It was the same rag, but one area was more than three degrees whiter than the other unwashed areas.

Only with comparison can you see the effect.

"It's really good." Shopkeeper Lou put a smile on his face and looked back at Cheng Yuanxi, "Mr. Cheng, your soap is very useful!"

Not to mention other things, it is no problem to use the washed rag to wipe things on the table again; the cleaning strength visible to the naked eye, the soap powder they use now cannot achieve this effect, and it cannot be washed away even if it is slightly stained with oil, and soap Can be washed off.

Although the washed area in front of him was not as clean as a new towel, he believed that as long as he was willing to continue washing, it would be able to be cleaned.

It’s really good stuff, don’t miss it!

"Mr. Cheng, how do you sell your soap? If the price is right, Wangxilou is willing to enter into a long-term cooperation."

Cheng Yuanxi smiled and said calmly: "The price is ten cents per dollar. If you order more, we can deduct one cent for you on this basis."


Shopkeeper Lou never expected it to be so cheap.

Cheng Yuanxi knew that he would not think the price was expensive. One tael of soap locust powder cost three cents. One tael of soap locust powder could only wash one piece of clothing, which was not even enough. Soap is different. One piece of soap can wash a lot of clothes, which shows that it is very cost-effective.

"What you get in my hands is nine cents at most. The materials and handcrafting take a long time, so I give you the lowest price. Now that my soap has just started, the price set is already very low."

It can’t go any lower, otherwise there will be no profit.

Their manpower and material resources must also be taken into account.

"Mr. Cheng, don't blame me, your price is too low!" Shopkeeper Lou said sincerely: "Saponaria powder cannot achieve this effect when used for cleaning, and it costs three cents or one tael. It's not easy to use. Every time I wash the clothes, I have to use a lot of them to get them clean. Your soap can solve a big problem. It’s easy to use, but the price is too reasonable.”

In fact, he thought he had heard wrongly.

"This is the case for the time being, and we will improve it in the future." Cheng Yuanxi smiled and shook his head.

Shopkeeper Lou saw that he really had no intention of raising the price, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded, this business can be done.

"In that case, let's settle on 500 yuan for Wangxilou first, instead of nine yuan, just ten yuan."

When Cheng Yuanxi opened his mouth, the shopkeeper of the building spoke first, "Mr. Cheng, don't refuse. You know that Wangxi Building is the property of the Prince of Zhou's Mansion; the sales and purchases must be recorded in the Prince's Mansion's account book. There is no need to miss this penny. You and your My family has been busy for a long time, and I can't go out to buy and sell and go home at a loss."

Such a useful thing, I don’t know what material it is made of.

He didn't know the material, but for the prince's sake, he couldn't bear the penny against his conscience.

"This" Cheng Yuanxi's old actions are difficult.

"Stop talking about this and this, let's cooperate for a long time in the future." Shopkeeper Lou quickly made plans, nagging at the thought of a penny.

Cheng Yuanxi then smiled and said, "Then listen to Shopkeeper Lou. If you need it here in the future, send someone to tell me in advance. I will send it to you. I plan to make some other things at home and give them to you when they are done. Try two pieces."

"That's right."

Shopkeeper Lou quickly wrote the purchase and sale agreement, and both parties signed and delivered the goods after confirming that it was correct.

Shopkeeper Lou settled the money on the spot and gave him five taels of silver for ten cents a piece.

Cheng Yuanxi took it with a smile, put the agreement into his chest, and gave him an extra six yuan before leaving, "Thank you, shopkeeper Lou, for taking care of the business."

Watching Cheng Yuanxi push the trolley away, shopkeeper Lou immediately called the waiter.

"Put these in the utility room. Use soap when cleaning things in the future. When you are done with it, order it from Cheng's house." Shopkeeper Lou immediately picked up a piece from the counter and gave it to the waiter, "Here, this is a gift from Mr. Cheng. You can also take it." Let’s go back and use it together.”

The waiter thanked him profusely, took it and put it in his arms. A piece of soap as big as his palm could fit in it.

"Go down."

Shopkeeper Lou waved his hand and told the waiter to get busy, while he found two boxes; he put a piece in one box and took the box to Prince Zhou's Mansion.

As the head shopkeeper of Wangxi Tower, Lou Qingyi was familiar with the palace. After successfully entering the palace, someone informed him and took him to the study to meet the prince. "I'm here to see you, Your Majesty."

Stepping into the study, Lou Qingyi immediately knelt down to say hello.

Zhou Ting gave Buwei a wink and Buwei moved the screen, making the study suddenly much brighter.

"Shop manager Lou, please get up."

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty." Lou Qingyi stood up with a smile, holding two boxes with both hands, "For the record, Your Majesty, I have something for you to take care of."

Zhou Ting raised his head and stepped forward to take the box and put it on the table. After opening the two boxes, Buwei stepped aside.

"What is this?" Zhou Ting was puzzled.

"Back to Master Shizi, there is soap in it, which can be used for washing clothes, washing hands, and bathing. This thing was sent to Wangxi Tower by Mrs. Cheng's father. The slave has tried it and it is very easy to use. It is very clean when washing things. Compared with Soap powder is five times more effective.”

Zhou Ting thought of the special shampoo and shower powder that is used daily, with a little bit of saponin powder added to it. He was used to using it on daily basis, but he didn't think anything was wrong.

Lou Qingyi lowered his eyes and lowered his hands, and explained respectfully: "The extremely dirty rags in the restaurant were cleaned eighty-nine times after using soap."

"So easy to use?" Bu Wei was surprised.

Zhou Ting glanced at him.

Bu Wei hurriedly lowered his eyes to explain, "Master, you may not have noticed that I have been to the kitchen and seen a very dirty rag that was so dirty that it turned black. If that rag can be washed clean, it shows that the soap is indeed very useful."

"Yeah." Zhou Ting hummed softly, reached out and picked up a piece of soap locust and smelled it. It was a bit pungent. "No, go bring water and dirty clothes."

"Master?" Don't be surprised.

"Do you want me to say it again?"

Not too busy, he shook his head and said, "I'm rude to you."

"Go quickly."


Buwei left the study in a hurry. After a while, he brought a basin of water and a piece of dirty clothes that he had changed out of yesterday, "Master, my servant brought them."

"Are your clothes dirty?" Zhou Ting asked.

"Yes. Yesterday evening, my slave went to the big kitchen to rub oil stains." Buwei took out the stained clothes and showed him.

Zhou Ting nodded, tapped the table with his fingertips, "Take a piece and wash it."


Without hesitation, he stepped forward and politely took a piece back to the basin and cleaned the oily area on the spot. However, after using soap twice, the oily stains were washed away.

Zhou Ting looked satisfied. He didn't expect it to be so useful.

"Master, it's really useful. It cleans well."

"Yes." Zhou Ting nodded lightly, "Shopkeeper Lou, is this soap?"

"Yes, that's what Mr. Cheng said."

"Mr. Cheng, can you tell me the number of this thing?"

Shopkeeper Lou pondered for a moment and shook his head, "No, I forgot to ask."

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