Chapter 410 When the Ome is Ripe 41
On the way, she met a classmate from Class [-] who seemed to want to recognize her, but Lan Shuang smiled and said hello, "Don't look, it's me, Xiaolan."

The two girls holding hands were taken aback for a moment, and then surrounded by pleasant surprise: "Is it really Xiaolan? My God, you have changed too much, right? Are you also losing weight during the holidays?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Yes."

She turned around to show them: "Has it changed a lot?"

"It's not just big? It's really against the sky, okay? I feel like your head is a little smaller."

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "That's not the case, my head won't be small, it's probably because I'm much thinner, and my head looks smaller when my face is smaller."

The two were amazed, "You are so amazing. I have been clamoring to lose weight every day, but I didn't manage to do it once, but you lost a person. It's amazing. It's really amazing. You deserve your progress! People like you , what can’t be done?”

Although this statement was a bit exaggerated, it also made some sense. The three of them talked and laughed and went to the second class.

There were also many people in the class. They were all stunned when they saw Lan Shuang coming in, and then gathered around to ask questions. They were all equally surprised, and some even asked Lan Shuang about the secret of losing weight.

Lan Shuang really shared with them with her heart, "Actually, there is no secret to losing weight. The most important thing is to eat less and exercise more. Besides, the first thing to do to lose weight is to make up your mind and truly realize , I have to do this, not just think about it, so that I can really act."

Everyone listened carefully, Cui Hao smiled: "Okay, let's go, what are you doing together early in the morning, you have finished your homework?"

After waking up from the dream with one word, everyone immediately went back to their respective positions and started to make up for the winter vacation homework frantically.

"Come, come, let me copy a few sentences from the Chinese paper."

"What are you writing? Like a dog crawling, who can understand?"

"If you don't understand, return it to me, and if you copy some, you will pick and choose, and do what you can."

"All right, all right, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Lan Shuang stood there watching everyone's bustle, smiled, and calmly returned to her seat. She was not nearsighted and tall, so she was always sitting in the back row. Because of the original owner's autism, there is no more now, and Lao Tie also thought about whether to get her a tablemate, but according to the original seat row in their class, there is indeed an extra one, and it is not good for anyone to separate.

Lan Shuang was also used to sitting alone, so she declined Lao Tie's kindness and never changed seats.

Seeing that there were more and more people in the class, she looked at Qin Zhou in front of her suspiciously, and asked Cui Hao, "Squad leader, have you seen Qin Zhou?"

"Ah?" Cui Hao was also writing furiously, without raising his head when he heard the words, he said, "I don't know, I didn't see her when I came here in the morning, hiss - I haven't come yet, it's not like her style ah."

Lan Shuang also felt that she took out her mobile phone and sent Qin Zhou a message: [Where are you? 】

Qin Zhou didn't return.

Lan Shuang frowned: "Isn't it sick?"

Waiting and waiting, the flag-raising ceremony was about to begin, Lan Shuang had no choice but to take the speech and take a step ahead.

On the first day of school, the playground was full of people, just in time for Monday, the first flag-raising ceremony of the new semester, and the whole school attached great importance to it.

The class teachers shuttled in the class queue, looking at this for a while, and pointing at that for a while.

"You put on the clothes for me! Zip them up!"

"You—take your hands out of your trouser pockets, what are you putting in them? Stand up straight, the leaders are watching from above, and they can see you at a glance. Don't embarrass our class!"

"Crooked, crooked, look at the back of the head of the classmate in front of you, crooked yourself, don't stick around there!"

Similar conversations continued one after another. The students stood there chatting quietly, thinking that their voices were very low, but in fact they were really noisy when they mixed together.

Lan Shuang stood on the side of the flag raising platform, holding the speech script in her hand, watching silently.

Lao Tie came over, saw her expressionless and silent, thought she was nervous, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, it seems that there are quite a lot of people, if you are nervous, just look down at the manuscript in your hand for a while, and look at it." It will be much better if you don’t see people, and the microphone should not be too close or too far away from you, just pretend that you are talking to yourself.”

Lan Shuang nodded: "Thank you teacher."

"Hey, it's not a big deal. Just think of overcoming social fear in advance. You don't have to worry about what you say. Anyway, there are not many people who really listen carefully. Don't care about those. You can just read it fluently."

Originally, Lan Shuang was not very nervous, but after hearing what Lao Tie said, she even wanted to laugh a little.

"I know teacher, by the way, is Qin Zhou here?"

She agreed to come to cheer for herself today, but she hasn't seen anyone until now, and she is still a little disappointed.

"Qin Zhou—" Mentioning this old iron paused for a while, and then showed an inscrutable smile, with his hands behind his back, looking like an outsider who kept everything silent, "You will know in a while gone."

Lan Shuang: "..."

The music of the flag-raising ceremony sounded, and the noisy playground suddenly fell silent. The students immediately stood up straight, lined up, and looked ahead.

The newborn sun hangs in the sky, the sun is bright and warm, coating the youthful face with a layer of light golden light.

Vigorous flag bearers walked forward from the other side of the track, the red flags in their hands swaying slightly in the wind, and that touch of red was the most eye-catching color on the entire playground.

Lan Shuang watched them walk up to her, walked up to the flag-raising platform, and hung the national flag on it amidst the solemn and loud national anthem. Gao, Lan Shuang's heart also floated up.

Next came the school leader's speech, which was nothing more than encouraging everyone to study hard in the new semester, choking their necks and pouring a meal of chicken soup, then it was the dean's turn to speak, and finally Lan Shuang.

The director stood in front and held a microphone and said loudly: "Let's welcome our representative of progress last semester with warm applause——Student Lan Shuang from Class [-] and Class [-] of Senior High School to speak on stage!"

The name Lan Shuang is a legend to the whole school, but the third and first year students are far away from her, not on the same floor, and rarely meet her, so they are more curious about Lan Shuang than the second year students , and even more vigorously when applauding, they all want to see the demeanor of this "legend"!

With all eyes on, Lan Shuang took the microphone from the director and stepped forward calmly.

She held the microphone tightly and bowed to everyone first, "Hello everyone, I am Lan Shuang from Class Two, Grade Two. I am standing here today, and I want to share my study skills and some experience with you."

There was thunderous applause again, and no one saw it. A thin figure quietly came to the end of the second class and walked forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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