Chapter 106 The Reborn Girl 36
Hurrying quickly, Xiao Zhengning did not stop when he arrived at the county seat; he only asked his two sons to go back to the academy first, and he took his daughter to the county seat to buy longan and red dates and put them in a basket, and the father and daughter returned to the academy.

"Minghua, you go back to the academy first. After I settle down here, your wife will take you to see the dean."

Minghua nodded obediently. There are some things that everyone just tacitly agrees to, "Okay, Daddy, then I'll go first."


Xiao Zhengning watched his daughter disappear around the corner of the women's academy, took the basket and went back to the dormitory; after putting down the things, he tidied up his clothes and planned to strike while the iron was hot. Although his daughter was not at the top of the list, he was also at number two, and had a great chance of convincing the dean.

Full of words, he walked into the courtyard of the dean, who was drinking tea leisurely in the courtyard; when he saw someone coming, he smiled and raised his voice, "Zhengning is here, just in time, come and drink tea with me; drink alone , it's more enjoyable when two people drink together."

"Okay." Xiao Zhengning bowed first and sat down at the stone table opposite the dean.

The dean personally poured a cup of tea and served it, "Taste it."

Xiao Zhengning picked up the cup and took a sip, "Good tea, with a sweet aftertaste and a mellow taste."

"That's right, hahaha, this is the tea I got with great difficulty." Dean Fan laughed happily, his eyebrows brightened, "You are coming here now, is it because the family matters have been settled?"

Xiao Zhengning nodded, "Yes, I met my parents and wife when I went back, and told them about Hongkang and Minghua brothers and sisters getting Zhongtongsheng."

"It's time to go back and say that there are brothers and sisters in your family who can already see the future."

"It's their master who taught them well, and the dean taught them well."

Dean Fan waved his hand, not wanting to hear these flattery words, "They all teach the same way, and those who are successful are those who consciously work hard and diligently; the three children in your family are all hard-working children, teach well, and have a bright future. Guangming. You and I know this well, so I won’t say more, but you, why did you come back so soon? You even came here.”

Xiao Zhengning smiled slightly, and said: "You can't hide anything from the principal, so I'll tell you straight to the point; if there's anything wrong, feel free to point it out."

"Is it the next road for your two children?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhengning nodded sincerely, and said in an unhurried manner: "I came here to seek a teacher for my little girl Minghua. She doesn't have much to learn in the women's academy; please accept her as an apprentice, she You know something about her talent. I don't want her talent to be wasted on extra time, and with you, her journey will be smoother."

He doesn't hide the plans in his heart; in front of Dean Fan, his scheming is too shallow to hide it at all.

Dean Fan also likes Xiao Zhengning's honesty and intelligence the most. He knows that he can't hide it, but he doesn't hide it;

"Your family Minghua is really smart, but her talent is one aspect, and you and her wife's teaching is another aspect."

"Yes, her talent is one aspect, to tell you the truth; I have taught her very little in private, not as good as her two older brothers, but she can still be admitted as a child at the age of seven." Xiao Zhengning was proud, "If With the support of a good teacher, she will be even better."

"You never thought about letting me accept Hongkang as a disciple?"

Xiao Zhengning shook his head lightly, "I know Hongkang's talent is not as good as Minghua's; he has studied hard for several years before Minghua is ranked one higher than Minghua, how do you know that Minghua will not be better than him in the future?"

Dean Fan pulled out the two children and weighed them repeatedly. Speaking of which, he was more optimistic about Xiao Hongkang; men, there were not so many constraints, and there were no emotional problems between men and women.It's not that he sees women clearly. Today's women basically rely on their husbands to survive, and most of them are emotional.

"You are kind to your daughter."

"She is my daughter. It is Her Majesty's grace and her good fortune to be able to take the imperial examination. As a father, I can't do much for her. I only hope that she will have less hardships in the future, even if there are hardships. I can get through it safely. From this point, I thought of you, if you are willing to accept apprentices, her future journey will be much easier." After a pause, Xiao Zhengning continued: "As for Hongkang, he is a boy , it's easier than Minghua."

Dean Fan shook his head and laughed, "You're partial."

"No, it's just a measure of the future of a pair of children." Xiao Zhengning shook his head, there is no partiality, and it is true that he is inclined towards Minghua in terms of resources.

"Forget it, I can't teach that child Minghua. My mentor is [-] years old this year; when Xianfu was at home, I came forward to write a letter to ask him what the old man thinks." He really didn't want to waste Xiao Ming Hua's talent can help to a certain extent, and support is also support.

Xiao Zhengning raised his heart, "Then"

Can it be done?
Dean Fan's mentor is not only his disciple, and Dean Fan quit the court early again.

"Don't worry, just listen to the teacher's arrangement; your daughter can pass the entrance examination for Tongsheng at the age of seven, which shows that she is a very smart child, and this is her best answer sheet." It is impossible for the teacher not to be tempted.

"Okay, listen to the dean, thank you for planning for Minghua." Xiao Zhengning remembered this kindness.

He didn't know who Dean Fan's mentor was, he only knew something about this man's deeds; he only hoped that he could sincerely give Minghua some protection.

After sending Xiao Zhengning away, Dean Fan went back to the house and wrote a letter with ink and handed it to his confidant boy, asking him to go out for a while.

The boy left the academy with an envelope in his arms, and Dean Fan sat at the table for a long time, sighing softly.

"I haven't seen my mentor for many years, and I don't know if my mentor is angry and blames me." This letter was sent out, one for Minghua, and the other for myself; back then, he gave up the official position in the court full of anger, and was disappointed with the muddy water in the court. And, resolutely no longer become a scholar.

The teacher once sent more than a dozen letters, but he declined them all; later, the teacher and him came to a stalemate, which has not been eased for so many years.Every year the filial piety is sent over, but he feels ashamed to see his mentor.

This letter is the medium between him and his teacher, and it is also a pawn for him to test his teacher's attitude.

The letter was delivered to Duke Weiyuan's mansion in central Beijing, and directly delivered to the old man of Weiyuan Duke's mansion. This old man lived in his eighties, with gray hair, wrinkled face, clear eyes and strong body.

"Master, your student sent it from Xianyun Town, Shuzhou." The old housekeeper handed over the letter with both hands.

The old man hummed lightly, but he didn't answer it immediately; the old housekeeper planned to put the letter on the table and read it when the old man wanted to read it, so the old man sighed slowly, "Forget it, that kid is getting old now." ;He has no conscience! It’s been so many years since you’ve written to me, so give it to me.”

"Yes, old man."

The old housekeeper delivered the letter to him.

The old man opened it up and read it carefully, frowned and let go, and the old housekeeper's heart arose after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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