Chapter 101 The Reborn Girl 31
After being cared for by his family, Xiao Minghua and his eldest brother ate and went back to sleep, while Xiao Hongping was sent to help with work.

Xiao Zhengning and the old man sat and talked together, and the old lady Xiao led her daughter-in-law to clean up the mess.

Mr. Xiao asked his son, "Could it be that Sanya didn't take the exam well?"

"No, Sanya in our family is the smartest, so the questions must be easy for her." Only then can she eat well and sleep well.

Mr. Xiao squinted at his son, self-confidence is a good thing.

Xiao Zhengning's eyes drifted away, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he didn't see Mr. Xiao's strange gaze, "My daughter is so smart, and her wife has repeatedly praised her; if the two wives can come forward to talk to the dean, they must have confidence in my daughter." in this way."

"You can shut up." Can't see it anymore, and scolded anxiously.

Xiao Zhengning regained his senses, followed the prestige suspiciously, his eyes showed doubts, "Father?"

"It's useless to call you father, just think about what you said in your heart; don't say it out, if Sanya hasn't passed the exam, you'll have to be laughed at generously." Mr. Xiao shook his head and sighed softly. How reliable is it, "Everything is waiting for the results to be released, when will the results be released?"

"Five days later."

Mr. Xiao pondered for a moment and said, "On that day, you will go to see the results together. No matter what the result is, you can't blame Sanya. There is only Sanya in our county who can enter the examination room under the age of eight. Are you human?"

Xiao Zhengning nodded.

"Not only Sanya, but also Kangkang; they have worked very hard, don't burden them; if they fail this time, they will surely win in the future."

The matter hasn't come out yet, the old man has already considered the following matters, and the preparation plan has come out.

Xiao Zhengning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Father, our family's health is fine, and Sanya's chances are very high; don't worry; the dean personally confirms that Sanya can take the children's examination. No accidents, Sanya is fine. "


Mr. Xiao was still worried.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhengning persuaded him a lot, until he was kicked out by the impatient old man.


Xiao Zhengning walked to the door and stopped when he heard his daughter talking to his second son.

"Little sister, how did you manage to sleep in the examination room? Brother's face is pale, and you look ruddy like a normal examinee." Xiao Hongping is also nine years old this year, and he knows many things. I understand that it is much calmer than two years ago.

At least, he will no longer be the same as before, running wildly with the little friends in the village when he has nothing to do; there is a talented elder brother before and after, and a younger sister who is as wise as an evildoer.

Not to mention his parents, even his grandparents began to worry about his future.

In a family, it is not a good thing if the gap between children is too large.

Fortunately, Xiao Hongping seems to be born with a big heart. He is happy for the achievements of his elder brother and younger sister; even if he is too far behind, it doesn't matter. He can't take his younger sister as his goal, but his elder brother. Even if he can't keep up with his elder brother, he still has a small goal.

Exam scholar sitting in the hall!
"What's there to be nervous about? Take the test when you need it, eat what you need to eat, and sleep when you need it."

Her indifference caused Xiao Hongping to sneer, "Those who don't know think you are playing."

"No, a three-day tour of the examination room."


Xiao Hongping was so teased that he laughed heartily; even Xiao Zhengning outside the door couldn't help laughing, revealing his whereabouts outside the door at the moment.

Ming Hua's eyebrows and eyes were crooked, she turned her head to look, and said with a sweet smile, "Daddy."

"Father." Xiao Hongping stood up straight.

"You say what you want, I'll go out for a walk." Xiao Zhengning consciously avoided, children have the way children get along with each other, and the sudden insertion of parents would make them feel uncomfortable.

After the person left, Xiao Hongping breathed a sigh of relief, and chatted with Minghua again; there was always something he wanted to know, and it seemed that he couldn't finish asking.

Minghua patiently explained to him, and finally, Xiao Hongping even asked about the toilet number in the examination room.

The time at home always goes by very fast. Xiao Hongkang rested for one night, and went to private school with his father the next day; two years enlightened a group of children, and these children were handed over to Xiao Zhengming to teach, and Xiao Hongkang led the younger ones. children, enlighten them.

After lunch, Xiao Zhengning left home with his children and niece, and the house became quiet again; Mrs. Xiao stood at the door and sighed, without the laughter of her grandchildren in her ears, and the whole yard fell into silence.

On the way, Xiao Daya, who was sitting on the side of the bullock cart, looked at Minghua frequently, and she found that Sanya was getting better and better; she was full of elegant temperament and tall and straight.And her?She is a little better than before, her skin is no longer yellow, her hair is no longer withered and split; however, standing next to Sanya, she is still the one who is the easiest to ignore.

Xiao Hongkang blocked his sister without a trace, and Xiao Daya turned her head away, panicking with discomfort; jealousy and unwillingness burned her heart.

If she is a generous daughter, she can be as good as Sanya.

"We've arrived at the county seat, everyone come down." The ox cart stopped outside the county seat, Xiao Zhengning called the children to get off the cart, and when he was paying for the money, the old man who drove the ox pushed him a while, and finally when he hurried away with the ox cart, Xiao Zhengning threw eight copper coins into the bullock cart.

The old man driving the cattle heard the sound of the copper coins falling into the cart, and hurried to look; the eight copper coins were scattered around, and the old man opened his mouth to shout, but saw that Xiao Zhengning had already led the four children into the cart, so he had to give up.

There are yamen servants outside the county seat, and you need a penny for tolls to enter the city; you can buy a steamed bun for a penny, and you will not enter the county if you have nothing to do.

After entering the county academy, Xiao Zhengning sent his two sons to leave on his own. Xiao Hongkang was also used to Xiao Hongping, so he just bowed and left;

"Student has met the two masters." Ming Hua bowed to each other with a long body.

Xiao Daya lowered her eyes and bowed, "You two masters."

"You don't need to be too polite." Master Feng still had a serious face, but when he looked carefully, he could find that her facial muscles were relaxed and natural, and her eyes were relaxed; the eyes looking at Minghua were extraordinarily soft.

"Yes." The two stood up.

Master Tian asked, "Minghua, how did you do in the exam?"

"Return to Master, I have written everything I can."

"That's good, go back to the dormitory and rest; get up early tomorrow and recite the article, if you don't understand, just ask me and Mr. Tian." Mr. Feng clasped his hands, behaved upright, and always maintained the image of a teacher.

Master Tian nodded beside him, "Beware of arrogance and impetuosity, and study hard."

"Student remember."

The two bowed again and sent the two wives away; when he got up, Minghua passed by Xiao Daya without squinting. Xiao Daya followed her into the dormitory with deep eyes.

"The young talented girl from our academy is here."

Stepping into the dormitory, Xu Shu's teasing voice came.

Ming Hua raised a smile, with warm eyebrows, "Sister Xu, if you want to talk about a talented woman, we can all be called talented women in the county; would you like a talented woman Xu?"

"Okay Xiao Minghua, I'm not an opera singer, so let's do a little more." Xu Shu pretended to be annoyed, and rushed to catch her.

Minghua dodged several times, but she didn't use her spiritual sense and spiritual power, and Xu Shu couldn't catch it with her own ability.

(End of this chapter)

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