Chapter 414 When the Ome is Ripe 45
The two kissed inseparably, the surroundings were quiet, the sound of the heartbeat was amplified infinitely, Lan Shuang was worried that someone would come over, she was a little nervous, and there was a thrill of having an affair in a trance.

Mu Yan seemed to have noticed it, and a soft smile escaped from between his lips and teeth, half of Lan Shuang's body went numb.

"That's enough for you." Lan Shuang gently pushed him away, and Mu Yan didn't refuse, and skillfully helped her wipe away the ambiguous water stains on the corners of her lips.

Then he sat down on the side, put his arms around Lan Shuang's shoulders, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction, "Speaking of which, we haven't taken pictures yet."

Lan Shuang thought about it too, "We don't need a camera, just take a selfie with a mobile phone."

She took out her phone, turned on the selfie, pointed at her and Mu Yan's faces, "Come on, one, two, three, eggplant—"

Mu Yan looked at the camera with a smile, his whole body was lazy and relaxed. Even through the screen, he could clearly see the affection in his eyes.

In the end, it was Mu Yan who pressed the shutter.

The photo freezes, recording the best time in youth.

As soon as Lan Shuang put down her phone, she saw Qin Zhou came back, but...

Lan Shuang's eyes fell on her slightly red and swollen lips, she narrowed her eyes, and smiled meaningfully. Someone seemed to be unable to hold back.

Qin Zhou also noticed that Lan Shuang's lips were much redder than before, as if they had just been moisturized.

Qin Zhou: "..."

Looking at each other, Qin Zhou and Lan Shuang exchanged some information with their eyes.

Qin Zhou slowly widened his eyes, and glanced at Mu Yan next to him.

No way?
Lan Shuang spread her hands, "I'll explain this to you later, you..."

Qin Zhou's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said, "Nothing happened, so I'll go back to the classroom first."

After she finished speaking, she fled in despair.

Qin Zhou, who is not afraid of anything, will also have this day, and Lan Shuang can't help laughing behind her.


After the photo shoot, Mu Yan had lunch with Lan Shuang, and then went home. In the afternoon, Lan Shuang and the others had a meeting, mainly to talk about the precautions before the college entrance examination. The teachers reminded them repeatedly: "Don't eat randomly, be careful If you have diarrhea or a bad stomach, prepare the medicine in advance. If you can’t take two pills, you must bring everything with you. Don’t forget the admission ticket and ID card! And your pens, check them in advance to see if they can be used. Write, is there enough oil..."

The teachers repeatedly explained, and then encouraged everyone to relax. Although they have heard these words many times, but before the college entrance examination, they listened carefully for the first time, and they were rare and quiet.

When it came to the end, the teachers were a little bit reluctant, and stood in a row to bow to everyone, "We will send you here. After three years in high school, you have fully prepared, and we have fulfilled our obligations. Next, rely on You are yourselves, I hope you can give your life a satisfactory answer, we are here, waiting for the good news!"

Lan Shuang was slightly moved. The students stood up, bowed to the teacher spontaneously, and shouted: "Teacher, you have worked hard! Thank you!"

With this cry, both sides burst into tears.


The countdown came to the last day, and the students picked up their "weapons" and embarked on their own "battlefield".

Wu Qing put off all her work in advance, and her daughter's college entrance examination, such an important day, no matter how busy she was, she had to find time to accompany her.

Business can be done later, and money can be earned again, but there is only one college entrance examination.

"Xiao Yan, how much do you think Shuangshuang can score in the test? Is she nervous now?"

Wu Qing walked up and down beside the car, looking more nervous than the examinees inside.

Mu Yan smiled helplessly, "Mom, don't worry, Shuangshuang is very serious about her review, well-prepared, and her grades will not be bad. Besides, it doesn't matter if her grades are not satisfactory, our family doesn't need her to have a high degree. If you have a high score, you can choose a school with a high score, and if you have a low score, you can choose a major. It's no big deal.

"You're right. Regardless of Shuangshuang's grades, as long as she is willing, she still has many choices."

Wu Qing was comforted and relieved, but still stared in the direction of the examination room.

All the parents here are like her, guarding the door against the sun, not daring to look away.

When the bell for handing in the paper rang, the parents suddenly became commotion, "Are you done with the exam?"

"It should be, this is the last subject!"

"Someone came out!"

Parents poked their heads out one after another, trying to search for their children, and after a while, one after another of questions rang out.

"How is it? Is the test okay? Are the questions difficult?"

"Are you sure, how many points do you think you can get?"

"Aren't you nervous? Have you checked? You're usually sloppy, I'm really worried..."

Hearing these words, Wu Qing couldn't laugh or cry, "The child is already under pressure, and he asks so many questions. Doesn't that make the child more uncomfortable? After the exam is finally over, the child must rest well."

Mu Yan was tall and good-looking, and stood out in the crowd. When Lan Shuang came out, she saw him immediately, and then saw Wu Qing who was standing beside her.

She waved at the two of them: "Mom! Brother! I'm done with the exam!"

Wu Qing excitedly parted from the crowd and walked over, held Lan Shuang's hand tightly and said, "Okay, victory after the exam, are you tired? Eat first or go home and rest first?"

Seeing that she didn't ask questions like other parents, Lan Shuang relaxed, touched her stomach and said, "I'm hungry, let's eat first."

"Okay, let's eat first."

Mu Yan opened the door to let the mother and daughter get into the car, and acted as the driver himself, "Go to the restaurant that was booked before?"

"it is good."

Wu Qing nodded, sat in the back row and took Lan Shuang's hand to look around, touched her face distressedly and said, "Mom hasn't seen you for a while, you've lost weight again."

Lan Shuang comforted: "Isn't it good to lose weight? How uncomfortable it is to put on clothes like before, but now I am much more relaxed."

"Okay, okay, just seeing you lose weight so fast, I always feel that you are having a bad life."

"It's nothing, my brother took good care of me." Lan Shuang said and met Mu Yan's gaze from the rearview mirror, and Mu Yan bent his eyes.

They actually have a plan for today.

The college entrance examination is over, and some things should be brought up to clarify.

(End of this chapter)

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