentence, there was no movement. Lan Shuang thought he must be busy, so he said good night and didn't say anything more.

Lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, he said to 888: "It's hard for Gu Ting and Bai Moran to stand up. Next, I have to focus on my career. The original owner wants to win the Best Actress, so I have to work hard."

"Okay, host, come on, I believe you can do it!"


The next day, Lan Shuang continued to shoot, and she didn't open Weibo again during the period. No matter what was happening on the Internet, she didn't care.

During the break, Xiao Xu said to her, "Sister Shuang, the company has sent a few lawyer's letters, and I won't say more. The most exciting."

"Where's Qin Shou? He didn't contact you?" Lan Shuang didn't believe that he would give up so easily.

Xiao Xu nodded, and said disdainfully: "I'm on the verge of blowing up the phone. I've been talking over and over just to persuade you not to waste your heat. What I said inside and outside the meaning is to tell you not to be arrogant. I couldn't help it, and He said a few words and stopped fighting today."

Xiao Xu was a little guilty as he spoke, carefully looking at Lan Shuang's face, but Lan Shuang was not only not angry, but also patted her on the shoulder and said: "It's good, we don't agree with each other, sooner or later we have to fight with him." Draw a clear line, you have also seen what kind of person he is, I may leave the company in the future, are you with him or with me?"

"Of course I'm with you!" Xiao Xu said without hesitation: "I don't want to be with him. Although I really hope that the artist I'm with can become famous, but if it depends on those little tricks, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave." Far, I don't care too much, I like Sister Shuang's character!"

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded: "Okay, then you should do your best and follow me, I won't let you suffer."

Just as she was talking, a staff member wearing a hat in the distance suddenly waved to her: "Teacher Lan, there is your express delivery!"

"Express delivery?" Lan Shuang looked at Xiao Xu suspiciously: "Did you buy anything?"

Xiao Xu waved his hand and said blankly, "No."

"I didn't buy it either. Where did you get the courier?" Lan Shuang walked over, and the staff pointed to the direction of the back door and said, "It's cash on delivery. If you want to go there yourself, I'll call you."

"It's okay, I'll go and have a look." Lan Shuang was about to go there, Xiao Xu grabbed her and said vigilantly: "Sister Shuang, don't worry, what if it's an illegitimate meal? Or Gu Ting's crazy fans... I'll go with you."

Xiao Xu's worry was not unreasonable, and Lan Shuang agreed.

The two walked to the back door together, and saw a man standing with his back to them. From the back, he was tall and tall. He was wearing gray casual clothes and a white baseball cap on his head. He looked very much like a male college student.

Xiao Xu didn't recognize her yet, but Lan Shuang saw the clue at a glance. In so many worlds, if she still couldn't recognize her husband's back, Lan Shuang felt that she could go back and rebuild.

She smiled, and walked quickly towards the man. Xiao Xu was terrified, and quickly grabbed her hand, "Sister Shuang——"

"You wait for me here, don't worry, it's an acquaintance."

"Ah?" Xiao Xu let go of his hand in doubt, and watched Lan Shuang walk over, and then saw the man turning around slowly, holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand.

Xiao Xu: "..."

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, but... it seemed that he was really an acquaintance.

She looked around, and suddenly felt that she was a little bright, and quickly found a hidden corner to hide.

"Why are you here?" Lan Shuang walked behind the man and patted his shoulder lightly.

The man turned around and raised his chin slightly, revealing his deep and three-dimensional face.

"Sweet, congratulations."

He passed his hands forward, and a large bouquet of bright red roses was fragrant.

Lan Shuang took it with a smile, and asked knowingly, "Congratulations to me?"

Gu Xiao didn't answer, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the car, "I asked someone to check your timetable for today, and you have a few hours of rest time, and I requisitioned it."

"Stop watching the domineering CEO fall in love with me, Mr. Gu." Lan Shuang followed him into the spacious back seat of the car holding a rose.

With a "click", the car door was locked, all the windows were raised, and the inside of the car was darkened immediately. The windows were all covered with privacy film. Lan Shuang didn't worry about being photographed by the paparazzi. After she put down the rose, she turned her head. Leaning on Gu Xiao's shoulder.

"Mr. Gu, I miss you a little bit."

Her blunt and smiling words fell into Gu Xiao's ears like the sound of heaven.

"Just a little?" He pressed Lan Shuang's shoulder and turned him around.

Lan Shuang approached with a smile, and pecked his lips, "That's all."

"Not enough." Gu Xiao pinched her chin, pushed her between the car door and the back seat, and asked for as much as she wanted.

In the enclosed space, the temperature rose sharply. On the verge of losing control, Lan Shuang raised her hand to touch Gu Xiao's shoulder.

He wiped the corner of Xia Lanshuang's lips with his thumb, and said in a low voice, "I have prepared something for you."

"What is it?"

Lan Shuang looked around curiously.

Gu Xiao leaned over and picked up a box from the seat in front.

He then pressed a button, and a small table rose in the middle. He put the box on the table, pulled off the ribbon, and lifted the lid, revealing the beautiful cherry cake inside.

There are a few words written on it-get rid of the sea of ​​suffering and regain a new life.

These eight characters are written in a crooked manner, not quite like those written by a baker. Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu Xiao: "You wrote it?"

Gu Xiao squeezed his earlobe uncomfortably, "Well, isn't it a bit ugly? I thought it would be easy, isn't it just to write on the cake? But I wrote one to use up the other, and finally picked out one that was okay. watch."

He plugged in the candles, took out the lighter, and lit them one by one.

The jumping flames reflected in his eyes, like the surface of the sea under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Lan Shuang's eyes softened, "It's not ugly, it's pretty good."

Gu Xiao expressed doubts about this. After lighting the last candle, he looked up at Lan Shuang and straightened his face, "Congratulations to Lan Shuang for getting rid of the scumbag, getting rid of the black pot, getting rid of the sea of ​​suffering, and getting a new life. I wish you a bright future! Be honest, have a successful career, be safe and happy.”

After speaking, he put the paper-made crown on Lan Shuang and said with a low laugh, "Make a wish."

Lan Shuang suppressed the hot love in her heart, clasped her hands together, and closed her eyes.

May my beloved be happy forever and ever.

May myself never forget.

(End of this chapter)

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