Chapter 681 The Invisible Lover 15
Seeing the doctors, the old man smiled slightly, "It's hard work to alarm you at such a late hour."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back? We can send someone to pick it up."

The dean was flattered and said with a smile.

The old man's eyes fell on Jiang Lusheng who was on the hospital bed, his eyes dimmed.

"I just came back from a business trip, so I came to see Xiaosheng on the spur of the moment."

"Then you have worked hard." The dean sighed, and then said: "Jiang Ershao's condition is fairly stable during this period, and we regularly ask the nurses to clean and massage him. Although we can't guarantee that he will be as healthy as before, but There is no muscle atrophy, and if you wake up and exercise, you can go back to what it was before."

"Wake up?" The corners of the old man's mouth trembled slightly, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be getting deeper. Xiaosheng has been asleep for three years, can he still wake up?

The dean persuaded: "As long as you persevere, there is always hope."

That's what he said, but he didn't know the truth in his heart.

The old man also knew this, so he just laughed it off and said, "Thank you for your good words."

He glanced at the crowd of people following the dean, frowned and said, "It's so late, let's go back and rest, it's useless to stay here."

"Okay, then ring the bell if you have any orders, and we will be there as soon as possible."

After the dean finished speaking, he winked at the people behind, and everyone retreated together.

The ward, which seemed a little small at first, suddenly became empty, and it seemed bigger.

The old man's back, which was straight in front of outsiders, collapsed in an instant. His trembling fingers fell on Jiang Lusheng's face, and he sighed, "Xiaosheng, after sleeping for so many years, should I wake up? Grandpa has been waiting for you for too long."

However, the person on the bed still had his eyes closed, and he didn't show any signs of waking up. He just had a ruddy complexion and steady breathing, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The old man looked at it for a while, and the exhaustion from catching the plane all night came back. He turned around and entered the specially developed lounge in the ward. There were all the toiletries in it, as well as his change of clothes. He just slept here up.


Early the next morning, Mr. Jiang washed up and changed into a black-bottomed crane pattern Tang suit. He was sitting by the bed drinking porridge when he heard someone knocking on the door.

He raised his eyes and gave the assistant next to him a look. The assistant understood and went to open the door. When he saw a girl in a wheelchair at the door, he was stunned, "You are?"

Old Man Jiang also turned his head and looked over when he heard the words, "Who is it?"

The assistant turned sideways, revealing the person at the door.

The blue and white hospital gown made Lan Shuang look quite thin. The bandage on her forehead had been removed, revealing a clean and full forehead. Her long hair was scattered behind her back, making her fair and delicate skin. Very gentle.

Even without makeup on, Lan Shuang's face was extremely punchable, and the old man's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Grandpa Jiang, I don't know if you still remember me, I'm Lan Shuang, and I visited your house as a guest when I was young."

Mr. Jiang suddenly realized, "Are you that little girl from the Lan family?"

Lan Shuang folded her hands on her lap, "Well, I heard that Brother Jiang is here, so I just wanted to visit, but I didn't expect Grandpa Jiang to be here."

"You have a heart." Mr. Jiang smiled, "Come in."

The assistant wanted to push the wheelchair, but Lan Shuang declined, and pushed the wheelchair in by herself.

The old man's eyes fell on the wheelchair, hesitantly asked: "What happened to your leg?"

(End of this chapter)

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