Chapter 466 Let Me Take Another Bite 46
However, as soon as Nian Siyan went downstairs, he heard the doorbell from the door. When Nian Siyan's personal terminal rang, he was automatically connected to the smart call at the door.

"Admiral, it's me. The Federal Army met and discovered the traces of the remnants of the interstellar pirates."

Du Qianping's face appeared on the screen.

Nian Siyan raised his eyebrows, turned around and closed the door of Lan Shuang's bedroom, and said, "Come in."

The door opened instantly, Du Qianping walked in quickly, and was choked by the strong and overbearing smell of wine.

"Cough cough cough-"

"Admiral, have you entered the rioting period again?" Du Qianping looked at Nian Siyan in horror, and Nian Siyan glanced at him, "No."

"There's no such thing as appeasement..."

Thinking of something, Du Qianping's complexion suddenly changed, his ears turned red a little bit, and if he smelled it carefully, he could smell a bit of the mountain forest after snow from the wine.

Could it be that... these two are together?

Du Qianping looked at Nian Siyan gossipingly.

Nian Siyan came down from upstairs, wearing a white and blue home clothes, the sleeves were rolled up to the forearm, revealing a faint red mark, which seemed to be caught by someone.

Du Qianping's eyes were instantly brighter than laser lights, "Admiral!"

He screamed excitedly, and Nian Siyan's expression darkened immediately: "Be quiet, Lan Shuang is still sleeping."

Du Qianping: "...Oh."

He watched Nian Siyan enter the kitchen, followed immediately, and asked curiously, "Admiral, are you and Miss Lan really together?"

Nian Siyan took out fresh ingredients from the refrigerator, and raised his eyelids to look at him casually, "Are you busy?"

"No, this is a great thing. You are so well matched. If you are really together, you will no longer have to suffer from the riot period in the future, and your health will get better and better. We don't have to worry about you. Life is in fear."

Nian Siyan: "..."

He quickly processed the dishes in his hands, and answered with two minds: "It's not counted together now."

Du Qianping was startled, then his eyes widened, and he asked in a low voice: "You guys are still like that? Why didn't I realize that you have the potential to be a scumbag before? This is not okay, playing with other little girls Feelings will be punished!"

Nian Siyan: "..."

He glanced at Du Qianping coldly, "How can you be sure that I am playing with her feelings?"

This is too much information!
Du Qianping stood there like a sculpture for a while, then reacted abruptly, and exclaimed, "Damn! She played with you?"

"Someone dares to play with you?"

"You won't be put to bed without even a title, will you?"

With a muffled "dong", Nian Siyan's kitchen knife plunged into the cutting board fiercely, and he gave Du Qianping a cold gouging look.

Du Qianping immediately shrank his neck and took a step back in fear, but he couldn't bear his curiosity, so he asked bravely, "General, what's the matter with you and Ms. Lan? Scum girl who recognizes people, why are you still not together?"

Nian Siyan started cooking, and answered after a while: "She is not a scumbag, but she may value feelings more than ordinary people, so she is easily unwilling to give her sincerity. Today is an accident. I'm not sure if what she said came from the heart or because of the fluctuating period." So I plan to have a good talk with her after she wakes up."

"It's okay, we really need to talk about it." Du Qianping echoed, and quickly realized, "No, we may not have so much time to talk to you now, General."

Nian Siyan picked up the vegetables in the pot, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"The military found the remnants of interstellar pirates. They also organized some scattered pirates. The scale is not small. It seems that they plan to fight us and want to grab a resource-rich star as a base. The Ministry means that they intend to annihilate them in one fell swoop, and intend to call you back to discuss countermeasures."

Nian Siyan was in a bad mood when he mentioned the gang of interstellar pirates. They hid in the boundless sea of ​​stars and made their fortunes by plundering small planets and interstellar flights. They grew rapidly in ten years and killed many people.

The military department has been trying to annihilate them, but they have not found their lair, so they can't be killed cleanly.

Last time, Nian Siyan found their lair by accident and directly led people to destroy their base, inflicting a heavy blow on them. Now the interstellar pirates are desperate dogs, biting whoever they see.

But this is the best time to annihilate them.

Nian Siyan was silent for a moment, took out the vegetables and poured them on the freshly cooked rice. This is Lanshuang's favorite rice with tomato and egg.

Then he took out another half of the watermelon, scooped out the flesh, and squeezed out a cup of watermelon juice.

After finishing all this, he said to Du Qianping: "I'm going to change clothes, you wait for me outside."


Du Qianping watched Nian Siyan go upstairs, and couldn't help sighing, "The general is also suffering. He managed to coax him into his hands, and we have to separate again. I wonder if Miss Lan will think too much?"

Nian Siyan went upstairs and changed into his military uniform. After dressing neatly, he came to Lan Shuang's bed, raised his hand and put it down again. He knelt down on one knee, looked at Lan Shuang, whose face was flushed from sleeping, his heart was soft and in a mess, and he stretched out his hand After tucking the corner of the quilt for her, she whispered: "I'll be back soon, wait for me."

Then gave her a parting kiss.

Lan Shuang seemed to feel something in his sleep, and the hand hanging by the bed grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Nian Siyan's heart tightened, he really didn't want to leave.

But reason told him that only when the interstellar pirates were completely wiped out would they have a peaceful life, so he thought for a moment, took off his epaulets and put them in Lan Shuang's palm.

This time Lan Shuang didn't grab the corner of his clothes again, Nian Siyan got up and took one last look at her before resolutely leaving.


When Lan Shuang woke up again, it was completely dark outside.

When she moved, she felt as if her whole body had been dismantled and reassembled. She couldn't help but gasped, "Hiss—what kind of knight, just change the name to the beast."

888 went online: "Host, you finally woke up, you have been sleeping for a long time."

Lan Shuang's mind is full of yellow waste, and she is in a daze. Hearing this, she asked in a daze, "Is it yesterday or today?"


"To be precise, you and Nian Siyan got together yesterday afternoon, and now it is 08:30 the next night."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She hugged the quilt and sat up, and asked in disbelief, "Did I sleep all day?"

"Yes, it is."

Hearing her voice, the robot came over, "Dear miss, do you want to turn on the light?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Turn on the light."

The lights in the room turned on little by little, from the weakest to gradually brighter, Lan Shuang didn't feel any discomfort, she moved her shoulders and neck, looked down, there was no one around, she was stunned, "Where's Nian Siyan? "

(End of this chapter)

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