"You bought skates?!"

Throwing the water gourd, he clapped his hands and trotted over.

Mingyi turned around and took a package from Aunt Zhao, opened it and showed it to him, "Look, I bought it in a size that our feet can wear."

"They are really skates." Cheng Mingli reached out and touched them, "These skates are not cheap, are they?"

"Money paid by Chaosheng."

Cheng Mingli touched the one tael of silver on his body, which he had saved, and took it out and gave it to her, "Return the silver to the Crown Prince of Zhou. You can't let others pay for everything."

"It's okay, I also gave Chaosheng some good things. He bought me so many things as a courtesy. Keep it with peace of mind." Mingyi pushed it back.

However, the money was seen by Cheng Dazhu and Cheng Yuanxi.

Cheng Yuanxi could pretend he didn't see it, but Cheng Dazhu couldn't, "Mingli, where did you get the money?"

"." Cheng Mingli sneered and put away the money.

When Cheng Mingyi saw this, he said: "That's the money my brother and I found one after another on the road. I also have it here."

Cheng Dazhu: The two youngest ones are calm.

"Children, don't put too much money on yourself."

"Okay, Grandpa." Cheng Mingyi and Cheng Mingli said in unison.

Cheng Yuanxi chuckled. His son and daughter looked very well-behaved. In fact, they agreed quickly and would do the same next time.

"Dad, they both have good ideas, you don't need to worry about them; you take the cakes and give them a share while I talk to Mingyi."

"Okay, then you guys talk." Cheng Dazhu took the two large oil paper bags and turned around to leave.

After his grandfather left, Cheng Mingli breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, my grandfather didn't continue to ask."

"You two, brother and sister, will know how to hide private money until your death." Cheng Yuanxi pointed at the two of them, as if you are really good at it, "I don't know how to hide it even if you don't."

Cheng Mingyi shrugged, "If a man wants private money, you have a mother to take care of food, drink and housing."

"Haha, little girl knows a lot!" Cheng Yuanxi laughed angrily.

"My mother said that a man should not carry too much money, unless he has to give it to you; just like when we are fleeing from famine, we need to buy food, and we will only give you a large amount of money when we need to buy things."

Cheng Mingli nodded, "My mother told me, and she also told me that in the future, the money will either be kept by my mother, or I will give it to my wife after I get married."

Her outspokenness and her son's support made Cheng Yuanxi so angry that he lost his temper.

"You two just go to your mother." Cheng Yuanxi threw away his hands and left angrily, not because he was angry, but because he was helpless; he said he couldn't win, and everything was like this, what could he do? Stay and argue with your children?

Mingyi chuckled, "Dad is so angry that he's so embarrassed."

"." Then you still laugh.

Cheng Mingli shook his head and looked down at the skates, "Yiyi, we don't know how to skate. We need to find someone to teach us."

"Someone has to take care of the area." Mingyi thought hard. After they settled here, they only had a few thoughts of walking around with the people in Yuzhuang. They were busy building infrastructure and settling in, so they had no connections. It was unrealistic to suddenly ask someone to take them to play. .

"Master, if you and the young master can trust the slaves, the slaves can teach you and the young master." Aunt Zhao said respectfully.

Mingyi looked up at them, her eyes lit up, "Yes, Aunt Zhao, Aunt Rong, you should be able to skate after living in the northwest for many years."

"Indeed, I learned it from the princess when I was young, and I haven't played for many years." Aunt Rong's eyebrows were calm, but her eyes were solemn. "If Master doesn't dislike it, I can teach you."

"That's great. Thank you, Aunt Zhao. Thank you, Aunt Rong. Let's go quickly."

Mingyi grabbed her brother and ran outside, with Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong chasing after her.

"Master, please slow down. The road outside is slippery. Be careful." Mingyi doesn't care so much. The weather is good now. When it really snows, don't even think about walking on that road. You have to be wary when going out to play. .

In today's society, there are no grippy soles, so it is easy to slip on ice; roads frozen by snow will also become slippery, making it unstable for people to stand on them.

When they arrived at the river, Mingyi looked at the thickening layer of ice, took off her shoes, placed them on a rock, and put on skates.

The same goes for Cheng Mingli.

Aunt Zhao frowned when she saw it, how could a lady take off her shoes outside.

"Master, please slow down, the slaves will help you learn how to slide first."

Walking on ice with skates is difficult, but skating is easy.

"it is good!"

Mingyi followed them and learned with great interest. She had a good memory and strong comprehension ability, but she learned it in just half an hour. Although she was not able to perform tricks on the ice, she was still very smooth.

After that, Cheng Mingli's learning progress was a little slower. Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong taught him for a long time before he managed to learn it.

After Cheng Mingli mastered the key, Mingyi was already sweating profusely.

"Brother, come quickly."

Sliding to his side, holding his hand; making sure he wouldn't fall, leading him to slide far away.

Cheng Mingli broke out in a cold sweat, but under the leadership of his sister, he watched his sister combine light skills with skating, so he did the same, and quickly mastered the essence and balance of fast skating.

The two were addicted to playing, and the riverside was full of their laughter.

Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong stared at them without missing a beat, fearing that Mingyi would fall down again and again in the fast skating; while they were nervous and worried, Mingyi had already imitated the figure skating movements.

I was not proficient at it at first, and I even couldn’t remember some of it, so I could only explore it bit by bit.

Just when she got some clues, a loud sound came, and she had to stop playing.

"Yiyi, you're back, it's time to feed!"

Looking around, he saw Chen Daya and Cheng Yuanxi coming over.

Mingyi looked at her brother regretfully.

Cheng Mingli smiled at her, came to her side, and took her back to the shore.

"You two disappeared in the blink of an eye." Cheng Yuanxi looked at them with a look of blame and a smile, "I didn't even know to tell my parents when I came out. Fortunately, your cousin saw you coming out."

Mingyi was surprised, "My cousins ​​saw us, why didn't they come over?"

"You don't have to do anything at home? You don't care about the land behind you? The weather is getting better, but you have to find a way to get some firewood back?"


If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have asked.

Mingyi covered her ears, "Dad, please stop nagging, we are going back now."

"I've made you dislike me. I'm used to you." Cheng Yuanxi chuckled and looked at his wife next to him. "Let's go back first. It's really cold outside. They are the only ones who are so addicted to playing that they don't even want to go back home."

"No way, the novelty of skiing for the first time hasn't worn off yet." Mingyi hummed.

Aunts Zhao and Rong took care of Mingyi and changed into warm fur shoes. After Cheng Mingli changed into them, they picked up their skates and walked home together.

When I got home, the whole family was in the main room of the courtyard.

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