When Zhou Ting was in Canghaiyuan, Cheng Yuanxi and others never bothered them. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't get in. Buwei and the secret guards were guarding the door. Every time Zhou Ting came, they were like outsiders, even their own family members. Can't even enter the yard.

"Yiyi, come and try the courgette. It tastes sweet and has a unique fragrance."

Zhou Ting took a thick and short courgette from one of the melons he brought in. The skin was light yellow and green; after breaking it open, the fragrance wafted out, and it was indeed very fragrant.

Each person eats half of the melon. The skin is not eaten, only the flesh inside.

Mingyi knows this kind of courgette, isn’t it just a cucumber?

It tastes really good. I haven’t eaten this kind of cucumber for a long time since I came to this world. It is sweet and delicious, much more delicious than the long cucumbers cultivated in the modern world. After all, it is a purely natural vegetable.

"Are there any courgette sprouts?" After eating half a courgette, she remembered to ask.

"There should be. I have brought you all the seedlings I got from the house. Take a look and see that there may be such courgette seedlings." But he didn't know it, so he could only rely on Mingyi to plant it and then take a look.

Mingyi nodded happily, "Thank you Chaosheng, I will plant it well."

"Just do whatever you want. The royal palace's caravan will go to the Western Regions in the next year. If you want anything, I'll let them find it."

Mingyi's eyes were calm, but her heart was active.

In Zhou Ting's eyes, she was in a daze at the moment; dissatisfied with being ignored, he pinched her baby bump and said, "Yiyi, are you listening?"

"Ah? Yes." The slight pain on her face brought her back to her mind, "Chaosheng, I want some plants. I will draw them and give them to you; you let the caravan find them."

Just do it. Mingyi ran to Cheng Mingli's room to get pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and drew two kinds of plants with ink on the spot.

"One of these two things is something I saw when I was fleeing famine. It is edible and the yield seems to be quite large. If it can be popularized, it can provide another kind of food to fill the stomach of the people in the northwest." Mingyi said the potatoes Show him the shape.

The potatoes on the drawing are large or small, and the colors are green, yellow, or green and yellow.

"Are they the potatoes you're talking about?" The large output means that the people can plant large quantities of them. They have to buy part of the military rations in the northwest from merchants every year; the supply provided by the court cannot keep up with the consumption of the northwest army. If there is Potatoes and military rations can reduce the burden.

"Yes, potatoes must be cooked before they can be eaten, otherwise there is a high possibility of food poisoning; it can range from an upset stomach to foaming at the mouth, or even death."


Mingyi nodded solemnly and explained how to eat potatoes, "It is poisonous when eaten raw, but non-toxic when steamed and fried. Even stewed meat is very fragrant. Unfortunately, when potatoes were first discovered, the family continued to eat them and could not keep any part of them."

There is a part of the space that she quietly transferred; she just took it out without any suitable reason.

If it was found in the mountains, many people from Yuzhuang would go to the mountains to hunt. They had never been to the deep mountains, so they must have traveled all over these mountains and forests.

They didn't find any edible food when they went in, so why did she find it as soon as they went in?

It was unreasonable and she didn't want to act rashly.

"If that's the case, I'll have people search for it. If you find it on the deserted road, it means that this thing is also multiplying in our Central Plains." Mingyi nodded, thought for a while, and talked about the place where the potatoes were dug; and drew another simple picture. She gave him the drawing and said, "Look for this mountain. If it is found in one place, it must be found in other places."

It is impossible for a mountain to have potatoes in only one place. After the birds take them out, the excrement released by the birds will most likely be carried and reproduced in other places.

"Okay, I'll send someone to find it. What's the other one?" Looking at the picture, it's a stick, but there are a lot of things on the stick. "It looks weird."

There are several forms, some after peeling and some without peeling.

Mingyi explained: "This is corn, also called corn. You can break off many grains from a cob. The grains are yellow, which is edible grain. After drying, it can be stored in a sealed container. As long as it is not damp, it can be stored for two or three years. "

"But it took so long?" His eyes lit up.

It was rare to see him like this, Mingyi smiled, "Yes, it can be stored for two or three years without moisture, and it will be delicious when ground into powder and made into pancakes. It has a special fragrance and is popular among ordinary people." The food we got.”

"Not only that, after the grain is eaten, the stalks, outer bark, and leaves of the corn can be burned; after burning, the ashes are good for fertilizing the fields."

"There are so many uses." Zhou Ting's eyes were brighter and he was eager to try it; he was young and couldn't help but was born in a family of kings and grandsons, plus he was born in precocious wisdom. He remembered what he saw and what he heard.

Because of this, when he was very young, he learned to think when the children next to him were playing carefree. He learned how to make the best choice for himself. Over the years, he has seen a lot. I have seen people struggling to survive.

Seeing the helpless families of martyrs who died in the war, he wanted to provide them with a guarantee. However, he did not have such great rights in the past, and reality did not allow him to be perfect. He could only take care of those family members occasionally.

If he had these two kinds of food, his people in the northwest would be able to live a good life.

There is no need to worry about food in winter, and you can have enough to eat all year round; if your life is improved, no need for him, a superior, to say much, the people will find ways to change their living environment and make their lives better.

Under a virtuous cycle, as long as the people want to live a good life and have the idea of ​​​​running towards a good life, they can all improve to a certain extent. After a long time, will he still have to worry about the military rations in the northwest?

In just a moment, Zhou Ting's mind had already changed thousands of times.

"Yiyi, I asked you to find it, thank you; if we can really find it, the people in the northwest will thank you." He carefully dried the wear marks on the three drawings, folded them and placed them close to his body.

Mingyi shook her head. She had no idea about this. She had merit for doing good deeds.

"Go ahead and do it. There should be this kind of corn in the Western Region."

"Well, I will definitely let someone look for it." Zhou Ting was so excited that he couldn't calm down and continued playing with Mingyi. After a while, he said goodbye, "Yiyi, I'm going back first. I'll send someone after I've made arrangements. I will take you to the palace to play; I wrote a letter to the teacher, and the teacher should come over after the new year, and then you can learn painting from the teacher."

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Your thoughts are all on the food now; you are busy with your work, and I will also look at the seedlings." She had to plan a piece of land to plant these seedlings.

Her yard is a bit small, and after planting some plants and herbs, she cannot grow others.

She sent Zhou Ting off and watched his carriage leave. When she turned around, she saw her father, brother and cousins ​​all waiting for her in the yard.

"Mom, dad, brother, cousin." Mingyi called over one by one.

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