Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 367 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 28

Chapter 367 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 28
The new emperor came here on horseback, and no one prepared any luxurious sedan chair, he didn't need it, and Lan Shuang was tired of sitting crookedly.

So he led a guard of honor to greet his relatives, and came from the other side of the long street to fight horses.

The blood-sweat BMW was hung with bright red silk and satin, and it was very airy. With a long hiss, it stopped at the gate of Fuguo Duke's Mansion, and everyone knelt down to salute.

"Long live my emperor, long live——"

Jiang Mu was dressed in a bright red wedding gown, sitting on the horse with high spirits and high spirits. Hearing this, he raised his hand and said loudly, "Excuse me."


As soon as he gave an order, the maids behind immediately grabbed candy wedding cakes and copper coins from the flower basket and threw them out, and the common people happily went to grab them.

Everyone is empty, very happy.

No matter how noisy the surroundings were, Jiang Mu's eyes only had that tinge of red. He lowered his eyes and looked over, just in time for the beauty to look up, and the acacia fan lightly moved, revealing half of Lan Shuang's face.

She smiled slyly and winked at Jiang Mu.

"Who says it's impossible? It's a long story, and you'll know it later."

The clothes on her body are well dressed, but not the previous ones.

With a "squeak", the door of the dormitory opened from the inside, and the disheveled Jiang Mu's eyes slowly slid from the parrot to Xu Yunzhou's neck like a knife.

The parrot tilted its head and looked at him, blinked its small eyes, fluttered its wings, "Prefer sex over friends, beast!"

He was dazed for a while, and grabbed the dead bird by its beak before it yelled even more outrageous words, and would not let go of it no matter how much it fluttered.

"You know this sentence, don't you? You just point and use this sentence to trick me, right? Have you forgotten who gave you water, food, and tidying up your cage? It's a heartless thing!"

Xu Yunzhou: "!!!"

The bustling team came and walked happily, and the lights of this night were always on.

Xu Yunzhou: "?"

Xu Yunzhou and the parrot stared wide-eyed, pretending they didn't see it.

Xu Yunzhou stood up straight after taking a look, and continued to stare at the parrot, but his ears perked up.

From the corner of Xu Yunzhou's eyes, he saw the door of the dormitory closing slowly, and Lan Shuang tiptoed a little, leaned close to Jiang Mu and kissed him, Jiang Mu paused, then picked up Lan Shuang and walked quickly inside.

Jiang Mu grabbed her fingertips and bit them lightly, "Did you also look like this?"

She looked back at Jiang Mu with a smile, "Your Majesty has good arms."

Lan Shuang rubbed his thin waist up with her hand, "As the saying goes, a husband and wife can enjoy a hundred days of kindness. In our past lives, the number of kindness is beyond count, right?"


Thinking of this, he was relieved a lot, and respectfully bowed to Jiang Mu and Lan Shuang, saying: "I don't want to disturb your majesty and empress, so I will take this beast away."

The four eyes met, and the affection was long, like an open net, only waiting for the lover to fall willingly.

Xu Yunzhou followed back to the palace, feeling more and more complicated. Seeing the emperor entered the palace, he could only play with the birds in the corridor.

Jiang Mu paused, and then his shoulders trembled slightly after laughing.

Fu Guogong's family watched from behind and couldn't help laughing.

"I thought he put that person down, but I didn't expect to secretly find out the way back for him, and directly pinpointed his identity for him. I don't know how he moved Duke Fu."

Jiang Mu gently placed Lan Shuang on the couch, but he was not in a hurry to do anything. Taking advantage of the bright light in the hall, he carefully traced the outline of Lan Shuang with his eyes.

Jiang Mu leaned closer and whispered, "It's the empress who is too light."

"You green-haired bastard, you will suffer if you don't hurt me for a day, let me tell you, tomorrow I will pluck your hair—"

Lan Shuang placed her fingertips between his brows and asked in a low voice, "What are you looking at?"

He shrank his neck and said with a sneer: "For disturbing Your Majesty to rest, I will take this beast with you!"

Xu Yunzhou's face became hot, and he quickly picked up the birdcage and ran away without touching the ground, these two are too tired and crooked!

He must have his reasons for doing so, and he shouldn't interfere so much.

Everyone saw the wedding gown fluttering like falling flowers, and in the blink of an eye, Lan Shuang was already sitting firmly in front of Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu nodded, "I see."

Confused, Xi Po took the red silk back, wondering how to get away without the red silk.


Xi Po originally wanted to pass the red silk, but Xu Yunzhou raised his hand to stop it, and said in a low voice, "You two don't pay much attention to this, so you don't have to be too polite, just adapt to the situation."

Jiang Mu nodded, took Lan Shuang's hand and turned back.

Jiang Mu chuckled lightly: "It's nothing, you are always suspicious of the queen, I know, I forgot to tell you before, but now I remember, let me explain to you, the queen is a woman."

Jiang Mu chuckled softly, leaned over and whispered in Lan Shuang's ear: "We are married again."

The next moment, Lan Shuang directly stretched out her hand and held Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu held her with one hand, bent down to exert strength, and wrapped his other hand around Lan Shuang's waist.

"What other orders does Your Majesty have?"

Fu Guogong's family cupped their hands and said: "Congratulations to Your Majesty and Your Majesty, I wish your Majesty and Your Majesty an undeniable love and a happy union for a hundred years!"

Lan Shuang came out from inside, resting her chin on Jiang Mu's shoulder, and laying half of her body on him, looking lazy.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Jiang Mu put his hands through Lan Shuang's waist and held the rein tightly, and gave Fu Guogong a look, his tone was free and easy, full of smiles, "My lord, I will take this pearl, Thank you."

The parrot was silent for a while, then suddenly turned around on the shelf, pouted its buttocks to face him, and then shouted at the hall: "You are obsessed! You are obsessed! You are obsessed!"


"Oh, empress..." Xu Yunzhou answered the words subconsciously, and froze suddenly when he realized something was wrong: "Wait, what did you say?"

Jiang Mu laughed loudly and said, "Get up and go back to the palace!"

After the words fell, the two of them didn't speak again for a long time. The lights outside the tent exploded, and the shadow flickered for a while, as if some special switch had been turned on, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Xu Yunzhou was a little dazed, but suddenly he felt that it was not unreasonable. How could a person as smart as his majesty keep a secret agent by his side?

Xu Yunzhou suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

Jiang Mu smiled knowingly, and stretched out his hand to her, "Please mount the empress."

"Wait." Jiang Mu stopped him without emotion, and gathered his collar casually to cover up the stains on it.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment to realize, wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down, and said face to face: "My original appearance is a bit similar to now, probably because of the mission, so the person I'm looking for looks similar to me. This makes it easier for me to integrate into the mission world."

"The queen is a woman? How is that possible?" Xu Yunzhou's first reaction was disbelief.

"I am a woman, and the late emperor knew that he was the one who made me walk like a eunuch, but I am indeed a woman, and I am sincere to your majesty, and I will not harm him. You don't have to be so nervous."

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Huh?"

"That's not the case." Jiang Mu raised his hand and pulled off his robe, his voice was slightly hoarse as his lips and teeth touched, and his smile was crushed in his breath, "One day, husband and wife, one hundred days of grace."

- off topic -

just update today

(End of this chapter)

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