Chapter 491 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 15
Lin Changyun was stunned when he heard the voice, and looked at the driver's seat uncontrollably. When he met those familiar eyes, Lin Changyun was completely stunned, and he didn't recover for a few minutes , I don't know what to say.

Lan Shuang was much more frank, and asked amusedly, "What's the matter, you don't know me anymore?"

Lin Changyun spoke with difficulty, "I know... Xiaoshuang."

Lan Shuang smiled: "It's me, I didn't expect that we would meet here, you haven't left yet?"

Speaking of this, Lin Changyun remembered how Lan Shuang was left behind, his face turned red, and guilt appeared in his eyes, "You...are you okay?"

He tried his best to see Lan Shuang's appearance clearly, but just as he turned his head away, Lan Qing turned around and stared at him expressionlessly, completely blocking Lan Shuang.

Lin Changyun: "..."

What's the matter with this man?

He looked at Lan Qing hesitantly, not knowing what kind of relationship he had with Lan Shuang, so he was not sure what attitude to use to face him, he was silent for a moment, and asked Lan Shuang inside: "Xiao Shuang, this is... ..."

Lan Shuang unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car, and said to Lan Qing, "It's okay."

Lan Qing breathed heavily all over her body, pursed her lips and looked at her, and then unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car. When she opened the door, she was so fast that she almost slapped Lin Changyun away.

Thanks to Lin Changyun's quick reaction, he stepped back in time and looked at Lan Qing with lingering fear.

However, Lan Qing didn't look at him, just stared at Lan Shuang, her eyes were good, like a miser staring at the gold in his own home.

Lin Changyun felt subtly upset, but after all, it was the male protagonist, he held back and didn't show it.

Lan Shuang got off the driver's seat, walked in front of him, and stood there confidently and generously. There was no wound on her body, she didn't seem to be scratched or bitten by zombies, and she didn't seem to have a fever.

Lin Changyun suddenly realized something, and asked with some surprise: "Are you differentiated?"

Lan Shuang didn't mean to hide anything. She sized up Lin Changyun and found a scratch on his arm. She raised her eyebrows and stretched out her hand. The light green light in her palm was shining and gently wrapped his wound. Lin Changyun suddenly felt hot. There was a cool feeling from the painful wound.

He looked down in surprise, the light dissipated, and the scratch healed as before, leaving no scar.

He rubbed his hands in disbelief, and it didn't hurt at all.

"This..." He looked up at Lan Shuang in a daze, his Adam's apple slipped. Although seeing is believing, the probability of this is too low for him to accept it so easily.

"As you can see, I have developed a healing ability. Although fighting is a bit tasteless, it's okay to do logistics." Lan Shuang said mockingly.

This is actually her innermost thoughts, she really longs for a supernatural power that can fight, after all, in the last days, not only have to face inhuman zombies, but also beware of inhuman people.

If you can, it's much safer.

But this kind of words may sound like Versailles to others. Many people think that it is very good to have a supernatural ability.

So Lan Shuang would not say this to others, but it would be fine to say it to Lin Changyun, who also has supernatural powers.

But Lin Changyun was silent for a while after listening, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Healing abilities are really rare, you don't have to fight, there will be countless people with abilities willing to protect you if you wave your hand."

Lan Shuang shook her head seriously: "That's what I said, but many people don't care about my willingness, do they? After all, I have no power to restrain a chicken, and it's too easy for them to threaten and force me."

Lin Changyun was silent again.

That's right, everyone is innocent and guilty, with such supernatural powers in her body, Lan Shuang's life in the future is destined not to be peaceful.

He looked at Lan Shuang hesitating to speak, he wanted Lan Shuang to follow them, but he couldn't say it, he just threw her away before, but now he said that he can protect her, is it credible?
Lan Shuang saw his hesitation, but she didn't take the initiative to speak. She pulled Lan Qing aside and said, "This is a friend I met, named Lan Qing."

"Lan Qing, this is my former partner. His name is Lin Changyun, and he is a lightning-type power user."

Although Lan Qing couldn't understand, Lan Shuang still introduced him seriously.

Lan Qing looked at Lan Shuang's hand holding his wrist, her brows softened slightly, then she looked at Lin Changyun, and said "ah" indifferently.

Lin Changyun was at a loss: "Does he not like me too much?"

"No, don't think too much, Lan Qing is a bit special, he can't speak, only some simple syllables, he is very kind and simple, don't worry."

Lin Changyun glanced at Lan Qing hesitantly, "Do you know him?"

He didn't hide his worried expression, Lan Shuang understood his subtext and laughed it off.

Compared with people with evil intentions, the little zombie who only haunts her and sucks blood is many times cuter and safer.

Lan Shuang didn't speak, Lan Qing couldn't speak, and the air became quiet again.

Lin Changyun suddenly bowed to Lan Shuang.

"What are you doing?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, Lin Changyun said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, I left you in the supermarket earlier."

Since he took the initiative to mention it, Lan Shuang smiled slightly: "Is it your idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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