The two escorted the four members of the Cheng family out of the palace and watched them board the carriage prepared by Zhou Ting's order. After watching the carriage go away, Mingyi looked away.

When she came to this world, she had never spent the night alone without her parents. She couldn't help but feel sad when this happened suddenly.

Zhou Ting lowered his eyes and looked at her, "Yiyi, but you can't bear to leave?"

"Yes." He nodded slightly and said bluntly: "I have never been away from my parents since I was a child."

Zhou Ting silently raised her finger, "What will we do next?"

"In the future?" Mingyi was confused. Why did she say that she would come to Fucheng Palace frequently in the future? !

"We'll talk about the rest later. Let's go back." Zhou Ting smiled and avoided continuing the topic, "Think about what you want to eat at noon, and let the kitchen people prepare it now."

There was something delicious to eat, and being by Zhou Ting's side, Mingyi put aside her reluctance to part with her parents; she followed Zhou Ting into the palace with a smile, and ordered some of the dishes she wanted to eat.

After Zhou Ting listened patiently, he glanced at him and said, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard this. Master, Miss Cheng, I'll go right away." He stepped back out of respect.

Mingyi's brows were once again smiling, and Zhou Ting was relieved to see her, and his heart moved with her mood; they walked back to the study together, Zhou Ting did not deal with official duties this time, but sat next to her and took a book to accompany her. Look at her.

The study room was dull and warm. Zhou Ting turned to look at the person who was quietly immersed in the sea of ​​books. His small heart was full; a kind of emotion called satisfaction filled his heart. Just looking at her like this made him feel happy. Pleasure.

The relationship between them was never strong, but a steady stream.

"Let's go, let's go to the concubine's courtyard and spend the afternoon in the concubine's courtyard."

Zhou Ting held her hand and led her all the way to the inner courtyard. After reaching the door, Mingyi suddenly remembered that there was another Prince Zhou in Prince Zhou's mansion, right? She has not seen Prince Zhou since she arrived.


Mingyi stopped suddenly, and Zhou Ting paused in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I've been here for so long and I've only met your mother. Don't I need to meet your father?"

Zhou Ting's eyes dimmed slightly, showing a hint of complexity, "I just need to meet my mother and concubine. It's not convenient for my father to receive foreign guests."

"Is that so?" It was only said that King Zhou was seriously ill. So, was King Zhou recuperating?

Regardless of whether it was true or false, Mingyi didn't intend to break the casserole and ask the truth. The reason why he could ask Zhou Wang more was because he suddenly remembered such a person.

"Yes, my father is recuperating and it is not convenient for him to see guests. He did not come out to see the guests this year."

Mingyi nodded clearly, "I understand, let's go quickly."

She seemed to be simply asking. Zhou Ting's eyes relaxed and he followed her into the courtyard. When he came to the inner hall, he saw not only the princess but also two people in the inner hall.

One is a lady in her early thirties, and the other is a young girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

The little girl looks a lot like the noble lady. I think they are mother and daughter. Even if they are not mother and daughter, they are closely related.

The lady's eyes were filled with arrogance, and her face was full of arrogance; and the little girl's expression was exactly the same as hers, and she wouldn't believe it if she said she wasn't a mother and daughter.

"Mother and concubine." Zhou Ting stood in the middle to greet her.

Mingyi felt slightly blessed, "A common girl has met the princess."

"Get up, get up, no need to be polite; Chaosheng, take Miss Cheng to the back hall to sit for a while." After Princess Zhou finished speaking, the lady's face changed slightly, "Sister-in-law, how could she, a pariah, see this lady?" Isn't that disrespectful?"

The gentle smile on Princess Zhou's face remained the same, "My little distinguished guest, my princess, do you need to see your face?"

The lady's face changed slightly and became darker.

"What do you mean, cousin sister-in-law?"

"Experience it for yourself."

The noble lady stared at Princess Zhou's gentle smile, showing her invisible arrogance; her eyes flashed again, Princess Zhou was born well and married well to achieve her current status. "This is so funny. My cousin-in-law doesn't help her own family, but instead supports outsiders?"

"It is unknown who is one of our own and who is an outsider." Princess Zhou said unhurriedly: "Okay, if you have nothing to do today, just leave. I will accompany Chao Sheng to feed her."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nanny Xu stepped forward and stretched out her hand very discerningly.

Princess Zhou put her hand on the other person's arm and stood up. Regardless of the lady's face, she turned around and walked towards the inner hall.

Aunt Xu gave the maid a wink, and the maid nodded, walked up to the lady and the queen, and made her invitation.

"Mrs. Luo, please."

"You... hum!"

Mrs. Luo grabbed her daughter and walked away.

The maid personally escorted the person out of the palace before giving up.

Inner hall.

Three dishes were placed on the table, and Mingyi felt that she was hungry again; she had just eaten a lot of meat, so why did she get hungry so quickly.

Seeing this, Zhou Ting also thought that she had eaten a lot of meat before, and she might not be able to eat it now. He first served a bowl of jade soup to her and said, "Yiyi, have a bowl of soup."

"Thank you." Mingyi took it with both hands.

Princess Zhou smiled and said, "I don't know your taste, so I made some at random. If you find something you like, tell Chaosheng. I will order someone to cook it for you next time. Chaosheng will know after you come here a few times." It’s to your taste.”


She always felt that the princess was weird, but this time she was sure that the princess was playing matchmaker for her son.

"Mother concubine."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Mrs. Cheng, please eat more." Princess Zhou accepted it as soon as she felt good. After expressing her attitude and thoughts, she didn't plan to care about it and let her son chase the little girl.

As a man, you can't rely on her alone to pursue the girl you like.

During the next meal, Mingyi didn't look strange on the outside, but he was funny on the inside. Even his mother and concubine could see Zhou Ting's thoughts clearly, and even took the initiative to accept her as his daughter-in-law.

You must know that ancient aristocratic families paid attention to marriage and strong alliances.

Her status is completely different from that of Prince Zhou's palace; even if she saves the crown prince of Zhou, she does not have to treat him as a concubine.

She couldn't help but look at Zhou Ting, holding the dishes carefully and even talking to her with a gentle smile. Mingyi suddenly understood that perhaps Tongtian had done something when he was reincarnated into this world.

The servants served many dishes one after another. Mingyi put aside what was on his mind and savored the delicious food.

"Chaosheng, you can eat too, you don't have to keep picking up food for me."

Zhou Ting smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I ate something before but I'm not hungry now. Yiyi likes to eat. As long as you can eat it, I won't stop you; however, if you are full, you must tell me, I won’t bring you any more food.”

From the moment he met Mingyi, he was surprised by her appetite, but later got used to it.

Once you're used to it, you can treat her as she eats no matter how much you eat; you even think that if she eats more, it means she's in good health, and you wish she could eat.

Princess Zhou didn't know how much she ate. After listening to their conversation, she looked at Mingyi unexpectedly.

Even her son had almost eaten. I guess they both ate a lot in private. I didn't expect that Mingyi had such a good appetite. She would not stop talking, and her son would give her a few chopsticks when she served a dish.

Don't look at just a few chopsticks, there are many types of dishes, and there are a lot of chopsticks per dish.

The big cold is coming, babies, please remember to pay attention to the weather changes, keep warm and protect yourself from the cold. I woke up today with a headache from the cold. As a little potato in the south, without heating, I almost caught a cold due to the cold o(╥﹏╥)o

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