Chapter 716 The Invisible Lover 50
There are raging flames burning in her eyes, it is a resistance to fate and injustice, it is a desire for life, it is so bright that it is shocking.

Huo Zhen looked at her in shock, "You know how to use a gun?"

How could he never know?

Maybe his eyes were too bright, Lan Shuang smiled disdainfully, "There are still many things you don't know."

She raised her hand and shot again, hitting a person who was about to attack with precision.

Right between the eyebrows, when the man fell down, his eyes were full of astonishment and unwillingness to die.Ruan Yining was so frightened that she couldn't speak, she held Huo Zhen tightly, unable to speak a word.

"Fuck, that little bitch over there has two brushes, be careful!"

The boss of the kidnapper saw that the situation inside was not right, and the murderous intent in his eyes became even stronger.

Although there were many of them, there were a lot of messy containers and machines in the warehouse. The three of Lan Shuang fought and hid. They were very passive and difficult to aim, so they were successfully dragged at the warehouse door, unable to rush in for a long time.

In particular, Lan Shuang's marksmanship was still very accurate. Some of the kidnappers couldn't help but feel fear. Seeing another person fall down, before Huo Zhen could react, Lan Shuang suddenly rolled on the spot, rolling from a corpse to the ground. Next to the other corpse, they snatched all the guns from their hands, and found a bunker to hide by the way.

"Ruan Yining—"

She yelled, Ruan Yining looked up in a daze, and then saw Lan Shuang throwing a gun over on the spot.

Ruan Yining took a step back in fright, "What are you doing?"

"Take it, kill."

Lan Shuang picked up another gun while talking.Ruan Yining looked at the gun on the ground, but he still didn't dare to take it, his whole body was terrified, like a frightened bird.

"I, I dare not."

"Oh, trash."

Your life is about to be lost, and you still dare not resist. You were not afraid at all when you abandoned the original owner.

Lan Shuang gave her a cold look, then raised her hands, and fired both guns, hitting the kidnapper on the opposite side and running away.

Huo Zhen: "..."

Seeing Lan Shuang's effortless appearance, he suddenly wondered what the hell he was here for?She looks more like a rescuer than he does!
Huo Zhen's self-esteem was hit hard at this moment.

However, this was not over yet. The kidnappers were hesitating whether to retreat when they saw that they couldn't beat them, when they suddenly heard a loud noise from the woods behind them.

They turned their heads to look in amazement, and saw two big lamps piercing the darkness and rushing straight.

"No, get out of the way!"

The kidnapper boss reacted immediately, but it was still too late.

The sports car sped up, knocking the few people who couldn't react in time into the air, and rushed straight into the abandoned factory.

The dazzling headlights illuminate everything in the warehouse without hiding.

Huo Zhen frowned, and hid behind the container to look around, but seeing that Lan Shuang had already rushed out, he couldn't help shouting: "Lan Shuang!"

Lan Shuang ignored him, but stood in the middle with a smile.

The car stopped in front of her, and through the headlights, she and the people in the car exchanged glances. Seeing that she was not injured, Jiang Lusheng felt relieved all the way, smiled suddenly, and gave her a thumbs up.

Lan Shuang smiled, and tapped the hood of the car with a gun, Jiang Lu raised her eyebrows, Lan Shuang pointed to the roof of the car again.

Jiang Lusheng understood immediately, and he nodded in agreement.

The imagined bloody scene did not appear, Huo Zhen and Ruan Yining walked out, "Lan Shuang, you—"

Before the words fell, Ruan Yining's eyes widened and he exclaimed.

With a stride of Lan Shuang's long legs, she flipped directly onto the hood of the car, and climbed onto the roof along the way.

She was sitting on the roof of the car, her two long legs were casually laid down, a gun in each hand, and whistled at Huo Zhen, "You better run now, there will be chaos here later, be careful of accidental injury, I don't care Medical expenses~"

888: "Host, you seem very excited."

"Of course, it's been a long time since I've let go of my hands and feet to fight. The world is aggrieved, and I want to vent it out today."

The car exited the abandoned warehouse under the control of Jiang Lusheng. Lan Shuang's eyes froze. A kidnapper was running into the woods. She snorted, raised her arm, and shot him in the back of the head with a "bang".

Seeing this, the kidnapper next to him was so frightened that his calf cramped, and before he could react, he was also taken away by a shuttle.

For a while, only the sound of cars and gunshots could be heard in the woods, and occasionally the screams of the kidnappers sounded.

Jiang Lusheng's Bluetooth headset flickered, he pressed it, and said in a low voice: "Catch the net, and carefully check around to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net."


Half an hour later, the gunfire finally stopped.

The car stopped in place, surrounded by corpses in various shapes.

Lan Shuang sat on the roof of the car, watching this scene, feeling at ease.

She said to herself, "Look, those who hurt you back then are all dead, none of them escaped, fate is broken, and we still have a bright future."

After a few minutes, 888 suddenly said: "Congratulations to the host, the female partner's resentment value has been reduced by [-], and there are [-] left, which is great!"

Sure enough, after passing the hurdle of death, the resentment value dropped, and the remaining thirty...

She looked at Huo Zhen and Ruan Yining who helped each other out, and smiled inexplicably.

This time without her obstruction, they got married smoothly, let's see if they can really make it to the end.

With a bang, the door opened and closed again.

Jiang Lusheng stood beside the car and opened his arms towards the roof, "Get down."

Lan Shuang threw the gun and looked at him with a smile: "Catch me."

Jiang Lusheng's eyes were deep and gentle, "Definitely."

Lan Shuang jumped down.

Jiang Lusheng immediately hugged her tightly, and being shocked, he hugged her and turned around twice before letting her go.

Seeing this, Huo Zhen wanted to go forward and say something, but just as he took a step, Jiang Lusheng grabbed Lan Shuang's waist and picked her up, pressed her head, and kissed her vigorously.

Huo Zhen: "..."

Ruan Yining: "!"

Do you really not treat them as outsiders?
That's still treating them as outsiders, Jiang Lusheng bit them twice, breathless and said: "You crazy."

"Do you not like it?"

Lan Shuang pinched the back of his neck, Jiang Lusheng bowed his head, "I like it, I like it to death."

After speaking, he pressed Lan Shuang's lips hard, and pressed the person into his arms, before looking at the two extra people.

Huo Zhen looked at Lan Shuang with a complicated expression, "Just now, thank you."

"No need." Jiang Lusheng looked extremely cold when facing them, "Lan Shuang was implicated by you in today's matter, and it was Lan Shuang and I who rescued you in the end. I hope you can be more sensible."

Huo Zhen pursed her lips, "What do you want?"

"It's nothing." Lan Shuang poked her head out of Jiang Lusheng's arms, and smiled slyly, "We are getting married soon, you don't need to attend the wedding, remember to call for the money."

"I'm a little tired. Let's go back. Mr. Huo will take care of the rest. It has nothing to do with us."

"it is good."

Jiang Lusheng opened the door for Lan Shuang, guarded her in, and then walked around to the driver's seat, without giving Huo Zhen and the others a single extra look.

(End of this chapter)

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