Chapter 412 When the Ome is Ripe 43
Qin Zhou also chose liberal arts, and Gu Bo is a science major. The classrooms for arts and sciences are not on the first floor. The two people who used to stick together from time to time separated like this.

Lan Shuang asked Qin Zhou: "Will you miss him?"

Qin Zhou insisted: "What are you thinking? Does he look good in his studies?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

Qin Zhou stretched out his hand and pushed her in, "Okay, don't worry about it, Mother Lan."

Although she didn't say it, Lan Shuang could tell from her eyes that she was somewhat reluctant.

But this kind of reluctance didn't last long, and was soon squeezed out by the fast-paced life of the third year of high school.

The third year of high school will always be the most memorable year in everyone's life, busy, stressed, confused, hard-working, and countless crying late at night.

Success is also a year, and failure is also a year.

Before dawn, I go to self-study in the morning, and go home wearing the stars and the moon. The lamp on the table is lit until the early morning and the sun changes shifts, so that I have a chance to rest for a while.

The director and Lao Tie are also very familiar with him. In the past two years, almost all the parents' meetings have been held by Mu Yanlai. This young man is handsome and capable, and they all admire him. Seeing him coming, Lao Tie smiled Greeting Lan Shuang: "Go, take a good shot."

There are endless test papers, endless questions, endless lessons, endless exams, nagging and encouragement that can't be listened to, countless tears and sadness every day.

"Is this Lan Shuang's brother? Isn't he so handsome? But don't they look alike."

Lan Shuang came to the front, smiled and said, "Then take a picture of me, Lao Tie and the director first?"

Usually the school does not allow students to bring mobile phones, but today is an exception. This may be the last photo they took as students in this school, so the principal waved his hand and asked the students to bring their mobile phones for half a day off. Those who take pictures will be taken, and I will go back to the meeting in the afternoon after taking enough pictures.

As soon as he gave an order, the boys immediately stood up on the table from behind, in a row like this, everyone was standing, the cameraman half-bent and stepped back a little bit, after finding a good angle, he said: "Okay, the teachers are also coming here — sit up front!"

The director and Lao Tie stood on the left and on the right, and Lan Shuang stood in the middle, obediently with her hands behind her back, and smiled, Mu Yan squatted down, and took pictures from bottom to top, making all three of them tall and thin.

The morning was just right, the early summer wind was refreshing and lively, blowing through the treetops, and there was a rustling sound. The fountain at the school gate, which only worked for five days in 360 days a year, finally went to work.

The cameraman stood up slowly, revealing the person walking behind.

Mu Yan found Lan Shuang in the crowd who seemed to be copying and pasting at a glance, bent his eyes, raised the camera in his hand and said, "I'll take a graduation photo for you."

Hearing this, Lan Shuang chuckled: "Don't say it, I am the same."

All the teachers who teach the class have come, everyone is dressed in brightly colored clothes, sitting in a row in front, with the old iron and the director in the middle.

Finally, after surviving the last hundred days, Lan Shuang and the others were finally liberated.

There have always been more girls in the liberal arts class than boys. Their liberal arts classes are all on the first floor, and they are all beautiful girls. It’s been a long time since I saw these tall and strong boys.

Mechanical two points and one line - school and home.

Lao Tie shyly tugged on his tie, and the classmates behind him laughed and said, "Don't be nervous, Lao Tie, you are the most handsome!"

Lan Shuang looked at Lao Tie who was wearing a small suit and smiled. She was lucky, the head teacher of the third year of high school was still Lao Tie, and he still attracted students like him as always.

It was rare for Qin Zhou not to be shy. She printed out this photo and put it in the bedside table, carefully suppressing her thoughts.

No matter how delicate a person is, they will inevitably appear decadent during this period of time.

After several mock exams, her grades have made a qualitative leap, and she is firmly in the top three of liberal arts.

Lan Shuang was startled, "Brother?"

The most lively person who was originally the most lively person was suppressed into silence in the third year of high school. He could only relax for a moment after the exam occasionally. Everyone gathered together to chat and laugh, but they would soon be overwhelmed by the newly issued papers, and turned to go to the bathroom. When I come back, I can only find a desk in the sea of ​​papers.

It's been a long time since I've seen so many boys, Lan Shuang was still a little dazed, Qin Zhou also paused, "I'm not used to it."

The boys also looked at them curiously, then smiled kindly, said a few words in secret, and left with a drink.

"Okay, everyone, come here! The tall ones stand back, the short ones stand in front, and the others stand on the table behind, hey - don't let the girls on the table, you big boys! You are bold! "

The sound of rushing water brought a chill to the ears. The senior high school students who were about to be liberated walked here talking and laughing together, helping to set up tables and chairs. The director stood aside and talked softly with the class teacher, with a rare smile on his face , the cameraman kept adjusting the camera, looking for angles, and everyone was busy with their own work.

Qin Zhou was on par with her. The two of them went to Class [-] of Liberal Arts and became the same table. They talked about everything, helped each other, and became best friends during this time.

Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou came out arm in arm. Just after the filming of the science class, Hulala walked back, and all the young masculinity rushed towards them.

Lan Shuang watched from the side, smiled, secretly took a picture of this scene with her mobile phone, and quietly sent it to Qin Zhou.

"This is really the best photo I took today, everyone is smiling!"

Mu Yan said with a smile: "Okay, whoever you want to take pictures with, you can take a few pictures. Today I am the exclusive photographer of the little princess."

With this shout, everyone laughed. The cameraman's eyes lit up, and he took this opportunity to take pictures of everyone.


Taking advantage of no one's attention, Qin Zhou quickly wiped the corners of his eyes, but the moment he raised his head, he met Gu Bo's gaze, and his eyes met. Gu Bo suddenly gave her a thumbs up, Qin Zhou paused, Then burst into laughter.

Mu Yan said hello in advance, so he was let in.

The girl next to him looked at him and couldn't help whispering.

On the day of the hundred-day swearing-in, everyone stood in the auditorium and swore loudly for their dreams. At that moment, for some reason, Lan Shuang felt like crying. Maybe it was because she was shocked by the fearless youth, or because she was infected by the youthful blood. For a moment, she felt that she had completely become a person of this age.

Lanshuang considered her health, appropriately reduced the amount of exercise, and was no longer so strict about eating, and supplemented nutrition appropriately, but she still lost a lot of weight.

"What's the matter, one looks like mom and the other looks like dad, but their family looks too good-looking, right?"

"This appearance can be directly debuted, it is better than many celebrities."

Today, Mu Yan wore a dark blue cotton sportswear for the convenience of movement. It was loose but not bulky. The hat was placed neatly on the back, and two white braided straps fell on the front. It looked very youthful. The white sneakers were a little bit There are no variegated colors, making him clean and neat.

Unexpectedly, he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which neutralized the boyishness very well, and he was between a man and a boy. His light smile made people's hearts flutter.

(End of this chapter)

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