Chapter 104 The Reborn Girl 34
"Thank you for your kind words." Mr. Xiao greeted him, "Sit in the village chief's house."

The village chief waved his hand and declined, "You and your family have a good talk. I have something to do with me, so I won't stay any longer."

After trying to keep him a few more times, the village head insisted on leaving. Mr. Xiao couldn't stay any longer, so he sent him out.

The people left, and the atmosphere in the house was relaxed and comfortable in an instant.

"Father, brother and sister-in-law, congratulations." Xiao Zhengrong and Xiao Wang came out from the second room and congratulated them.

Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao beamed with joy, and said to him: "Congratulations, our family's three sisters are promising; we will be able to help each other with his elder brother in the future."

"Father is right." Xiao Zhengrong glanced at Xiao Wangshi, then turned his head to look at Xiao Erya who followed, "Are you dumb?"

Xiao Erya looked up at him, bowed her head and said nothing; ever since she was kicked out by the red envelope group, she lost the confidence to act like a god, and she has been silent since then, not daring to make trouble anymore.When there is a red envelope group, as a reborn girl, she has a strong sense of superiority and wants to gain the upper hand in everything.

She wanted to turn around all the troubles before her rebirth, and to impose those sufferings on Xiao Sanya; to let Xiao Sanya, who was happy and happy in her previous life, also taste her sufferings, but only after she really lost the red envelope group did she realize that, She's just a normal person.A village girl who was so ordinary that she couldn't be more ordinary, God reborn her, not for her to change, but for her to suffer again from the previous life.

Since then, she has been listless and extremely depressed every day.

Xiao Wang laughed and congratulated the people in the courtyard, "Congratulations to parents, congratulations to elder brother and sister-in-law."

"Okay, Mrs. Xiao Wang take Erya back to the house, don't come in front of me to cause trouble; no one knows how to be happy when there is a happy event in the family, except for the two of them, one smiles like a ghost, and the other has a bad face. "Old lady Xiao frowned displeased, "You come over to eat later, the whole family will be happy."

Xiao Zhengrong, who thought he had made his mother angry again, felt relieved after hearing the old lady's last words, "Okay, mother, I'll be over in a while."

"En." Mrs. Xiao called her wife and eldest son's family back to the main room. After being seated, Xiao Zhengning consciously said some cheerful words, and quickly coaxed the two old people.

Minghua was called to the front by the old lady, holding her little granddaughter in her arms, with two creases on her brows and eyes when she smiled, "Our family's Sanya is striving for success. It was really right to promise you to send Sanya to school; now our Sanya can not only make money, I didn’t fall behind in my studies either. I don’t know if there are any children like Sanya in the county, but children under the age of eight are born in our village, even in ten miles and eight villages.”

"Not even in the county seat." Xiao Zhengning answered with a smile.

The old lady Xiao was even happier, "It's really the blessing of the ancestors, you can all be smooth in the future; brother and sister support each other, come to discuss things, Kangkang is older and takes care of his younger sister."

"I know, grandma, you can rest assured." Xiao Hongkang nodded in response.

The filial piety of children and grandchildren is probably the happiest thing for every elderly person.

Xiao Zhengrong took them back to the house and told them not to go out before returning to their parents.

"The second child is here, sit down and talk together." Mrs. Xiao pointed to the bench on the lower right. On the left is the eldest son's family, and on the right is specially reserved for the second child.

"Hey, okay, mother."

Xiao Zhengrong strode forward and sat down with a smile on his face.

"You! You are not too young, you can no longer live in a muddle; it's time to stand up, we were here before, we can watch your daughter-in-law, and there will be no big trouble. The family is separated, we as parents can't control it If it’s so wide, you have to restrain yourself and teach your wife well.” After the separation, the woman seemed to be even more confused.

The smile on Xiao Zhengrong's face paused, disappeared, and was replaced by shame, "Yes, what mother said is very true, I will restrain her; but, Erya's child has grown crooked after all, after coming out of the small black room , the whole person is as if infected with mold."

"Then let her not go out in the house, raise her up and marry her, and let her in-laws teach her well; she couldn't find a good mother, and couldn't teach her the principles of life and doing things, so she can only let her mother-in-law teach her." You can't teach it at home, but you can teach it naturally after you get married.

It's not that there are no daughters like Xiao Erya, who refuse to obey discipline at home, and suffer a lot after getting married, but they get better.

The old lady Xiao couldn't see it, so she let Erya Xiao go to see what the real suffering is; at home, no matter how her parents were born, it always hurts, so learn to be a good person, how good is it to marry a good family?However, Xiao Erya just didn't learn well.When she arrives at someone else's house, she is not related to her, and she is a newlywed, who wants to spoil her?

Delicacy and capriciousness come from coddling.

Only those who have really suffered a lot understand that coquettishness and self-will need capital; without capital, they can only take care of themselves, be strong and live by themselves.

"Mother, I let Mrs. Wang watch over me; don't go out if you have nothing to do, it's just that Da Ya needs you, San Ya, elder brother and sister-in-law to take care of you more." All hopes rested on Da Ya, and Xiao Zhengrong had his heart pinned on him. The two years have improved a lot, and I no longer beat and scold my wife and daughter casually.

"Sanya may not be able to take care of Da Ya anymore. She has been admitted to Tongsheng, and her future courses will be different from Da Ya's; I plan to send Sanya to the dean so that the dean can take more trouble. Sanya is a woman. It is inconvenient to go to school with male students. The only solution is to hand it over to the dean to teach. The dean was a Jinshi and a third rank, and he was an official to the third rank; it is more than enough to teach three girls."

It also means apprenticeship.

With a teacher who used to be in court, Sanya's future path should be easier.

Xiao Zhengrong was stunned for a while, and then he realized that the eldest brother was going to pave the way for Sanya; the matter had come to this point, and the future of the eldest sister could only be earned by herself, didn't Sanya also earn it by herself.

"Alright, Sanya works hard, the chance for our Xiao clan to rise again lies with Sanya and Kangkang."

Xiao Zhengning was not surprised that he accepted it smoothly. This younger brother has a bad temper when things go wrong, but he didn't vent it to his elder brother and his parents; after having a big girl to study outside, he saw hope, and his life turned a corner Corner, people are different.

"Second Uncle, I will work hard." Minghua's voice now is a little less milky, and more crisp like a little girl's, "Second Uncle should also urge the older cousin to study hard, the older cousin She is often at the bottom of the academy assessments, and we have a total of seven students in a girls' academy, and she is the last of the seven."

The corners of Xiao Zhengning's mouth twitched slightly, "Cough, Sanya, you and Kangkang go to the study to read first; we adults talk, you children don't interfere."

If you continue to mix it up, Da Ya will be beaten up again when she comes back.

Five taels of silver a year is not a small amount, and two taels of silver a year is more than enough for an ordinary family; it's no wonder that the eldest girl didn't study hard in the academy and her grades were poor, so she wasn't beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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