Only then did Cheng Mingli remember that they were people with inner strength.

After looking at my sister intently for a while, I saw the determination in her eyes and nodded slowly, "Then just play for a while, not too long."

"Okay! Brother is coming too." Mingyi grabbed her brother and took him to build a snowman.

With internal strength protecting the body's tendons, the cold air did not enter the body. They played for half an hour before Cheng Mingli touched the warmth of her palms and wrists.

very warm.

Cheng Mingli felt relieved now, and the snowman they built was completed.

A snowman without eyes, nose and mouth.


A snowball suddenly hit the snowman's head. Immediately, there was a dent in the snowman's head.

"Who did it?"

Mingyi shouted loudly and followed the path of the snowball; it was a cousin from the next generation who smashed it.

"Hahaha, Yiyi, the snowman's head you built isn't hard enough!"

What bullshit.

How can a snowman's head be hard?

Mingyi bent down to make a snowball, and struck it with precision, one after another. The cousin in the next room jumped up and down, and he did not forget to be mean.

"Ouch, this snowball is pretty hard."

Mingyi Tuan squeezed the ball tightly and threw it, "Cousin, I'll give you a stronger snowball and let you feel whether the snowball's head can be hard."

"Hey, I was wrong, I was wrong, Yiyi, please be merciful."

He was jumping and jumping like a monkey. It was so funny that Mingyi couldn't help but laugh. After he lost his temper, he stopped and said, "Let's see if you still dare to smash my snowman."

"I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore."

Satisfied, Mingyi turned his back and pinched pieces of snow to fill the groove on the snowman's head. Before anyone could reach it, a snowball came through the air with the sound of wind.

"Mingyi hahahaha, I won't hit the snowman, I will hit you." Amidst Zhang Yang's arrogant laughter, Mingyi then pinched a small ball and threw it at his mouth, then turned around and kicked the snowball he threw back. It hit him right between the eyebrows and knocked him around. He sat down on the ground and begged for mercy, "Yiyi is so lively! I won't come, I really won't come, phew."

Sitting on the ground panting rapidly, I was tired, stimulated by the cold wind; I was tired, but my smile never fell.

Mingyi hummed, "If you want to fight, you can fight. If you don't want to fight, why don't you?"

Bending down, he pinched a snowball with one hand and threw it away.

"I'll let you destroy my snowman, stinky cousin, and it'll be over if I don't beat you up."

The cousin next door hid here and there, and many brothers were hurt while hiding. The brothers didn't care about Mingyi, but the cousin next door was in a miserable situation. The snowball hit him hard, and he groaned in pain. Call.

For a moment, Mingyi watched the show with his hands in his hands.

After playing like crazy, Mingyi smiled and bent over when she saw her cousin running and jumping after being hit, but unable to hide.

Cheng Mingli stepped forward and straightened his sister's collar to prevent the wind and snow from getting in, and then took her to a snow-free open space.

"Be careful, don't let the cold wind pour into your stomach, otherwise you will get a stomachache." If your stomach is cold, it will not only hurt, but also cause diarrhea. "Let's go, let's go somewhere else and let our cousins ​​play." "

Mingyi wanted to take a look. She kept looking back when she was being pulled away. The cousin hadn't escaped yet; no matter where he ran, he would be hit. There was no way to hide and his defense was useless. In the end, he simply lay flat on the snow. Let them smash it inside.

After they got angry, they stopped catching him alone and causing trouble.

Cheng Mingli happened to see this scene when he turned around. The man was lying in the snow. Cheng Mingli was startled and quickly turned his sister's head around and pulled her away in a hurry.

But he can't let his sister learn from him, or else. "Sister, you can't learn from him. It's not good to sleep on the snow." Cheng Mingli said dryly when he walked to the river.

Mingyi didn't reply, but stretched out her little jiojio and stepped on the ice. This made Cheng Mingli worried!

"Sister, did you listen to what my brother said?"

Mingyi said perfunctorily: "I heard, I heard, brother, it's okay to play once in a while; we have internal energy to protect our bodies and are not afraid of cold wind. If we feel cold, we will warm ourselves by using our internal energy."

"That's different. You are a girl, so you have to pay attention to whether you have internal strength. Mom has said that girls are weak and cannot catch cold, especially in the cold winter months. If you can't help it, don't touch cold water, otherwise you will suffer when you get old. "Cheng Mingli preached seriously.

Mingyi took back her feet, looked up at him, and said impatiently: "Brother, stop talking. We finally got out to play, let's let go and play as much as we want, isn't that good?"

"Okay, okay, but I can't let you catch a cold." He couldn't explain the specific reason. He was too young, but he just remembered what his mother said.

A girl is physically weak and cannot compare with a man; when he is with his sister, he must take good care of her.

"You won't catch a cold, brother, can't you still trust me? I never lied to you."

Cheng Mingli was right. His sister did not lie to him, she just teased him occasionally, that's all.

"If you keep nagging me, I'll go play by myself; it's freezing and snowy, it would be a pity not to have fun."

Cheng Mingli shut up.

My sister will definitely do what she says, and he recognizes the situation and stops talking.

Mingyi tentatively stepped onto the ice. It had been snowing for a long time, and thick ice had already been frozen. It was no problem to play on it, but it was very slippery to stand on, and you might fall down if you were not careful.

Knowing this, Mingyi calmed down and looked back at Cheng Mingli.

"Brother, I thought of something fun. Let's go back first."

Cheng Mingli couldn't help but nodded quickly, and when she reached the shore, he immediately held her hand and walked back.

Mingyi knew that he was anxious and allowed him to pull him away, allowing him to calm down to a certain extent.

After returning home, Mingyi followed Cheng Mingli to his room, took out the Four Treasures of the Study, and drew a pair of skates for skating on the paper. Cheng Mingli took a look at it and thought it looked familiar. He couldn't think about it for a while, and stared at it for a long time. Just recognized it.

"Aren't these skates? They are sold in Fucheng."

"Brother, have you seen him?"

"I've seen it before! They are sold in Fucheng grocery stores, but those skates are made of iron sheets. I thought it was novel at the time and asked about it, and they said they were shoes for skating."

"When has brother ever been to the grocery store?" She had never been there.

Cheng Mingli held the edge of the chair with his backhand and looked down at her, "Of course I went to Fucheng."

Mingyi was silent. Her brother had indeed been to Fucheng several times more than she had. During the time when the house was being built, her brother went to Fucheng with the elders, and he must have seen skates at that time.

"Don't be unhappy. If you want it, after the eleventh day of the Lunar New Year, my brother will take you to buy it."

"Really?" Mingyi became more energetic when she mentioned that she could buy skates.

Seeing that she was in high spirits because of her words, Cheng Mingli shook his head and laughed, "You, you are not very steady on weekdays, but when it comes to playing, you are no longer as steady as before."

Very out of the ordinary.

"That's different, brother. We have never skated in our hometown. When we buy the skates, we have to ask someone to teach us how to skate on the ice. I want to play."

"Okay, brother, just stay with you. You can't play for too long."

Mingyi nodded in agreement. As for whether he can play for a long time, we will tell when the time comes.

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