Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 362 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 23

Chapter 362 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 23
A series of movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, clean and neat, and the move was a killer move. Before everyone could react, the two corpses had already fallen to the ground.

Lan Shuang pulled out the dagger, the guard's blood splashed all over her body, and a drop fell on the end of her eyes impartially, looking strangely gorgeous.

"You——" the second prince gasped, before he could speak, Lan Shuang raised her head slowly and smiled, "Why did someone else come to save me instead of myself?"

"Don't you think that I am firmly seated at nine thousand years because of my face?"

The second prince and the noble concubine choked and looked at each other. They really only regarded her as the emperor's dog and didn't take it to heart at all. How could they have thought that she had such superb martial arts?
There was hope in the eyes of the old emperor, and he shouted in a broken voice: "Quickly, take down this group of rebellious officials and thieves!"

Now he believes that Lan Shuang has a back move, and he is not at all cowardly.

The noble concubine came back to her senses first, and sternly shouted: "What are you waiting for? Let me kill her! Don't die, I and the Second Highness came down for Qingjun's side. Whoever takes Lan Shuang's head will be rewarded with a reward of [-] taels. Hou Jinjue!"


One sentence aroused the ambition and desire of the guards present, looking at Lan Shuang as if they were looking at the moving ten thousand taels of gold.

Lan Shuang laughed angrily, "If you want my head, you have to die to get it—"

The imperial concubine urged impatiently: "What are you waiting for? Kill!"

Why is he here?

"I see who dares?!"

Where did the second prince and the noble concubine see such a scene?Looking back for a while, the imperial concubine's face turned pale.

She turned her head to dodge the long knife, grabbed the guard's hand with her backhand, and threw the man back and overwhelmed them. Before the people behind could react, she threw the dagger like a dart, stabbed another one to death, and took the knife , Fighting with this group of guards.

The old emperor shook his head: "You...you came just in time."

The others were all like seeing a ghost, their necks were almost broken, and they also wanted to look in the direction of the palace gate.

Even though that is the case, ordinary people still instinctively fear when facing the emperor, and they can't get over that hurdle for a while to attack the emperor.

"Who said there are all their people outside?"

The second prince wanted to chase after him, Lan Shuang lifted the table to block them, grabbed the hand of the old emperor and led him to run outside.

The fifth prince held the old emperor's hand, looked at Lan Shuang, looked at her and saw blood on her body, and his face was slightly cold: "Are you injured?"

The two retreated to the corner, and the old emperor was beside them. When the second prince reached out to grab it, a teacup suddenly fell over. The second prince instinctively withdrew his hand, and the old emperor immediately ran away.

"What's going on?" The second prince looked up at those people, his eyes widened: "So Jin Yiwei is here?"

Hearing that the second prince stopped talking, his eyes gradually became firmer.

She stretched out her hand and pointed at the old emperor. The old emperor's face was ashen, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

The fifth prince looked suspiciously again, and then he was relieved.

Everyone looked at each other blankly, what's going on?
The next moment, a group of people suddenly climbed up to the top of the surrounding palace, lined up, each holding a bow and arrow in their hands, aiming at the people below.

The old emperor was terrified, his eyes darkened, "there are their people outside, I...cough cough cough——running out, isn't it just asking for death?"

No wonder they didn't see it before entering the palace, they thought they were all going to sacrifice to the roof, but they didn't expect to be waiting here.

Lan Shuang stood in the crowd, showing no signs of fear, and blew a long and sharp whistle with her fingers on her lips.

888 spread his hands: "Hey, the male protagonist has a halo effect. He received the news one step later than the eldest princess, but entered the palace first."

Lan Shuang suddenly asked back, and the old emperor was taken aback: "What?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him, smiled and said, "Other people's blood."

The surrounding soldiers and guards rushed forward, surrounding Lan Shuang and the old emperor.

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, "Oh."

"Stop talking nonsense." The imperial concubine took a look at the fifth prince and said domineeringly: "You came here today for the throne, right? With just these two people, do you think you can save him?"


The Fifth Prince was about to speak, when suddenly there was an indistinguishable voice from behind.

"Catch—" the second prince was halfway through, when the imperial concubine suddenly interrupted: "There's no need to catch, just kill on the spot! No one will be left alive!"

He stepped forward to stand in front of Lan Shuang and the old emperor, staring at the second prince coldly and questioning: "Second brother, as a prince, he is not filial to his father, does not respect his father, and commits crimes against his superiors, conspiracy and rebellion, and he should be punished." ! You are confused."

"He can't, can't I, too?"


She protected the old emperor and retreated to a safe place, and the fifth prince immediately caught up and asked with concern: "Father, are you okay? My son came late to save me, and I hope my father will forgive me."

This sound came suddenly, Lan Shuang looked over in surprise, and saw the Fifth Prince striding forward with a group of government soldiers.

It used to be the male lead, but not now.

The people below were suddenly shocked.

Lan Shuang frowned when she heard the voice, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

The second prince's eyes trembled and he turned to look at her, but the imperial concubine ignored her, and only left him with a cold and stern side face, "If you want to ascend the throne and become an emperor, you can't be soft-hearted. There is an imperial decree just for the sake of logic, and it's okay if you don't." It doesn't mean you can't, with your mother and concubine here, your grandfather will definitely support you with all his strength, even if you don't want that paper of edict."

The second prince sneered, "Who am I? It turns out it's you. You really are a dog that can bite people and don't bark. You have been hiding in the dark with your tail between your legs for so many years. I thought you were not interested in the throne. I didn't expect it to be Hold on, I underestimated you."

With one command, they can all be sieved.

The second prince was dumbfounded, and it took him a while to find his voice: "Jiang Mu? Why are you here?"

Jiang Mu walked in with a smell of blood all over his body. The white brocade robe was stained with a lot of blood. It didn't look dirty, but it looked like blooming flowers, dejected and dangerous.

His long hair fluttered wantonly in the wind, brushing against that stern face, making people shudder.

In just a few steps, the blood falling from the tip of the knife meandered into a line on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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