"Okay, wait a moment, it should be over soon." Cheng Yuandong said happily.

Cheng Yuannan looked at his son and eldest nephew and chuckled, "The child is sensible and has a bright eye."

Cheng Mingyi and Cheng Mingzhi looked at each other and smiled.

Cheng Yuandong nodded, "Our children are indeed all good."

While chatting, Cheng Yuanxi came out of the warehouse and asked a few people to move in; they followed into the warehouse and saw Boss Cen and his clerk smiling, while Boss Cen was taking out banknotes and broken silver to hand over to Cheng Dazhu.

"Start moving from the front. Bring the basket and carry it on your back." Cheng Yuanxi called on his family members to help.

Fortunately, the backpacks they were carrying were still there when they came back, so they filled the backpacks full of them. They also held some more in their hands and tried to take as many out as possible, which would save them two trips.

Boss Cen and Cheng Dazhu completed the handover. Cheng Dazhu casually put the money and banknotes into his arms and went to help.

Boss Cen couldn't put it down when he touched the transparent and delicate soap. The irregular grass leaves inside were very interesting. When using the soap, it also had a certain ornamental value. The Cheng family was really clever in thinking.

I just don’t know how soap is made.

He didn't have the guts to covet the Cheng family's soap recipe, so it didn't stop him from being curious.

After one person made more than a dozen trips, 20,000 pieces of soap were successfully delivered to the carriage. Watching the carriage turn around and leave, Cheng Dazhu smiled brightly. At the same time, he was happy to have completed a transaction.

Before he was happy for a while, people from the Cheng family came over, not just one or two, but many people.

They gathered outside the house, and Cheng Dazhu sighed in his heart, his happiness lessened a lot.

"Uncle Dazhu, why are there so many carriages coming to your house? You move a lot of things in and out of the carriages." A thin man said.

Cheng Dazhu glanced at him and saw that he was his cousin who had come out of Sifu; his family's life was not easy, but it was not sad either. At least they were wearing cotton-padded clothes, unlike the poorer members of the clan who didn't even have a cotton-padded coat.

"Uncle Dazhu, are you doing business?"

"That man should be from Fucheng. Judging from his well-dressed clothes, he should be a rich man."

"I'm sure I'll be rich. How about getting so fat?"

"Uncle Dazhu, your family has made a lot of money quietly, right?"

The three brothers Cheng Yuanxi, Cheng Yuandong, and Cheng Yuannan stood beside Cheng Dazhu and looked at the people of the same clan who were approaching; some of them were curious to watch the fun, some had speculations and wanted a share of the pie, and some were jealous regardless of whether it was true or not.

"Our family has some contacts with Fucheng, and everyone knows it. Our family's livelihood is difficult, and they can't stand it, so they bring us to make money together. The big money is not ours." Cheng Yuanxi answered thoughtfully.

The clan members cannot know the origin of this business, nor can they tell how much money they earn.

The clan's troublemakers are so annoying.

Cheng Dazhu's eyes flashed, acquiescing to what Cheng Yuanxi said.

When Cheng Yuandong and Cheng Yuannan saw that their father did not speak, they also chose to remain silent.

The Cheng clan members looked at each other in confusion, unable to tell the truth from lies.

However, the granddaughter of the Cheng Dazhu family did have a good relationship with the Crown Prince of Zhou. Even they knew how good the Crown Prince was to Cheng Mingyi. It was visible to the naked eye. It would make sense if the Crown Prince of Zhou brought their family to make money.

From a commoner's family, the Crown Prince of Zhou could live a good life just by pulling him out.

Envy, I'm tired of talking about it.

"Uncle Dazhu, what kind of business can you help us with? We are all members of the same clan; you can give us a hand and make our lives easier."

A short man, only about 1,589 meters tall, shouted. As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention was successfully diverted, and everyone stared at the three brothers Cheng Dazhu and Cheng Yuandong.

Cheng Dazhu sighed silently and had to step forward to appease these people, "This matter is not ours, nor yours; we have to report it before making a decision. If there is hope, we will discuss it with the clan leader and village chief, Let’s all disperse.”

Cheng Dazhu didn't want to cause trouble with them, so he took his three sons back to the hospital. They didn't dare to go in without closing the door. Firstly, they were worried about the relationship between the Cheng family and Prince Zhou, and secondly, they were worried about business.

If there was any hope, they would have barged in without permission and annoyed Cheng Dazhu's family; the good things that could have been accomplished may have been ruined.

In this case, they suppressed their restless hearts.

"It's all gone, it's all gone, don't embarrass Uncle Dazhu's family; they also followed others, it depends on what Uncle Dazhu says."

"Let's disperse, there's nothing left to see."

"Cheng Dazhu's life is so easy. He has built a big yard and has enough to eat every day. Which of their children and grandchildren are poorly dressed? Look at our children, they are patched and patched. They have the ability to help us. What's wrong with us? ?Still trying to shirk it.”

"He just shirks. What should he report? Let's make some money along with him. Does Prince Zhou know about it?"

"Okay, you can't hide your words and don't listen to what you say. Uncle Dazhu said that this matter must be reported, and that is to take the bright road. Why are you excited? What does this business have to do with you? People's lives are good because of their ability. , if you can't live well, can you rely on Uncle Dazhu's house?"

"If you are like you, who would want to pull you out? If you are just making trouble, you will cause trouble for me no matter what."

"Let's break up. If there's any more trouble, we'll go find the clan leader and village chief."



Someone cursed and the crowd dispersed.

What happened at the door of Cheng Dazhu's house quickly reached the ears of the clan leader and village chief, and the person who tipped off the news was a clear-minded member of the same clan.

"Clan leader, village chief, it's not easy for our clan to settle down. No matter how sad the life is, can it be as sad as the time when we ran away? The troublemakers in the clan are back to their old ways. As soon as we are more stable, the restless ones start to make trouble."

"Uncle Dazhu's family has taken great care of the clan members. They fled all the way here. How many people in the clan have not received any favors from Uncle Dazhu's family?"

"You have to watch carefully! Don't let those ungrateful things ruin the reputation of the clan and chill the hearts of Uncle Dazhu's family."

This man has a frown on his face and is very aware of the trouble-making ability of those in the clan.

People's hearts are easy to soften, and similarly, it is difficult to soften a hard heart.

You can't take advantage over and over again, but instead say that the advantage given by others is not big enough. That doesn't make sense.

The clan leader calmly nodded and said he understood, "You go back first, let's go to Dazhu's house."

"Okay, then the clan leader and village chief should quickly think of a solution. Those jealous people in the clan cannot give up like this."

After the people left, the clan leader and village chief looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

A few moments.

The patriarch spoke first to break the calm, "Are these people making a fuss without thinking? Do you have to make a fuss with Dazhu?"

"Fortunately, there are some in the clan who are ungrateful, and there are also those who are grateful and know how to reconcile the situation and not let things continue to develop. Otherwise, the Dazhu family will be really heartbroken, and it is not impossible to move out of Chengjiazhuang. They have the support of Prince Zhou. As long as they are in the northwest, they will not worry about their livelihood."

The village chief was worried and then felt happy.

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