Nian Siyan nodded from time to time, his face as cold and frosty as ever.

Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he raised his hand to stop the man who was speaking, and turned his head to lock onto Lan Shuang's figure accurately.

The moment he saw her, his cold and sharp eyes slowly softened, "Here we come."

Lan Shuang didn't hide anymore when she was discovered, and walked over generously, "Well, I just searched around and didn't see anyone, so I found out you are here after asking."

As she spoke, she looked at the man next to Nian Siyan. She couldn't see clearly just now, but now that she got closer, she realized that he was also very young and friendly. She smiled at her.

"Hello, my name is Du Qianping, and I am the general's deputy."

"Hello, General Du."

Lan Shuang smiled back politely, and Du Qianping glanced at Nian Siyan's face, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, don't call me that, just call me Xiao Du."

He wanted to call it that way, so Lan Shuang followed his will and called out: "Okay, Xiao Du."

"Are you going to the dormitory with me to wait now, or is it right here, I'll pick it up and bring it to you?" Lan Shuang asked Nian Siyan.

She didn't know that it was her two sentences that made Nian Siyan keenly aware that something was wrong. Thinking of Lan Shuang's actions before, he suspected that Lan Shuang was just guarding against Lan Bing.

"You do as I tell you."

Nian Siyan said without any ups and downs and led Lan Shuang forward.

Lan Shuang smiled, "I entered the academy, it will be even more difficult for him to make things difficult for me in the future."

However, there are those who are driven to be annoying.

Lan Bing became uneasy, did she say something wrong just now?General, what is your reaction?

"Are you waiting for my sister? Ah, my sister is Lan Shuang, the one you helped wear the medal today."

Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang went out along the tree-lined path, and didn't meet many people. There were no buildings here, and it was relatively remote. Now the students should be visiting the various departments and would not come here.

Lan Bing was frozen by his indifferent attitude, but quickly covered it up. She raised her hand and brushed the broken hair on her temples, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. I just came to thank the general for giving my sister such a treat." Honor, speaking of which, some time ago, my sister and I went for a pacifier matching test, and the results are coming out soon, and they said that our pacifier might be a good match for the admiral."

Nian Siyan stopped there, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The girls looked here curiously and nervously, but Nian Siyan just pretended not to know.

He looked at Nian Siyan's back, then at Lan Shuang, and sighed with emotion: "Ask what love is in the world, and it really is one thing. When the general looks at us, it's always the same as looking at a dead thing. When he saw that Little girl, like a wolf that sees its prey, oh, that's great, if the period of the general's riot can really be solved, everyone will be happy!"

Lan Shuang turned her head and smiled mysteriously: "I won't tell you for the time being, but I should have the answer soon. You don't need to tell me when the time comes, you will understand after a while."

"it is good."

Just look at it, as long as he doesn't bother, it's no big deal.

Nian Siyan nodded, it seems that his coat is still useful.

"General, why are you here? Are you waiting for someone?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Nian Siyan expectantly, wanting to see a different expression on his handsome and deep face, but she was disappointed. Nian Siyan's face did change, but it wasn't Lan Bing. Thinking curiously, but indescribably complicated.

Nian Siyan got up and said, "I'm with you."

He frowned, "Yeah."

He asked indifferently: "What's the matter with you?"

"Lan Ping wanted to embarrass me, but he had no choice but to stare at me."

Nian Siyan turned around and looked at her, feeling that there was a faint resemblance between her eyebrows and Lan Shuang.

"Admiral is not busy today? How come you have time to attend the opening ceremony?"

Nian Si made it clear, no wonder it looks a bit like it, it turned out to belong to the Lan family.

Nian Siyan raised his eyebrows, but didn't rush her when he saw that she was showing off, "Okay."

"What do you want the test report for? Can you say it now?" Nian Siyan was curious about her detour to a farther place for testing.

The sunlight passed through the treetops and fell on the ground, making the shadows of the two people longer.

"There is no time when you are not busy, but you can sneak in some leisure time." Nian Siyan turned his face to look at the people around him, "After you returned to Lan's house, have you been embarrassed?"

"Goodbye, Xiao Du." Lan Shuang turned around and waved at him, Du Qianping smiled innocently: "Goodbye."

Du Qianping: "Then I—"

Soon after reaching the downstairs of the dormitory, Lan Shuang said to Nian Si: "It's not convenient for you to go up, wait here, I'll come down right away."

An appeasein matching test... Could it be that something has been done in it?
Just as he was thinking, Lan Bing suddenly leaned in front of him, and the distance between the two became extremely close, so close that Nian Siyan could smell the comforting scent of her body, which was creamy.

When ordinary people hear this, shouldn't they ask a few more questions?

Lan Bing saw Nian Siyan early in the morning, and while Lan Shuang was away, he immediately approached him.

Nian Siyan frowned and wanted to back away, but Lan Bing didn't know if it was a sign of a cerebral thrombosis, so he couldn't stand still, and suddenly rushed towards him. Time was in a dilemma, and his face turned green.

At the very moment, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and grabbed Lan Bing's collar, lifting him from behind.

"Oh, sister, how can you still fall while standing? It's a coincidence that you fell on the general. It's so bad. Fortunately, I have a quick eye and give you a quick hand so that you don't make a fool of yourself. Quick, thank you .”

Lan Bing, who was caught by fate's back collar: "???"

I thank you for your size!

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