"Sister, the snow has melted, are there any flowers and plants that can be used? The flowers and plants in our house are only carefully raised in Canghaiyuan and the field behind; there is ice and snow outside, and even the towering trees can't find any green. "

Cheng Mingli asked, poking at the soap.

Mingyi looked at her brother, slightly raised her lips, and smiled warmly, "I don't know when the snow in the northwest will melt. However, our family cannot make too many soaps with flower and plant patterns for the time being, so we can only make them in small quantities."

"If you make a small amount, you will earn less." I have seen the difference between the two soaps. When a new soap appears, it must be more expensive; if you make it in large quantities, you can sell more, and the more you make, the more money you make.

"Silly brother." He said with a smile: "Good things are rare and valuable. Good things are rare and valuable. They are liked by others and cherished by others. The price is only high. It is more cost-effective than mass production and selling at a lower price."

Cheng Mingli nodded as if he understood, but in fact, he didn't have much idea in his mind.

Mingyi explained to him carefully, "How much do those selling soap locust powder cost outside?"

"Three copper coins and one tael."

"What about salt?"

"Salt is expensive, more than a hundred dollars a tael."

"So, do you value soap powder or salt?"

Cheng Mingli suddenly realized, "Sister, I understand. Salt is controlled and rare, so the price is high; the materials required for soap powder are common, and the output is large, so it cannot be sold at a high price."

Mingyi smiled at him encouragingly, "Yes, salt is controlled by the government, and salt merchants pay a huge price to get the salt. They want to make money back, and the only way for them to make money back is the common people, so the buying and selling price will be different." It’s more than twice as expensive.”

"Yes! If they want to make money, it will naturally be much more expensive." With a clear smile, Cheng Mingli sighed a little more, "No wonder the people are having a hard time. They are exploited layer by layer, and the officials who have the power to speak are the ones who benefit. And in the hands of merchants; the common people do not know the inside story, and in order to survive, they must buy salt."

Not just salt, but a few other things too.

The main thing is that it is a controlled item and it is a necessity, so there is a situation where you have to buy it, no matter how expensive it is.

"It would be better if you can find a salt well or be close to the sea. The salt in the salt well can be extracted, and the salt in the sea water can also be extracted. Only salt lakes and mineral salts make salt very precious."

Mingyi didn't mind revealing something to her brother. There were not only two ways to obtain salt.

"Sister, what is a salt well?"

"Salt well refers to the salt extracted from groundwater containing salt."

Cheng Mingli thought thoughtfully, "Is there such a well?"

"Yes, but very few. Even if there is, you may not be able to find it." Mingyi shook his head, feeling helpless about this. Technology is like this, even if you want to find it, you can't find it. The host drank the groundwater with salt, so at most he felt that it was there. A little salty, a little different, most people won't care.

To attract attention, the salt content must be extremely high and the salt taste must be strong to a certain extent.

"That would be difficult. I don't know if there is one in the northwest."

Mingyi did have some ideas. There were many salty places mentioned in history, and digging wells in such places would probably produce salt.

Cheng Mingli scratched his head and thought hard, "Sister, how do you extract the salt from seawater you mentioned? There is a seaside in the south where we went before, and we missed it."

"It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future."

Cheng Mingli looked confused. What opportunities would there be in the future? They settle down in the northwest and don't go to the beach.

Mingyi didn't want to say anything more, so she just said, "These are not things we should consider. My brother knows that soap with exquisite workmanship can be sold at a high price if the production is small." "Oh." Cheng Mingli nodded and asked no more questions.

But Mingyi was disturbed by him. Salt is controlled by the imperial court, and the salt in the northwest is also subject to a certain amount. If salt can boost the northwest economy, can it also help Chaosheng?

She did it as soon as she thought of it, and sent her brother to make soap alone in the yard. She went back to the room and took out the Four Treasures of the Study and wrote down the method of controlling salt in sea water, but the steps were definitely incomplete.

There is a rough process and let them explore on their own.

After writing it, I put it into the box of the Liannu drawings and regained the space. I left the room and made soap with my brother for an afternoon. Later, I went to Cheng Dazhu and Cheng Yuanxi to get two molds, and I made two in the whole afternoon. More than a dozen exquisite soaps.

The next day.

It was almost twilight, and Cheng Yuanxi took Cheng Mingli to Yuzhuang with the entrance gift.

Mingyi was still sleeping in. When Cheng Yuanxi returned from Yuzhuang and left the village with Cheng Dazhu and others, Mingyi still didn't wake up. With the deliberate indulgence of her family, she had enough sleep time and free time.

It was already a quarter of the hour when I woke up.

Today I specially wore a green satin cotton jacket, and my hair was combed into a hanging bun. The hairpin was embellished with small green jade ornaments. The whole thing looked fresh, elegant, and cute.

Walk out of the yard and go straight to the kitchen.

"Yiyi is awake. The pot will be warmed for you. Auntie will bring it out for you." Li Lianhua's eyes lit up when she saw Mingyi. She was dressed very beautifully today, and she really made people like her. .

In the past, she rarely dressed up, and rarely wore nice clothes or jewelry. Instead, she dressed normally like them and didn't go out of her way to dress up.

People who don’t dress up often, but dress up once in a while, will make people feel beautiful just by looking at them.

Chen Daya heard Li Lianhua's voice and came out of the newly built small kitchen next to the big kitchen. She was also surprised when she saw her daughter.

"Sister-in-law, I'll come, you continue to light the fire." Chen Daya stepped forward and took her daughter's hand, and walked into the kitchen together; she sat down at a clean small table, walked to the stove, and opened the wooden lid of the big pot. , took out the morning meal and brought it to her.

The morning meal is a bowl of egg custard and a bowl of porridge.

This kind of food is excellent in the Cheng family.

Mingyi smiled and thanked her, "Thank you, mother, thank you, aunt. Have you eaten?"

"Eat, we ate early. At the moment, your mother and the others are making soap nearby; aunt is responsible for feeding. If there is anything Yiyi wants to eat, aunt will make it for you." Li Lianhua smiled broadly.

Chen Daya said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about her. We will eat whatever you do. However, the Crown Prince of Zhou is coming today, so we must feed her more carefully."

"I know, my father told me early in the morning that we must entertain Prince Zhou well." Li Lianhua looked at Mingyi again, "Yiyi is very beautiful today. Our girls should always dress up and dress beautifully." Bright."

Chen Daya's eyes glazed over, then smiled slightly, as if he had never heard the meaning of Li Lianhua's words.

"What kind of family are we? Where can we dress up regularly? Yiyi is a peasant girl, so what can we do if we dress up nicely? It's fine just like this; when there are distinguished guests at home, we dress up, and we have to live our lives as usual."

Li Lianhua shook his head and just smiled without saying a word.

Mingyi heard such a hint of cleverness, but she didn't feel disgusted at all; as both girls of the Cheng family, she had a lot of things that they thought were good things, but Cheng Mingyue didn't have any, so everyone would probably feel a little uncomfortable.

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