Chapter 328 Don't Lick Me 22
Judging by Lan Shuang's reaction, she was acting too sentimental before, and she might really have formed a pact with herself for her own life.

Ning Yufeng leaned on the sofa, his long legs were propped up casually, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, his ears trembled, he raised his hand to caress, his eyes dimmed.

It doesn't matter now, it doesn't mean it doesn't matter in the future, he has a lot of patience, he has lived for thousands of years, it is rare to see someone he likes, how could he let someone go?

Anyway, that so-called Ling has already been driven away, and she is only with herself, and she has been in love for a long time, and he doesn't believe that he can't take it down.

After thinking up the plan, he looked down at the red floral apron on himself, and walked into the kitchen with a distorted expression, chasing people, starting with the face-to-face.


Lan Shuang rolled around on the bed a few times, couldn't stand it anymore, got up and began to lick her fur, looked at her tail, it was not pleasing to the eye no matter how you looked at it, after licking for a while, she hugged her tail and bit the tip of it. Also woo woo woo don't know what to call.


Sure enough, becoming a cat will affect IQ?

Lan Shuang pinched her own tail for a while, and finally got tired, lying on the bed and asked feebly, "Little Baba, where is Ning Yufeng?"

888: "Kneading noodles in the kitchen."

Lan Shuang: "...he has a beginning and an end."

She calmed down, changed back into a human form, sat on the edge of the bed in a daze after getting dressed, and thought about the next plan.

Revenge on the Ling family is not in a hurry, she hasn't recovered yet, although Ning Yufeng didn't say anything, but she can tell that Ning Yufeng's current physical condition is not very good, he has been suppressed in the formation for 1000 years, demon power or something It must be greatly weakened, and he himself is not sure that he will be able to beat it, so he stands still.

With his temper, if he is sure, the Ling family must have been turned upside down by now.

So they still have to live a decent life, so making money should be on the agenda, what is Ning Yufeng suitable for?

Lan Shuang rested her chin in thought, when 888 heard her voice, she suddenly said, "He is suitable to be the boss."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Hehe, it really is."

The domineering president suits him very well, but...he has no money.


Ning Yufeng, the overlord who has no money, paused the noodle teaching video for the nth time, and read the text below explaining how much water to add. He pondered for a moment, poured out the previous pot of water, and scooped up some flour again. , This time he finally learned his lesson, while adding water while stirring, he stopped when he felt that it was almost done.

After kneading for a while, the noodles became more and more formed, and Ning Yufeng's frown finally relaxed, "It's not too difficult."

He picked up the dough and planned to show it to Lan Shuang, but when he turned around, the man was standing by the door, and he didn't know how long he had been looking at it.

He was so focused before that he didn't notice her coming.

Ning Yufeng froze for a moment, then handed the dough to her as if asking for credit, "Look, it's done this time."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly: "Understood, it's really good, you are very talented in cooking."

Excited by the praise, the tail behind Ning Yufeng also swayed, and Lan Shuang squeezed it curiously: "Why don't you take it back?"

Ning Yufeng snorted, then tensed up, and gave her a warning look: "Don't pinch!"

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand successfully, turned around and put on her apron, took out her mobile phone and stand to find a good angle, and prepared to broadcast live.

"I don't have to avoid it?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him and said, "I thought it was inconvenient before. Ling Feng didn't finish dealing with it. It was always a hidden danger. Now...everything is on the right track. I have to live broadcast for so long a month. I can't keep it a secret. It will show the horse's feet, and it is better to admit it first than to be picked out by others."

When Ning Yufeng heard the words, his tail stood up and he shook his back cheerfully, "Then what will you say about my relationship with you later? Am I without status?"

Lan Shuang fastened her apron, put her hands on the cooking table, and chuckled lightly: "Of course I said it was my boyfriend."

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows, "What about the inside?"

"It depends on your performance internally, and you can do whatever you want."

Lan Shuang picked up the washed vegetables and put them on a plate, then asked Ning Yufeng: "Let's not talk about that, can you make dumplings?"

Before Ning Yufeng could answer the question, she shook her head: "Forget it, you definitely won't, I'll teach you later, in front of so many audiences, don't lose your temper casually."


Ning Yufeng responded lazily, put down the dough, and helped Lan Shuang.

After setting things up, Lan Shuang opened the live broadcast room, and fans rushed in immediately, "Good afternoon, have you eaten yet?"

[No, no, I'm just waiting to watch your live broadcast for dinner, what are you eating today? 】

[Wow, the dough, and cabbage, do you want to make dumplings? 】

[Hiss, is there someone next to you?Am I wrong about that skirt? 】

Lan Shuang stood in front of the phone and looked at it for a while, "Yeah, making dumplings today, we're done moving, and we officially start a new life today, I don't know what to eat, so I plan to eat dumplings."

Ning Yufeng brought the pork over and asked, "How do I get this?"

Lan Shuang glanced back, "Chop up, the more finely the better, I'll make stuffing later."

"it is good."

Ning Yufeng glanced at the direction of the phone. Because of his height, the phone could just capture Lan Shuang in its entirety, but it could only capture Ning Yufeng's chin. But even so, it still caused quite a stir in the live broadcast room .

[Ahhhhh——it's a man's voice!So deep, so good, so good to hear! 】

【what?My wife has a wild man outside behind my back? 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[Who is who is who?She looks so tall and has a good figure. Is she a model? 】

【That... Is it just me who noticed that this elder brother is wearing a floral apron?Hahahahaha, what's the matter with being inexplicably cute? 】

The barrage was flying fast, and Lan Shuang's eyes became sore after looking at it for a while. She blinked and said, "It's my boyfriend, yes, you heard me right, it's my boyfriend. We just established a relationship and now we live together. He It's called Ning Yufeng."

[Which three words?Wait - Ning?Ning Ning?I seem to suddenly understand something!The cold dog food patted my face indiscriminately]

This line happened to be seen by Lan Shuang, she glanced at Ning Yufeng's focused side face, and said softly: "That's how Ning Ning's name really came from, he raised the dog, why isn't it here today?"

Lan Shuang said without changing her face, "Ningning was sent to her hometown to be raised. It's not convenient here."

[Is this the official announcement?The official announced her boyfriend as soon as she moved, wouldn't the house belong to the man?Tsk, could it be that she was adopted? 】

When there are too many people, there are all kinds of people, and the black fans start to jump up and down.

He followed the rhythm, and many people on the bullet screen followed suit, and for a while there were dense crowds of cursing and fighting.

Lan Shuang's face turned serious, "Founding rumors is subject to legal responsibility. I hope you understand this before typing. The Internet is not a place outside the law. Everyone has to pay for their words and deeds."

While talking, she snapped the screen quickly, "I took screenshots of those who scolded the dirtiest just now to save the evidence, and I will contact the platform later. This platform requires real names. You can wait for the lawyer's letter."

(End of this chapter)

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