Chapter 497 I Really Don't Dislike It

It turned out that she rented the storefront of Cao Xing's house. After she quit, Cao Xing and his wife did not rent out the storehouse. Instead, they opened the store themselves.

They sell food, special rice noodles.

When Su Xue and the others passed by, Cao Xing and his wife saw them and immediately walked out of the shop.

"Dongzi? Sister Xiaoxue?"

Cao Xing looked at Su Xue in disbelief. He hadn't seen her for a few months. Why does this girl seem to be several years younger?

He looked at He Qingdong in front again, he was as rough as ever.He couldn't help frowning, and greeted Su Xue into the store to eat rice noodles, but he himself grabbed He Qingdong and walked away.

Su Xue didn't care what they were going to whisper, but she didn't go in to eat rice noodles.She was full at noon, and she is not hungry yet.

Just standing outside, chatting with Mrs. Cao who was serving rice noodles.

Talking about the development and changes in the town, Mrs. Cao was obviously very happy.

"Now life is better, I have hope, I feel full of strength, no matter how hard I work, I don't feel tired."

As Mrs. Cao said, she swiftly scooped up a bowl of rice noodles and put them in a bowl, added the side dishes that had been prepared earlier and poured the soup, and a bowl of special rice noodles was ready.

"Life is better now, many people are willing to eat out, and there are more choices. If it was a few years ago, it would have been unthinkable."

Mrs. Cao served the rice noodles to the guests, and walked back to continue talking with Su Xue.

Su Xue nodded.

Yes, as the policies get better and better, people's lives have also undergone earth-shaking changes. In another ten or twenty years, it will be something they can't think of now anyway!
Su Xue couldn't help being excited when she thought of this, wishing to go to decades later and see the changes in society at that time.

It's just that He Qingdong, who was called to the side by Cao Xing, is not as excited as Su Xue is now.On the contrary, he was very depressed and heavy.

Su Xue looked suspiciously at He Qingdong who came back, and then at Cao Xing who was not far away, couldn't help but reached out and tugged at the corner of He Qingdong's clothes: "What's wrong?"

"What did Brother Cao tell you? Did something happen?"


He Qingdong held her hand and said it was fine, but the expression on his face was very unhappy.

Su Xue:? ? ?
"Is that all right?"

"Well... Brother Cao said, daughter-in-law, you are getting younger and younger." On the contrary, he looked older and rougher: "Daughter-in-law, after you went to college, you saw someone younger than me Man, do you think they are better than me?"

Su Xue: ...

She thought it was some major event that made He Qingdong look so solemn.Unexpectedly, he was thinking about this, she was speechless.

"What are you thinking? Am I going to be that kind of person?"


"So what are you worried about?"

It's rare to see her brother Dong look so unconfident, she looked at him a little funny: "I said brother, you are very good, okay, let's be more confident?"

"Daughter-in-law really thinks I'm good?"

"Otherwise? You are not good, why should I marry you?" Su Xue didn't want to continue discussing this issue with He Qingdong, because this issue is actually not a problem at all, and there is no need to discuss it.

If you have this time, why not visit her clothing factory.

The two bid farewell to the Cao family couple and continued to move forward.

Mrs. Cao reached out and touched Cao Xing's arm: "What did you tell Ren Dongzi just now? They are different now, so don't talk nonsense, they don't want to hear it."

"What do you mean you don't like to hear?"

Cao Xing glanced at his wife, "Let me ask you, do you think Miss Su is younger this time than when she was in the town?"


Mrs. Cao thought about it, and it was true.

She nodded: "What does this have to do with you?"

"It definitely has nothing to do with me. But it has something to do with Dongzi. Look at Dongzi's dress just now. People who don't know think he is Xiaosu's uncle."

"You say in the long run, will Xiao Su dislike him for being too old and not be with him?"


Mrs. Cao definitely doesn't believe that Su Xue is that kind of person, but it can't resist that young people love beauty and beauty. Although Sister Su doesn't dislike Dongzi's roughness, it's hard to guarantee that others won't.

So she also felt that it was better to pay more attention to her image.

I have to say that the first days were really good, and even Cao Xing and his wife began to feel that their image was important.If this was the case before, they would have been too busy earning work points to fill their stomachs.Who still thinks of a good image?
Besides, I didn't dare to dress up so fancy before, and I was arrested when I went out!All this is thanks to the changing times.

Thinking of this, the husband and wife happily went to work again.

For better and better times, they have to work hard to make money.

Su Xue and He Qingdong came to the garment factory, which is called Su Ji.She came to the garment factory with He Qingdong, and saw Sun Lihong and Zhao Hong who were busy at first sight.

The stomachs of both of them have been five months old, and they look very obvious.And after seeing each other for a while, their complexions are much better than before pregnancy, their faces are round and red, and their bodies are also rounder.

It can be seen that when she was pregnant, she was taken care of very well.

When the employees of the garment factory saw He Qingdong and Su Xue coming together, they didn't pay much attention.It wasn't until Sun Lihong and Zhao Hong cried out in a low voice after seeing Su Xue that those people raised their heads.


The employees looked at Su Xue, and found that she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, fair-skinned, beautiful, with a face that was so white that it could almost glow, with a smile on her face.

This is their boss?

"Xiaoxue, have you finished your exam?"

Zhao Hong is now with the mute, and the two are in charge of managing the garment factory.She is in charge of accounting, receiving some individual customers who want to order clothes, and other large group orders.

As for the production, all the matters were handed over to the mute.

It has been more than four months and almost five months since the last time we met. The dumb dress is still as plain as before, but his spirit is visible to the naked eye, much better than before.

Su Xue came over, and although the mute couldn't speak, she immediately stood up and extended her hand to say hello.And Sun Lihong, who was an apprentice with the mute, is now able to take care of herself, working on a sewing machine by herself.

He also raised his head when he heard the voice, and was also very surprised to see Su Xue.

"Sister, are you back?" She smiled and stood up and ran towards Su Xue.

Su Xue quickly raised her hand, signaling to Sun Lihong not to forget her current physical condition, she is still pregnant, if she is about to run over, what should she do if her fetus moves or something?
"Lihong, go slowly, don't worry, there is a baby in your belly."

"Well, sister I know, Lihong is not an idiot, Lihong is smart now." Sun Lihong smiled, slowed down, and walked over slowly, step by step.

The movement seemed to be played back in slow motion.

Su Xue couldn't help laughing.

So cute.

(End of this chapter)

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