Li Weiyan looked at Lan Shuang who was standing at his door screaming in confusion, "No—you..."

"Uh!" Lan Shuang froze suddenly, then blinked, and looked at Li Weiyan with obvious surprise: "Why are you here?"

Li Weiyan: "Should I ask you this? This is my room."

"Huh?" Lan Shuang looked down, she was really on the third floor.

"What happened to you just now? No matter how I called you, you didn't respond, and you just came over."

Li Weiyan pulled Lan Shuang away from the door, "Let's talk about it later, run first."

"What are you running, He Ping came to look for you?" Lan Shuang looked back, and saw He Ping chasing up with a chair, the legs of the chair were dragging on the ground, making a very ear-piercing sound.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Good guy, it smells like a chainsaw."

"Stop making cold jokes at this time, you don't even know how scary it is for me to wake up and sit on the bed in the middle of the night."

Li Weiyan ran while talking, but the corridor seemed to have suddenly become longer, no matter how he ran, he couldn't reach the end.

Lan Shuang sensed that something was wrong, and gave Li Weiyan a hand: "Don't run away, something is wrong, even if we are exhausted, we will not be able to run to the end."

"Then what should we do?" Li Weiyan looked at He Ping approaching behind him, burning with anxiety.

Lan Shuang turned to face He Ping, and stood side by side with Li Weiyan, "He Ping, do you still remember who you are?"

He Ping automatically ignored her, and looked straight at Li Weiyan.

Li Weiyan: "..."

Does he have a radar on him?So big living people can't see?
At this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him. He turned his head and saw that it was Pei Jinzhi. He suddenly felt that he saw a savior: "Sister Pei, brother Pei, help me!"


After a muffled sound, Lan Shuang fell to the ground.

Li Weiyan: "..."

Li Weiyan: "???"

He looked at Lan Shuang on the ground in disbelief, then at Pei Jinzhi, and asked brokenly, "What are you doing? Why did you knock Lan Shuang unconscious?"

Pei Jinzhi didn't give him a look, as if he didn't regard him as a person.

Li Weiyan: "..."

This familiar and suffocating feeling!
He felt that his life was over!
He Ping's hand had already grabbed his arm, and Li Weiyan's facial features twisted, "Damn it!"

He turned his head and started fighting with He Ping.

Pei Jinzhi on the other side had already picked up Lan Shuang and took her away, back to her own room.


Pei Jinzhi hugged Lan Shuang horizontally and put her on the bed, turned on the light and stared at her for a while, like a wolf sizing up its prey, then she smiled with satisfaction, closed the door, and unbuttoned it as she walked.

She was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of pajama pants underneath, and she didn't know where the mix and match style was.

Lan Shuang on the bed was lying there unconscious, Pei Jinzhi took off his shirt and knelt on the bed with one leg, and then began to untie his pants, but the zipper in his imagination was missing, and something seemed to be missing from his lower body.

A look of confusion suddenly appeared on her face.

It seems that a "criminal tool" is missing?
When Pei Jinzhi was in a daze, 888 frantically called out to Lan Shuang in her mind, "Host, wake up, hurry up! Otherwise, Jiang Lusheng will have an extra green hat soon! Wake up!"

The back of Lan Shuang's head was throbbing, and the 888 arguing in her head made her even more painful. She couldn't bear it anymore and opened her eyes, only to see someone pressing her hands on her pants, staring at her in a daze.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She suddenly understood Li Weiyan's feelings.

This feels too weird, especially when the other party is still unsmiling Pei Jinzhi!
Lan Shuang quickly sat up and grabbed Pei Jinzhi's wrist, "Pei Jinzhi, wake up, I'm Lan Shuang!"

Hearing her voice, Pei Jinzhi suddenly lowered his head again, intending to continue what he had just done.

Lan Shuang directly pushed the person away and ran into the bathroom, just as the milk cup was on the sink, she grabbed it to fill a cup of cold water, and splashed it directly on her face when Pei Jinzhi caught up.

Pei Jinzhi paused suddenly, and a few drops of water got into her eyes, but there was light in an instant. She looked around blankly, then at Lan Shuang, and didn't ask "Who am I" or "I am?" that made Lan Shuang collapse. Where is it?" She frowned and suddenly realized something, raised her hand and wiped her face, "I sleepwalked?"

Lan Shuang put down the cup, leaned against the sink and let out a long breath, but suddenly thought of Li Weiyan, "No, you put on your clothes first, come with me!"

Hearing this, Pei Jinzhi buttoned up the buttons, her face was still a little red, Lan Shuang grabbed her hand and led her to run outside, although Pei Jinzhi didn't understand the situation, but she knew that Lan Shuang would not harm her, so she let her go up.

The two ran to the third floor and saw He Ping riding on Li Weiyan. Li Weiyan was lying on the ground, pulling on his pants with all his strength, his face blushing.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Pei Jinzhi: "...What are they doing?"

"Maybe it's playing." Lan Shuang and Pei Jinzhi looked at each other, "Pull them away, I'll fetch water!"

Pei Jinzhi nodded, and the two of them strangled He Ping's neck from behind and dragged him aside. Li Weiyan felt light on his body, and quickly turned his head to look, "Pick up your trousers yourself, and I'll get the water!" Lan Shuang was like the wind She ran past him, entered his room, took a cup of cold water and came out.

Li Weiyan just got up, and he was pressing He Ping to the ground with Pei Jinzhi, He Ping was still struggling, Pei Jinzhi was puzzled, "Why is he so strong?"

Li Weiyan said out of breath; "Don't mention it, I suspect that he has entered the role again, my strength has become smaller, and his strength has become stronger, so I can't beat him at all."

"Come on, get out of the way."

Pei Jinzhi and Li Weiyan subconsciously backed away when they heard the words.

The next moment, water flew towards him, splashing He Ping all over his head and face.

He Ping's movements froze, and his reaction was the same as Pei Jinzhi's, and soon his eyes became clear.

His glasses were full of water, and he couldn't see people clearly. "What's going on? Who splashed me?"

As soon as he made a sound, the other three immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said in unison, "Huh—"

He Ping: "?"


The four of them moved to Li Weiyan's room nearby, Lan Shuang told what happened just now, Li Weiyan added a few sentences, and successfully restored it.

Both Pei Jinzhi and He Ping were silent after listening.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Unconsciously, they almost achieved the achievement of "killing men and women together", feeling uncomfortable and thankful, fortunately they woke up early, otherwise they would really not be able to face each other in the future.

Pei Jinzhi bowed to Lan Shuang as soon as he got up, and He Ping followed suit, "Thank you for saving us."

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, "I didn't do anything. I didn't expect this glass of water to be so effective at first. I thought that if you didn't wake up, I would just use it."

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