Chapter 609 Online dating is risky 8
Seeing Shen Yunxun's expression as if facing a formidable enemy, Lan Shuang looked at her hands, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"I didn't have much strength just now, did I?"

Shen Yunxun came back to his senses, forced a smile, "You... why are you standing behind me without making a sound? You scared me."

"I came over to see your ugly face. I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable, so I came to ask you."

Lan Shuang looked innocent, as if she really didn't think about anything.

Shen Yunxun breathed a sigh of relief, "It's nothing, I just watched a movie and felt a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, that's it, by the way, do you want to have dinner together tonight? You help me, I haven't thanked you yet."

When it came to "help", Shen Yunxun felt even more guilty, and refused without even thinking about it.

"I still have a lot of homework to finish, so forget about eating, I'll just deal with it in the dormitory, and it's not worth your heart to say that I helped you a little."

Shen Yunxun shook Lan Shuang's hand and said, "Let's go out to eat another day when we are free."

"Alright, then I'll go out to eat with my roommate at night, so I'll go first." Lan Shuang held a plastic bag in her other hand, which contained some tissues and daily necessities.

Apparently it happened by chance.

Shen Yunxun nodded: "Well, goodbye."

Watching Lan Shuang's back disappear around the corner, Shen Yunxun carefully unlocked the phone and found that Jiang Siming had just sent her a message.

She opened it up.

Jiang Siming: [My little uncle wants to find a girlfriend. I recommended this software to him and closed it. Now it has been uninstalled]

Seeing this, Shen Yunxun's heart was completely relieved.

Shen Yunxun: [Well, the little uncle is quite fashionable]

Jiang Siming: [He is six years older than me, of course he is fashionable, and he looks good, well, I admit that he is a little handsomer than me]

Seeing this sentence, Jiang Lusheng turned his head to fiddle with his mobile phone.

Jiang Siming cursed in his heart: a black-bellied dog.

If he hadn't been staring at his phone screen, he wouldn't have praised him!

Jiang Lusheng clicked on the downloaded software, quickly filled in the information, and filled in the nickname: Jiang Han Bai Lusheng.

Thinking of Lan Shuang's ID that he saw just now, he typed a string of numbers in the search bar, clicked to search, and added friends. A series of operations were very proficient.

"Uncle, can you use the matching function? Shall I teach you?"

Jiang Siming came over with his mobile phone, "You click in from this place and it will be a random match."

Jiang Lusheng nodded, "I will, thank you."

"Let me see how many people you have matched."

He stretched his neck curiously, Jiang Lusheng picked up the wine glass to cover his face, "Pour it up, thank you."


Jiang Lusheng's tone was too natural, and Jiang Siming subconsciously followed suit. When the red wine fell into the glass, he suddenly came back to his senses. What was he doing?
He's not a waiter, why is he pouring wine?
Jiang Siming really wanted to splash the wine on Jiang Lusheng's face, but Jiang Lusheng held the phone in one hand, stretched it out with the other, and took the wine glass from his hand lightly, "Thank you."

Jiang Siming: "..."

Lan Shuang's account is not online, and Jiang Lusheng is not in a hurry if he waits for a while and doesn't receive a reply, anyway, she will definitely look for him when she sees it.

He picked up the wine glass, clinked glasses with Jiang Lupeng and Mrs. Jiang, and turned to chat about the company.


After Lan Shuang returned to the dormitory and put down her things, her phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw the message "Combined" appeared in the notification bar. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, and when she clicked on it, she found that it was a friend. Apply.

"Jiang Han Bai Lusheng" requested to add you as a friend, and greeted you: "Shuangshuang."

Lan Shuang's eyes lit up, this guy was really fast.

She clicked through and asked directly: "WeChat, mobile phone number."

After a few minutes, both WeChat and mobile phone number were sent, Lan Shuang immediately copied and saved, and then added WeChat.

This time Jiang Lusheng passed in seconds.

Lan Shuang: [How did you find me? 】

Jiang Lusheng: [Let's talk later, where are you?I'll find you later? 】

Lan Shuang sent him a shared location.

Jiang Lusheng: [wait for me]

"Little uncle, who are you chatting with? Are you smiling so happily?"

Jiang Siming leaned over to him, and Jiang Lusheng immediately turned off the screen, "No one, just a friend."

He looked at Jiang Lupeng and Mrs. Jiang, smiled and said: "You go first, I want to meet a friend, I will go back later."

The expressions of Jiang Lupeng and Mrs. Jiang became intriguing.

But they didn't say anything, Jiang Lupeng patted Jiang Lusheng on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, the door is always reserved for you, it's okay if you don't come back."

After speaking, he opened the car door and sat in the back row with Mrs. Jiang.

Jiang Siming hesitated to speak, and was dragged in by his mother before he could speak.

Watching the car go away, Jiang Lusheng looked around, there was a beautiful flower shop across the street, he saw the green light and went there.

When the door was opened, the wind chimes hanging at the door jingled, and a girl in a pink apron raised her head and said with a smile, "Welcome, what flowers do you want to buy, sir? Who are they for?"

Jiang Lusheng looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on a handful of pink roses with dewdrops on them.

"Wrap me a bouquet of this pink rose."

"Sir, you have a good eye. This is a rose that just arrived in our shop. It's blooming just right. Are you going to give it to your girlfriend?"

The clerk picked the flowers nimbly, Jiang Lusheng smiled, "No, it's for my online dating partner."

The clerk opened his eyes wide: "Huh?"


In summer, it gets dark very late, and the sky is still bright at seven o'clock. The setting sun hangs in the west, and the brilliant light shines through the clouds, scattering gold on the ground.

Jiang Lusheng held a pink rose in one hand and put the other in his trousers pocket. Standing in the sun, he turned his face to look at the crowd coming and going. Half of his body was bathed in the golden light. Looking from afar, he looked as beautiful as a poster from a poster. Step out to the stars.

People passing by couldn't help but glance at him.

The wind blew his fluffy hair, and he raised his hand to smooth it out, when suddenly he heard someone calling him, "Jiang Lusheng."

He paused, and looked back, and there were ripples in those green eyes instantly.

"Yes." He smiled and walked over, holding the flowers in front of Lan Shuang, "meeting ceremony."

Lan Shuang looked at the delicate pink rose, and couldn't help poking the petals lightly, "You still bought flowers?"

"When we meet for the first time, we should buy flowers for girls. This is a nice little surprise."

Jiang Lusheng said with a smile.

Lan Shuang took the flowers and smelled them, and joked, "Mr. Jiang is so thoughtful, why don't you start a class, I'll go every day."

"Then why don't we offer a one-on-one private lesson without charging you tuition."

Jiang Lusheng raised his hand to pin back the broken hair around her ear.

"Let's go, find a place to sit."

"I remember there is a barbecue shop 500 meters ahead, do you want to go?" Lan Shuang turned her head to look at him.

Jiang Lusheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Eat barbecue on a hot day?"

"There is an air conditioner in the private room." Lan Shuang held his hand directly, "Well, your opinion is not important, just listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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