Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 726 The Concubine Doesn’t Take Medicine Today 8

Nangong Yi's heart trembled, "You gave it to nobleman Xiao?!"

He didn't realize how harsh his tone was. Seeing that Lan Shuang was stunned, blinking her big eyes and looking at him aggrievedly, he reacted abruptly.

Just when she was about to speak, Lan Shuang shed two tears. The tears were round and rolled down her face silently like pearls, which made people feel distressed.

"Is Your Majesty angry? The concubine didn't do it on purpose. If you are not happy, the concubine will ask for the bracelet back."

As she said that, she turned her face away, leaving Nangong Yi with a forbearing profile.

Nangong Yi hurriedly explained: "I'm not angry, I'm just surprised. You have no relationship with Xiao Guiren in the past, and you suddenly gave her a bracelet. I'm afraid she will think too much."

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes, who was thinking too much?Are you guilty?

She was so happy, but she shed more tears.

888 looked thoughtfully, "Host, are you laughing and crying in the legend?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

She almost failed, "Shut up, don't talk, you're making a show."

888: "Oh."

Seeing that Lan Shuang was ignoring him, Nangong Yi firmly held her by the shoulder and turned her around.

"Don't cry, my heart is broken when you cry." Nangong Yi coaxed in a low voice: "My tone was bad just now, I apologize to you, okay?"

Lan Shuang sniffed, "Forget it, the concubine can't really be angry with His Majesty, she was just scared."

She looked up at Nangong Yi, her eyes that had just been washed by tears were exceptionally clear, reflecting Nangong Yi's figure, Nangong Yi's heart moved, and she had the illusion that she was everything to her in a trance.

Nangong Yi raised his hand to wipe the tears at the end of her eyes, "It won't happen in the future, but you can't just give away the things I reward you to others."

"Why? Can't you give it to someone else or you can't give it to nobleman Xiao? Does your majesty dislike nobleman Xiao?" Lan Shuang asked innocently.

Nangong Yi could hardly maintain his expression.

"No, why do you think so?"

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes, gently held Nangong Yi's hand, and took his hand off her shoulder when he wasn't paying attention.

After regaining her freedom, she smiled from the bottom of her heart, "Because noble lady Xiao has been in the palace for so long, and the concubines have never seen her very much. Seeing her wearing very simple clothes and jewelry today, I thought she was being treated harshly. If Your Majesty is free, you should visit her more often."

Lan Shuang sighed: "The slaves in the palace are used to being arrogant and demeaning. Without His Majesty's favor, I would not dare to think about what kind of life Xiao Guiren is living. Today, I gave her a bracelet for others to see. Yes, it's a pity that His Majesty still loses his temper after all the good intentions of the ministers and concubines."

She gave Nangong Yi a reproachful look, and Nangong Yi was not only not angry but also tickled.

He took a deep look at Lan Shuang, patted her head, and said in a deep voice: "My concubine is kind, it's because I'm superficial."

"Your Majesty, why don't you visit Sister Xiao tonight?"

Nangong Yi laughed, and scratched his nose, "The people in the harem all wish I could go to their palace, but you are better off, just keep driving me out."

Lan Shuang smiled: "That's because His Majesty is ruthless to them, and they are terrified. I know that Your Majesty's heart is with me, and I am not afraid."

Nangong Yi couldn't help laughing twice.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I can't disappoint my concubine's trust."

As he spoke, he leaned over and touched Lan Shuang's face, then turned and left.

After his figure completely disappeared, Lan Shuang asked 888, "Are you gone?"

888: "Well, it's already out of the palace."

Lan Shuang turned over in an instant, got up from the bed, and rushed to the outside like the wind, picked up the handkerchief on the shelf and put it into the copper basin, wiped her face carefully after getting wet.

"Bah, bah, bad luck."


After wiping her face, Lan Shuang looked at her clothes again, turned around and went to the closet to get new clothes, and quickly changed, feeling dirty even a second later.

Lan Shuang was comfortable when her whole body was replaced with new ones. She lay back on the bed and smiled. Nangong Yi went to meet Xiao Feiyan. How would they react?I'm looking forward to it.


After coming out of Hanyu Palace, Nangong Yi paused, and suddenly looked back, Su Ming was puzzled, "Your Majesty?"

Nangong Yi withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Look at the noble concubines these few days to see if she has contact with nobleman Xiao again, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality."

"Your Majesty suspects that the noble concubine is going to be detrimental to nobleman Xiao?" Su Ming is an old man next to Nangong Yi, and he also knows about Nangong Yi's messy things, and he can guess Nangong Yi's mind with a single sentence.

Nangong Yi twirled his fingers, and it seemed that the delicate feeling still remained on them.

His eyes were deep, "I don't believe that there are so many coincidences in this world, if it's really a coincidence, it's fine, if it's not...heh."

He laughed and didn't say any more.

Su Ming wisely didn't ask, "Yes, I understand."

"Show me, go paint the erotic palace."



Xiao Feiyan was reading this military book, when he heard the palace man rushing in, he couldn't help but frowned, "What's wrong?"

It was her confidant Lianxiu who came in, she lowered her voice and said pleasantly: "Master, get up quickly, Your Majesty is coming!"

Xiao Feiyan was stunned, and there was surprise in her eyes that she didn't know, "Didn't he go to Hanyu Palace? Why did he come here at this time?"

Lian Xiu hated iron and said: "My lord, it doesn't matter when His Majesty will come, the important thing is that he comes. If you stay here overnight, you have to make plans early."

Xiao Feiyan was startled, and when he met her gaze, he immediately realized what this plan meant.

She blushed slightly, and clenched the book in her hand, "I see, let someone prepare it."

"Yes." Lian Xiu went happily. Xiao Feiyan put down her book, straightened her skirt and cuffs, and prepared to meet her after making sure there were no wrinkles. But when she reached the door, she raised her hand and touched the hairpin on her hair Huan, he was relieved after confirming that it was not loose, and looked in the direction of the palace gate.

When a bright yellow suit slowly appeared in her field of vision, her heart beat fast and she couldn't take her eyes off it.

When Nangong Yi saw her standing at the door waiting, his heart suddenly calmed down.

All the restlessness, anger, and doubts from earlier dissipated.

But he was concerned about the presence of outsiders, so he didn't show any emotion, and walked straight past her.

Xiao Feiyan knelt down and saluted, "The concubine has seen His Majesty."

Nangong Yi replied lightly: "Well, no courtesy."

He sat down in the room, waved his hand to get the palace people to leave, Xiao Feiyan stood up and poured him tea.

As soon as the door was closed, Nangong Yi's hand covered the back of her hand, he rubbed it emotionally twice, and called: "Ayan."

Xiao Feiyan paused, turned to look at him, "Your Majesty."

Nangong Yi suddenly got up and hugged her.

Xiao Feiyan screamed and wrapped his arms around his neck. (end of this chapter)

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