Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 642 The prodigal girl does not change her head money 11

Chapter 642
After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she turned around and was about to get into the carriage. Yun Xing suddenly said from behind: "The pear blossom appointment——"

"Does the prince still remember the pear blossom appointment?"

Lan Shuang paused for a moment, then opened the curtain and walked in as if nothing had happened, as if she had never heard of it.

Seeing that the curtain of the carriage was lowered to cover Lan Shuang's face, Yun Xing suddenly felt that something was missing in his heart.

The guard said bluntly: "Get out of the way, don't block the way."

Yun Xing retreated to the side in a daze, watching the carriage leave helplessly.


Lanshuang in the carriage asked solemnly: "Xiao Baba, what's the matter with him? Isn't the Pear Blossom Agreement an agreement in their previous life? How does he know now? Reborn?"

888 looked it up, and said in surprise: "It's really reborn, the host, you didn't say that I didn't find out before, no wonder he has to haunt you in this life, I thought it was because of his mission."

"You didn't find out before?" Lan Shuang was puzzled.

888 nodded: "If it has nothing to do with the task, we can't just check a person's situation. This time I can only check because it always tries to get close to the host."

Lan Shuang nodded, "I thought his eyes were a bit weird before, but I didn't think much about it. I didn't expect him to be really reborn."

In this way, all his previous unreasonable behaviors became reasonable.

She squeezed her fingers into the memories.

The so-called Pear Blossom Agreement was made by the original owner and Yun Xing in the previous life.

At that time, the spring was warm and flowers were blooming, and the courtyard of Yunxing was full of snow-white pear blossoms, which were very beautiful.

In order to make the original owner trust him more, Yun directed and acted by poisoning the food to drive a wedge between the original owner and Lan Ling.

Although it was self-directed and acted, but in order to achieve the effect, Yun Xing really took poison and almost failed to recover. He was unconscious on the bed for more than half a month.

The original owner took care of him in a puzzled manner, and his whole body became thin. Yun Xing finally woke up, but the original owner fell ill.

The two sat on the couch and drank medicine together, looking at the pear blossoms outside the courtyard, Yun Xing said: "I almost won't see this year's pear blossoms, if I miss this beautiful scenery, I'm afraid I will die in peace."

The original owner didn't want to hear this, held his hand and said, "No, there will be future blessings if you survive a catastrophe. I will accompany you to see pear blossoms every year from now on, for the rest of your life."

At that time, Yun Xing should have been moved, he rarely showed a smile to the original owner, "Okay, it's a deal."


However, there are too many conspiracies and calculations hidden under that touch of whiteness, and the vows of the mountain alliance back then have been shattered by reality before they can be fulfilled, leaving a place of regret in vain.

Lan Shuang sighed faintly, returning to her senses from her memories, so in the next life, does Yun Xing regret it?

But there is no regret medicine in this world that you can take.

After returning to the palace, Meng Yuying came up and asked beamingly, "Is the prince's marriage settled?"

Lan Shuang glanced at her: "Hurry up, call out all the young masters in the backyard."

Meng Yu was puzzled: "Why call them?"

"I told you to go, so much nonsense?" Lan Shuang glared at her, and Meng Yu quickly clenched her tail and left.

A quarter of an hour later, Lan Shuang was sitting at the stone table in the yard drinking tea leisurely, and Meng Yu led a group of men in.

"My lord, everyone is here."

Lan Shuang put down the teacup slowly, and when she raised her eyes, she was caught by a flash.

Colorful, tall and short, fat and thin, spring flowers and autumn moons, coquettish and sluts, everything is available, and there is no end in sight.

There were even a few who were winking at her.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She almost couldn't hold back and spit out the tea.

Before seeing them, she still had a superficial understanding of the dozens of men in the so-called backyard, but seeing the impact with her own eyes was so overwhelming that she almost thought she had walked into the wrong set.

She glanced at Meng Yu, but Meng Yu didn't understand her look, and said with a smile: "The young masters are very happy to hear that the prince is going to be summoned, and they all dressed up carefully."

Lan Shuang: "...It doesn't have to be."

Catch up with Pansi Cave.

"My lord, do you think of my slave family?"

A charming little white face in red, with orchid fingers upturned, walked over with twisted waist, raised her buttocks and wanted to sit on Lan Shuang's body.

Lan Shuang trembled in fright, and quickly avoided it.

Xiaobailian slammed his butt on the stone bench, tears burst out of pain instantly, and looked at her aggrievedly: "My lord~"

Lan Shuang closed her eyes, and before she could speak, another one came up behind her, wrapped her arms around her waist, and said with a coquettish, "My lord, I miss you so much, why don't you come to see her?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Get up, is such a big guy ashamed to put it on the prince's body?"

This voice is much more pleasing to the ear, Lan Shuang nodded.

But the next moment her arm was held, she looked down, the little boy was very delicate in pink clothes, and looked at her with tears in his eyes: "Do you still remember who I am, my lord?"

"My lord, you said you wanted me to be your side king—"

"My lord~"

"My lord—"


Lan Shuang: "..."

Help!Save me, save me!

Although she was good at punching and kicking, she couldn't stand the opponent's crowd, and they all entangled her and overwhelmed her directly.

Men are perverted, left and right are men, men are forced to be men, men talk to themselves...

Lan Shuang re-acquainted with these words today.

With difficulty, she stretched out an arm and shouted to Meng Yu: "Save——save——"

Meng Yu: "..."

"No, the lord is about to be crushed to death! What are you still doing? Come on, pull the lord out!" Meng Yu shouted, and the guards immediately rushed up and tore him down layer by layer.

Lan Shuang was already sweating profusely when she was pulled out.

Meng Yu immediately ordered people to bring a recliner over, Lan Shuang leaned on it dying, and the guards fanned her with fans.

But even so, Lan Shuang still felt that she smelled of powder all over her body, and she kept sneezing because of the strong smell.

The young masters stood together awkwardly, and the people who were just fighting to kill each other and talk about each other's heads are now being honest like quails, and they glanced at Lan Shuang from time to time.

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand tremblingly, "Water—"

Meng Yu immediately handed her the water: "My lord, drink slowly."

Lan Shuang took it and dried it in one breath. After finally recovering her breath, she sat up and looked at the young masters with gloomy eyes.

The sons were even more flustered.

"The king didn't call you here today to watch you compete for favor."

Lan Shuang touched her face, only to find a hand full of lip balm.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She wiped the handkerchief vigorously, and said as she wiped: "This king is going to marry Zhengjun soon. Zhengjun is a jealous person, and this king is too fond of him. I am afraid that you will be wronged. Today From now on, you are no longer the people of the Rong Palace, you can go back wherever you came from, and go wherever you want if you don’t want to go back, but you can’t stay in the Palace anymore.”

"My lord, are you going to drive us away?"

Someone exclaimed: "How can this be done? The slave is the prince's man, and the death is the prince's—"

"Damn ghost." Lan Shuang interrupted him expressionlessly, "but this king has never touched you. You can remarry freely after you go out, and this king will not interfere."

(End of this chapter)

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