Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 365 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 26

Chapter 365 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 26
"Nizi? Your Majesty is finally willing to admit the eldest princess's status as a prince?" Lan Shuang looked at him with a smile, "I have heard the words of gold, and everyone here has heard it. Your Majesty will not be able to go back on his word in the future."

The old emperor's face froze and he began to lose his temper.

"Leave him alive, some things haven't been clarified yet, let him be a ghost."

Jiang Mu squeezed Lan Shuang's palm and pulled her back to her side.

Lan Shuang nodded: "Okay."

The old emperor looked at the two people's eyebrows, and remembered that he had let Lan Shuang follow the eldest princess, and immediately wanted to slap himself.

Jiang Mu took a step forward, blocking the old emperor's sinister and resentful eyes, and looked at him lightly with downcast eyes. Just as he was about to speak, the fifth prince rushed in from the door, "I want to see Father, why do you stop me? Jiang Mu and he Not enthroned yet."

Hearing this sound, Xu Yunzhou frowned, and was about to argue with him, Jiang Mu chuckled and waved his hand: "Let him in."

After the fifth prince came in, he ignored Xu Yunzhou and looked at Lan Shuang and Jiang Mu who were standing by the couch.

Lan Shuang glanced at him and didn't take it seriously, the Fifth Prince pursed his lips tightly.

Jiang Mu was not angry either, and said casually, "Can't remember? It's normal. An unfavored court lady has been dead for more than ten years. Who still remembers who she is?"

Just as the fifth prince was about to move, a knife suddenly stretched out from his side, "Don't move." Lan Shuang said indifferently: "Swords have no eyes, His Highness should care about himself."

Jiang Mu's words were extremely arrogant, but his tone was very flat, as if he was talking about what to eat tonight, but the more he said this, the more frightened the old emperor felt.

"Later, my mother gave birth to me after a lot of hard work. Something happened to the queen that day, and she was not in the palace. She bribed the nanny early and brought a baby girl from outside to exchange with me. Someone will tell you that when you came, my mother said that she had a dream, that I was celibate and had to let me live in a Buddhist temple, do you remember?"

"Since you're here, let's listen together."

Jiang Mu chuckled lightly and said: "Her name is Lian Yun, she was the maid in charge of the former empress, because of her outstanding appearance, you got drunk and got drunk, grabbed her and took away her innocence. Here, the queen is superficially magnanimous, but secretly angry, making things difficult for her everywhere, causing my mother to dare not tell her that she is pregnant, hiding herself secretly, and not daring to ask the imperial doctor to see her. I can't help but tell you."

The emperor froze, and suddenly remembered this incident. At that time, he went to the empress's palace for dinner, and a court lady rushed out and said that she was pregnant with his child. I didn't think about the matter of her status until she saw that she had a big belly.

Jiang Mu didn't even look at him, he pulled a chair over for Lan Shuang to sit on, and sat directly beside the old emperor's couch.

But now talking to find existence is even more disadvantageous, so he shut up and stood aside, planning to see what else Jiang Mu wanted to do.

Jiang Mu looked at the old emperor with a half-smile.

The old emperor thought for a long time but couldn't remember what the woman looked like, so he was speechless.

These words stopped the old emperor immediately, he really didn't know.

At that time, he still felt a little guilty, so he directly gave her the title of nobleman, and wanted her to move out, but the queen said that Lian Yun was hers, and she would definitely take good care of Lian Yun.

"Then let me introduce you again. I met you next time. Don't admit your mistake."

Jiang Mu stood up, flicked his sleeves, and stood with his hands behind his back, "She told me not to show my flaws, live well, and when I have a chance to feign death in the future, I will never return to this place again."

The old emperor couldn't do what he wanted, and his throat tightened up and down when he spoke.

He felt that his son had become perverted.

Lan Shuang was also taken aback for a moment, and asked 888, "Who is his mother?"

The fifth prince hated his attitude, and in his eyes, he seemed like a dispensable speck of dust.

"You..." He glanced at the fifth prince from the corner of his eye, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, "Fifth, save me!"

Jiang Mu didn't wait for the old emperor to answer, and said to himself: "I must remember, I lived in the Buddhist temple until I was five years old. At that time, my mother was seriously ill, and I was taken back. At this time, the queen was arrested because of the witchcraft case. You have already been executed, and the crown prince followed, and because your mother came out of the queen's palace, you detested her, and living in the harem would be worse than death, so she insisted on seeing me for the last time and went."

The old emperor's hairs stood up all over his body, and his lips couldn't help trembling slightly, "It's my fault..."

He didn't think much about leaving Lian Yun behind.

He stared at Jiang Mu in a daze, and Jiang Mu whispered, "Do you still remember who my mother is?"

Jiang Mu looked down at him, and couldn't help feeling a little pity.


Seeing that he remembered, Jiang Mu had a slight smile on his lips, "Yes or no, my mother was a month old at that time, and you also know that the queen was so angry that she didn't dare to do anything, but life doesn't mean life Yang, the queen will wait for me to be born and find a way to kill me, after all, if I am born smoothly, it will be your first child."

"You... what else do you want to say? You have lied to me for so many years..."

"You...what do you want to do?" The old emperor finally knew how to be afraid, he kept backing away, shrank to the foot of the couch, turned his head and wanted to run to the ground, Jiang Mu directly grabbed his hair and threw him back .

Thinking of this, the old emperor looked at Jiang Mu with a complicated expression: "It was the queen who asked you to..."

"Your Majesty, do you know why I am an imposing man disguised as a woman?"

The old emperor stared at him in a daze, as expected, Jiang Mu changed the subject, and his brows froze: "But I don't want to, her hatred, my hatred, how can I just let it go? I pretend to be a woman so For many years, just for today, you said, will I let you go?"

888 tapped the keyboard a few times, frowning and said seriously: "Because it has little to do with the main plot, the information is not included in such detail. It only mentions that the people around the first queen were in poor health after giving birth. It won't take long."

"What do you think she said before she died?"

The old emperor was dumbfounded.

"Did you run away? Stop doing useless stupid things. Now you have ordered me to pass it on to me. I will let you live until you die naturally. If you refuse, then die now. Anyway, no one can do anything to me .”

Lan Shuang was thoughtful, "Then this is probably what his mother meant."

The fifth prince's Adam's apple rolled, "A Shuang, are you and I really going to go this far now?"

"Don't call me that, I don't know you that well. If you want the throne, first check if you are strong enough? If you insist on going your own way, you have seen the fate of the second prince."

The fifth prince is silent, he really can't do anything now.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the second prince's rebellion to rescue him. The emperor was dying, and he would definitely pass the throne to himself before he died. Unexpectedly, the eldest princess was not a princess but a prince. He made preparations in advance and beat everyone One was caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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