Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 356 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 17

Chapter 356 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 17
The old emperor's decree just helped Lan Shuang. She had been monitoring the movements of the princes, but she was hiding in the dark before, and she would admit that she was unlucky when she was discovered.

Now with the old emperor's oral order, she can monitor it openly.

After what happened tonight, instead of being frightened, the princes became more and more ready to move.

One is that the second prince who was most likely to take that position has fallen, and it is still unknown who will end up with it.

The second is that the old emperor himself has a short-lived appearance. After a lot of trouble, he probably won't live long, so why don't you hurry up?
So on the surface everything was calm, but behind the scenes the princes were all busy trying to win over the courtiers.

Even Lan Shuang and Jiang Mu received a lot of invitations to invite them to a gathering.

Lan Shuang rejected them all, she already had a candidate in her heart, so it was impossible to mess with them, but she did not tell the old emperor what the princes were doing.

There will always be chaos in the end, and it is useless to tell the old emperor, it is better to let him enjoy the peace of the last few days.


After a long period of time, the old emperor's body was very weak, he was afraid of the wind and cold, and often caught cold and fever.

The glossy green-haired parrot was kept chubby. Standing in the cage and looking at Jiang Mu with tilted head, he opened his mouth and shouted: "You little beast, you value sex over friends, you little beast!"

"You're right, let Mu'er go, make her the Princess An, and preside over the sacrificial affairs."

"Yes." Lan Shuang responded, and when she turned to leave, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

As soon as the news spread that the Eldest Princess performed sacrifices on behalf of the emperor, the whole capital was erupted.

Lan Shuang casually mentioned at the side: "The princes are not suitable, and I didn't say that the princess is not good. Why don't your majesty let the eldest princess try? She is a golden branch and a jade leaf, and she is the eldest princess. Her status is enough."

He frowned, showing a bit of resistance.

This is what you said yourself, Your Majesty, don't regret it when the time comes.


Jiang Mu, on the other hand, was neither happy nor unhappy, standing on the porch with a calm expression, playing with the birds.

These words immediately poked the old emperor's lungs.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive." Lan Shuang said: "If the prince is allowed to go, it is not good. According to the rules set by the ancestors, only His Majesty and the prince can preside over the sacrifice, and other princes and princes can only watch it below. Now, if the prince is casually allowed to preside over it, wouldn't it mean that he is the next prince by default?"

The old emperor was taken aback, leaned against the bedside and took a sip of the medicine, then said slowly: "But she is a woman, and the princess has never been allowed to appear in the sacrifices."

There was no one who was a suitable candidate.

As soon as the spring came to pray for blessings and rain, the old emperor still couldn't get up, which worried all civil and military officials.

When the old emperor heard about it, he also felt worried, "Sacrifice is a big day, if there is no one with a high enough status to preside over it, how can we appease the hearts of the people?"

After the poisoning incident, his trust in these princes can be said to have plummeted.

This is the first time since the founding of the country, the princess presided over the sacrifice.The princes fought fiercely for this quota, but when they turned around, no one was left behind, and they were all depressed.

The sacrifice must be presided over by the emperor or the prince, but it is a pity that the emperor fell, the prince was given to death early, the second prince was placed under house arrest, and the rest were not qualified.

Jiang Mu paused, and directly poked the parrot off the shelf, fell to the bottom of the cage, and lay sprawled.

Parrot: "Smelly rascal!"

Xu Yunzhou who walked to the corner paused, the smile on his face suddenly turned into panic, he turned around and wanted to run.

It's a pity that it was too late, Jiang Mu noticed him the moment he appeared, and immediately shouted: "Get over here."

(End of this chapter)

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