Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 350 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 11

Everyone in the hall sat anxiously, whispering to each other from time to time, discussing in low voices, while Jin Yiwei was standing in the hall, staring at them with a knife in his hand, not moving or speaking, making people uncomfortable watching.

Someone tried to get up, Jin Yiwei immediately said sharply: "Sit down, you are not allowed to leave the seat without Jiu Qiansui's order."

The man whispered: "I... can I go and relieve my hand?"



"Old Nine, Old Nine, forget it, sit down."

The eighth prince next to him stretched out his hand to pull him down, and whispered in his ear: "Jin Yiwei is the dog raised by the father, he only recognizes the father and Lan Shuang, it's useless for you to talk to them, why lower yourself?"

"But starling, I'm really in a hurry!"

The Ninth Prince held his stomach and frowned.

The Eighth Prince's lips parted slightly, "How about—"

Where have the princes and princesses been pampered like this before?They all gasped in fright and stepped back, you squeezed me, I squeezed you, and huddled together.


"Do you think we are criminals?" The Ninth Prince slapped the table and stood up, "I won't let go even if I want to. I'll lose my composure in front of my father. Will you wash my pants?"

The rest of the princes looked at each other, and got up one after another to go to the side hall to see the old emperor. The concubines also wanted to go, but Lan Shuang stopped them, and the rest were still not allowed to move.

A voice from the door drowned out his words.

A bowl of medicine, I just drank half of it for my chin.

Lan Shuang cupped her hands and said, "This person is Liu Ming from the imperial dining room. He is in charge of managing the drinks. He put the poison in the wine. He confessed to it."

Lan Shuang walked past them without looking sideways.

The Eighth Prince and the Ninth Prince turned their heads and looked over together, and saw Lan Shuang walking in with a cold face, looked around for a week, and said to Jin Yiwei: "Go and take away your majesty's jug and wine glass, and check all the food, responsible for your majesty Those who serve dishes, those who serve dishes, and those in the imperial dining room are all arrested and interrogated one by one!"


I just don't know how many people really care about him and treat him like a father.

Everyone dared to be angry and dare not speak up, they could only endure it.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Finally someone couldn't bear the confession.

The third prince frowned and looked at Lan Shuang: "Is this the father's order, or your order?"

The side hall is not particularly spacious, but now that there are a group of people standing, it becomes more and more crowded, and there are crowds of heads everywhere.

Every time Jin Yiwei asked her for instructions after drawing out someone, Lan Shuang would ask, "Are you recruiting?"

If ignoring the mistake of being fed to the chin every time, this scene looks quite filial.

Jin Yiwei moved in response to the sound, methodically.

"Your Majesty, people have been recruited."

Repeated this several times, an hour passed.

However, the princes and princesses all looked over. Behind her were several murderous Jin Yiwei, who were carrying something that could no longer be seen as a human being.

The Ninth Prince glared at her viciously, and when he went out, Jin Yiwei immediately followed.

Lan Shuang led the people back to the side hall.

Lan Shuang was not good at interrogation, so she handed it over to her subordinates, and she was in charge of sitting on a chair to control the scene.

After drinking, Jiang Mu didn't act like a demon anymore, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then turned to Lan Shuang and asked, "Did you recruit? What did you recruit?"

Looking at the aggrieved eyes of the little padded jacket, what else could he say?

The old emperor wanted to interrupt Jiang Mu several times, but Jiang Mu always apologized before him, "Father, I'm sorry, my son has never served anyone. It's the first time, it's really a child, father, please bear it? Let the son Do your best to be filial."

She took a look at the Ninth Prince, and her gaze swept across his lower body lightly, "Go."


"grown ups!"

The noble concubine and the second prince on the side also perked up, staring at the people on the ground with burning eyes.

In this way, not only will she not show timidity, but it will also make people feel that she is a ruthless character with no emotions.

The old emperor hadn't been in the harem for a few years, but he couldn't help being lustful when he was young, and he didn't do anything else, so he had a lot of children, a lot of sons and daughters.

If the person on the other side is still stubborn and refuses to speak, Lan Shuang will lightly say: "Continue."

Seeing this, everyone present became more and more uneasy.

"Naturally, it's His Majesty's order." Lan Shuang cupped her hands to the third prince neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty is no longer in danger of life. If you princes want to see him, you can go there now, but you still need Jin Yiwei to accompany you."

"What's going on? Where's the father?"

When Lan Shuang walked into the inner room, Jiang Mu was still sitting by the bed, holding a bowl to feed the old emperor medicine.

The old emperor: "..."

Hearing this, the old emperor picked up the empty bowl next to him and threw it at Liu Ming: "What a bastard! How many heads do you have for regicide and treason?"

After all he was poisoned and had no strength, the bowl fell halfway and shattered on the ground in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming shivered for a while, and suddenly fell to the ground and burst into tears, "Your Majesty, this slave is also forced to do nothing. The slave's wife just gave birth to a child for this slave. Others use it to blackmail the slave. If the slave doesn't do it, they will strangle him to death." The slave's child, and they said that the poison can't kill people, it's just a bit of a toss, slave... the slave is obsessed with ghosts, Your Majesty!"

"What? Who took your children? Who are they?"

The old emperor was so excited that he was about to throw himself on the ground, Jiang Mu hurriedly stretched out his hand to give him a hand.

Liu Ming's eyes wandered among the crowd, and when he saw the third prince, he shrank his neck and dodged his eyes.

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