Chapter 545 The Last Rose 11
When it came to asking the butler, everyone froze. They really didn't want to talk to that weird butler. They felt inexplicably oppressed when they saw him.

Lan Shuang saw that they were not moving, and she didn't have any hope, but before she could speak, Jiang Lusheng stood up first, "I'll do it."

He turned around and shouted to the back: "Butler——"

Everyone turned their heads to look, quite nervous.

The next moment, she saw the butler coming out of another room around the corner. Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and took a second look. That room might be the butler's bedroom, right?

The butler came over, and his eyes slowly swept over everyone's faces, "Do you need anything?"

Jiang Lusheng lazily raised his hand, "Yes, did a servant go to the second floor just now?"

The butler shook his head: "Nothing special, servants will not go up to the second and third floors."

"Oh, I just went to the kitchen to check. I lost a fruit knife. I don't know where it went. This thing is very dangerous. You should take someone to look for it. There are still customers here. It will be bad if you hurt them. .”

The butler was a little impatient at first, but when he heard the word "guest", he suddenly glanced at Liu Quan and He Ping. The glance was meaningful. He let go of his frowning brows and curled his lips together: "Miss San said It makes sense, I'll let someone find it."

As he spoke, he turned around and opened the last door, and there were a group of maids standing or sitting inside.

After he said a few words, the maids filed out and began to search around.

Lan Shuang stared at them for a few times, and found that they had no expression, their eyes were dull, and they looked very dull, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling, like a group of walking dead.

"Xiao Baba, this time it must be a horror game, right?"

Lan Shuang sat there as if nothing had happened.

888 was right and pointed at his finger, "It should be, but the information is really incomplete, so it's impossible to make a conclusion. Be careful yourself."

Lan Shuang didn't speak any more. After 10 minutes, the maids came back and reported to the housekeeper. The housekeeper came back and said to them: "The tableware in the kitchen has been counted, and there is no shortage of fruit knives. Did the third miss remember wrongly?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, the living room fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then turned to look at Jiang Lusheng, Jiang Lusheng pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Ah, no? Maybe I really misremembered, did you go to the second floor to look for it?"

He actually saw that they hadn't gone up to the second floor, so he asked this on purpose.

The housekeeper's expression became impatient again, "Miss San, if you're fine, you'd better go back to your room to practice the piano, after all, the master and the others will be back tomorrow, instead of wasting our time here."

After speaking, he took the maid and left.

Jiang Lusheng shrugged and sat down, "Seeing how they are dragging Yang, they probably didn't let them go."

"But he said that there is no shortage of fruit knives, does that mean that the knife is no longer there?" Mu Tiao asked.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but glance at her. This outstandingly beautiful star had a quick brain and a unique angle.

Maybe he is used to living under monitors and flashlights. Mu Tiao is very sensitive to people's gaze, and he turned his head almost instantly. Seeing Lan Shuang looking at her, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You also think what I said is right ?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "But we are not in a hurry to go back and look at it now. Let's talk about everyone's own discoveries first. I was skeptical about whether there were ghosts here before, but now I believe it 80.00%."

She told about what she had experienced in the lounge before, except for Liu Quan who had already heard about it, everyone else's faces turned white, even Gao Yaozu's black skin was brightened, and the whitening effect was gratifying.

Wen Qingqing shivered, "So is it one ghost? There are still many?"

"It's hard to say." Lan Shuang's voice was so calm that it was almost indifferent.

"Then what should we do?" Zheng Mingxin asked anxiously: "It's only the first day, and they appeared three times. If we continue to live, will they attack us?"

He Ping said in a low voice: "It's very possible, so it's better for us all to stay together and try not to be alone, so that it will be more difficult for them to attack."

"But I still have to go back to my own room to sleep at night. At that time, we were all alone."

With Pei Jin's legs together, he is the calmest person besides Lan Shuang on the woman's side.

Lan Shuang snapped her fingers and called Rose, "Can we sleep together at night?"

"No, unless there are special circumstances and the plot requires it, otherwise everyone can't sleep together, and you have to stay in your own room."

Rose coldly refused.

"Needed by the plot?"

Several people shouted out at the same time.

Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng looked at each other, and had a vague guess, but they didn't say it.

In the end, everyone didn't agree on a four, five or six, so they had to disperse separately.

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then got up and walked out.

Pei Jinzhi saw it and asked her, "Where are you going?"

"Go around the garden and get familiar with the terrain."

"Are you alone?" Pei Jinzhi stepped forward, wanting to join her, but Jiang Lusheng was one step ahead of her, "I'll accompany her."

Pei Jinzhi looked at this and then that, understood something, nodded, and left with a wink.

Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng walked out of the gate of the manor side by side. The sun outside was not as blazing as imagined, but bright and pale, like a moon forced to go to work.

She turned her head and saw Jiang Lusheng in the sunlight, and couldn't help but "tsk".

"What's wrong?" Jiang Lusheng tilted his head in doubt.

Lan Shuang pinched his face, and whispered: "Your face is very ugly now, like a wax figure."

It was only then that Jiang Lusheng noticed that Lan Shuang's face was also abnormally white, and it really looked like she was wearing a mask.

"In this damn place, nothing is normal, and the strange color doesn't seem very strange."

Jiang Lusheng held Lan Shuang's hand while talking, and led her to the garden.

Lan Shuang smiled: "Yes."

After the two walked a few steps, the road turned into pebbles, with large clumps of roses blooming on both sides, red, white, blue, and yellow...

Looking around, it is simply a sea of ​​roses.

The fragrance is strong, and it's okay at first, but it makes people feel dizzy after smelling it for a long time.

Lan Shuang covered her nose and said in a low voice, "Rose Manor really lives up to its name."

Jiang Lusheng nodded approvingly, the flower branches were well pruned and the shape was very beautiful.

The two turned around and found nothing unusual, so they were about to go back. However, when passing by the red rose bush, Lan Shuang somehow felt that something was wrong. She stopped and stared at the flowers for a while. She looked around at the billowing black mist outside.

"Jiang Lusheng, do you feel that the bonus is too deep?"

"Too deep?" Jiang Lusheng's eyes flickered, avoiding the thorns, and took a look at a rose. The red color of a red rose should be bright, but a darker color would be better. The location is red and black.

Lan Shuang discovered something again, and pulled down his sleeve, "Do you think the color over there is lighter? It seems that only this part is redder?"

(End of this chapter)

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