Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 638 The prodigal girl does not change her head money 7

Chapter 638
The carriage in front was very harmonious along the way, but the one behind was full of gunpowder.

Jiang Luqing stared at the indifferent Jiang Lusheng on the opposite side, her eyes tearing apart, "What's going on? Why do I want to enter the palace too? Didn't you marry King Rong? Did you say something in front of your mother and the lord?"

Jiang Lusheng sat on the seat with a pale expression, "You think I am very important in front of them, and they will listen to whatever I say?"

Jiang Luqing was at a loss for words, indeed, if she was so easily persuaded, she wouldn't be a British Duke.

However, His Majesty wanted to see Jiang Lusheng, but his mother insisted on taking him with him. Doesn't it look right?Why don't you take your big brother with you?

Could it be that he wanted him and Jiang Lusheng to serve the wife Lord Rong Wang together?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Luqing felt bad.

He stood up nervously, but he forgot that it was a pony carriage. When he stood up, he hit his head directly, and he sat down again with an "ow" in pain.

He covered his head with tears in his eyes, looking very pitiful.

Jiang Lusheng kindly reminded, "Since you are here, you will be at ease. It is His Majesty who will see you later. If you leave a bad impression on Your Majesty, mother may not be happy."

These words are more useful than anything else. The men in Kun Kingdom are the same as the women in the patriarchal society. The greatest value in life is to marry and have children. If they make their parents unhappy and cannot find a good marriage, it will really ruin their whole life.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, Jiang Luqing held back her tears and didn't say a word along the way.

Jiang Lusheng was so happy that his ears were clean.

When they arrived at the palace, they got out of the car and walked inside following the guidance of the maid. Jiang Luqing kept pinching her sleeves nervously throughout the whole process.

Jiang Lusheng didn't look sideways, and his posture was dignified. In comparison, he looked like the one who grew up in the Duke's mansion, and Jiang Luqing looked like he came back from the countryside.

Lord Sun withdrew his gaze, and was fair to England: "My wife, it's a pity to have this child. Even if you can't marry into the royal family this time, you should find a good marriage for him. He has a bright future."

The British public glanced at Jiang Lusheng, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Soon, the maid led them to the entrance of the imperial garden, bowed her body and said, "Duke, Lord, Your Majesty and His Highness King Rong are waiting inside."

"Thank you."

The British Duke bowed his hands at them, and then said to Jiang Lusheng and Jiang Luqing: "I'll see you later, be respectful, talk less and listen more, don't look around."


Jiang Luqing and Jiang Lusheng responded, and walked in after them.

At this time, when spring and summer alternate, the imperial garden is full of flowers, red willows and green, a thriving scene, and the birds are chirping on the branches, adding a bit of interest.

Going around a rockery, there was faint laughter in front of him, Jiang Lusheng immediately looked up.

I saw two people sitting opposite each other drinking tea in the octagonal pavilion. One of them was wearing an apricot-yellow phoenix robe and a nine-phoenix crown. He looked very dignified.

The person opposite was wearing an ice-blue tulle with a high bun, revealing a beautiful white neck. Even though the face could not be seen, it gave people a vague sense of beauty.

Jiang Lusheng slowed down and suddenly smiled.

Going around, it's still her, just looking at the back, he knows it's her.

Sensing his gaze, Lan Shuang turned her head suddenly, met his gaze, and smiled sweetly, "Why don't you make a sound when you're here?"

Jiang Luqing was already standing very close to Jiang Lusheng, she was in a daze when she heard this, and said first: "My lord is very beautiful today."

As soon as these words came out, Lan Shuang was stunned, and Jiang Lu became green.

(End of this chapter)

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