Gu Bo showed a somewhat puzzled look: "Why should I consider you? It has nothing to do with me, I have explicitly rejected you several times, what do you want me to say?"

"But you like her and haven't been together for so long, isn't it because you have a problem? Why can't I try it?"

Han Yiran asked with confidence.

Qin Zhou smiled: "But people don't like you, why should I try with you? It's not like you will die if you don't fall in love, why bother?"

Han Yiran's face turned green: "Shut up, what's your business if I talk to him?"

Gu Bo suddenly took Qin Zhou's hand and pulled him behind him, and said softly, "I'll say it one last time, I have someone I like, and the reason we're not together now is because we have more important things to do right now. , I don't want to delay her, when the time is right, I will naturally go after her, and, no matter in the past, present or future, I am willing to defend her as a jade, there will be no second person, do you understand this time?"

Han Yiran stared at him in a daze, apparently greatly shocked, took two steps back in disbelief, Zhou Yihe gritted his teeth, this man speaks so cruelly, and still guards himself like a jade?

Lan Shuang heard it clearly from inside, clapped her hands, walked to the door and leaned against the door frame to look at Zhou Yihe and his party, "How about it? After talking, can you leave? You have harassed us twice today, really. Do you think we have no temper?"

She seemed to be smiling when she spoke, but there was no smile in her eyes, as if covered in a layer of fog, deep and bottomless.

Han Yiran, who was still arrogant at first, thought of something, trembled, and took a step back in fear.

Qin Zhou and Gu Bo looked at each other, and looked at Lan Shuang suspiciously.

After singing a few songs, Cui Hao picked up an empty wine bottle and put it down on the table, "Come on, let's do truth or dare, whoever turns the bottle mouth will lose, truth or dare two Choose one, and drink one if you don’t want to be punished.”

The boys all wanted to show off their singing skills, so they all crowded around the karaoke stand, while the girls were more reserved, eating snacks and chatting while eating.

"Singing is boring, let's play some games!"

The hot sweat and smoldering air in the box went out and was blown by the cold wind, and it dissipated a lot in an instant. Everyone leaned on the shoulders of the people around them, talking and laughing loudly. People passing by couldn't help but look over.

888 was puzzled: "You are also very young, host."

The clay figurine was still a bit angry, and they would interrupt the meal repeatedly, and no one would be happy to change it.

Everyone gathered in a circle excitedly, Cui Hao got a chair and sat opposite, took out his mobile phone to call up the punishment page, rubbed his hands with a smile, and spun the wine bottle vigorously.

Maybe they think these kids are noisy and crazy.

Lan Shuang laughed again, and quickly walked towards the group of birds that had come out of the cage, her tone was as brisk as her footsteps: "Here we come!"

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "Let's take a big risk."

Lan Shuang shook her head: "No, I can."

When the food was almost finished and it was getting dark outside, Cui Hao called everyone to go to KTV, Lan Shuang went to check out, and asked everyone to go outside first and wait.

She opened the door and went out, Qin Zhou looked over immediately: "I'll wait for you, Boss Lan, take two quick steps."

Gu Bo stood where he was and looked at his empty hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Han Yiran's stomach contracted for a while, she was silent for a moment, and let Zhou Yihe pull her away.

The ktv is also a box that has been booked in advance. It is a big bag, and it is hard to put them in it. It is a bit cramped when sitting, and everyone is basically next to each other.

Lan Shuang: "? Such a coincidence?"

Qin Zhou suddenly broke away from his arm to hold Lan Shuang, "I'll go in with you, oops, I haven't had enough yet."

Han Yiran: "Brother Zhou, I—"

She stood up and looked around, then walked straight to Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou: "?"

"But I can pretend to be tender, that's enough, Bazi, you can step back."


Lan Shuang glanced at Gu Bo, gave him a persistent look, and left with Qin Zhou.

The wine bottle immediately spun like a top, and everyone looked at it with good eyesight. Gradually, the speed of the wine bottle slowed down, and finally the mouth of the bottle pointed to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang sneered: "I am young in shell, but my soul has lived for a long time. The sum of zeros and zeros can be tens of thousands of years old. How can I be like a real young man."

"Okay, come on!"

Cui Hao immediately cheered: "Hey, Xiaolan, look at your luck! It's a good start, come on, truth or adventure?"

The whole box boiled instantly, Cui Hao stroked his hair, picked up the microphone and asked, "Xiaolan, do you want to change it?"


But isn't youth just crazy?After that age, it will be very difficult to have this kind of fearlessness.


Gu Bo squinted his eyes, and the next moment he saw Lan Shuang hugging Qin Zhou, and then gave Qin Zhou a "boo" on the side of his face.

Zhou Yihe gave her a warning look, and said in a low voice, "You don't want to die?"

"That's right." 888 nodded: "You can never go back to that youthful time."


After paying the bill, Lan Shuang stood behind the glass door and looked at it for a while, with a smile in her eyes, "It's nice to be young."

The waiter came in and delivered drinks and snacks, and then closed the door, everyone went crazy immediately.

"Okay, let's see what the punishment is—" Cui Hao picked up the phone and looked at it, then smiled ambiguously, "Find someone and kiss for ten seconds."

Hide, it depends on how long you can hide.

Lan Shuang spread her hands and said innocently, "So are you going to leave or not?"

After her ears were cleared, Lan Shuang glanced at the young couple at the door, and asked softly, "Do you have anything else to say? Shall I go in first?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Qin Zhou and Gu Bo sat on the single sofa, and Lan Shuang sat on the small sofa opposite, "Everyone who wants to order songs can go by himself, and you can let go of your voice and howl."

He grabbed Han Yiran and smiled apologetically at Lan Shuang: "I'm sorry, she drank too much and she's a bit hot, I'll take her away right away, you guys go on, go on."

Gu Bo nodded: "I—"

Qin Zhou couldn't help laughing, "Do you have ten seconds?"

As soon as Zhou Yihe saw Lan Shuang, he felt severe pain in his body. The memories in the alley seemed to be engraved into his bones. Whenever he thought of something bad, his scalp began to tingle, always reminding him of the scars left on his body. under the imprint.

"do not have it?"

Lan Shuang smiled and asked, "Then I'll have a few more kisses."

However, before her lips fell on Qin Zhou's face, Gu Bo pulled Qin Zhou over, "The rules of the game don't need to be stuck like this, just a little bit of meaning is enough, right Cui Hao?"

He glanced over faintly, and Cui Hao was shocked, "Ah... yes yes yes, it's enough to mean it, let her pass, let's continue!"

In other words, I want to write abo in the next world, and the outline has been written. If it can be published, I will write this.

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