Chapter 108 The Reborn Girl 38
The child is old and flying, he doesn't worry so much.

But the daughter was separated from them when she was only seven years old, and she will not be able to see her in a short time; no matter the ups and downs outside, she is the only one to carry it.

After flying out, she will go further and have a better future.

Xiao Zhengning had complicated thoughts, but at the same time he understood that Dean Fan's juniors wanted to bring people into Beijing High School, one is to cultivate; the other is to shape the students' three views and characters nearby. The gap between rich and poor is too big. And he is willing to take action to keep his disciples away from all bad factors and environments, which is already showing his attitude.

This apprentice, he accepts, will be hurt and will protect him; however, he does not want bad factors to be mixed in.

With such an obvious attitude, if he still doesn't understand, he is a fool.

Minghua went to see her husband first, and explained the purpose of going to Beijing. The gentlemen were surprised at first, and then thought of her talent, and felt reasonable.

"I went to Beijing Middle School to study hard, listen to Master's words more, and don't talk back to Master; if you have an idea, you can implement it slowly, don't be angry with Master, take care of yourself outside, some things can be tolerated, and some things can't be tolerated, you You have to master it to a certain degree." While Feng Fuzi was full of worries, he explained to her earnestly.

Mr. Tian echoed, and added a few points by the way, "If you don't understand, if you are being bullied, you should go to your master and complain; if a crying child has milk, you should be a crying child, anyway, you are still young."

It is normal for a child to cry and fuss.

"Thank you two gentlemen for your concern. I understand that I won't let myself suffer. You two take care of your health. You will come to see the two gentlemen when you come back."

After making a long bow, he bid farewell to the two wives, and left under their earnest and concerned eyes.

Back in the dormitory, the sisters were all discussing together, and they were very happy to see her come back and took her with them.

"Minghua, you just came back, what did the master tell you to go out just now?"

"I'm leaving."

One word startled Wan Chenglang.

The little sisters who were fried were dizzy.

"Where are you going?" Si Youjin was the first to calm down. After all, she is a girl raised by an official family. She is only very old and has begun to look good. "Where are they going to send you, sir?"

Sitting alone in one place, Xiao Daya turned her head and looked over after hearing Minghua's words; her eyes were flickering, some wished for her to go, and some hoped that she would not be well, but she was not worried about where she would go.

Luo Lili asked, "Minghua, where are you going?"

Xu Shu anxiously took her hand, "Tell us, if you encounter difficulties, you must tell us, we will definitely help if we can."

"Yes, I have some contacts in my family. I'll ask my parents." Cheng Yi expressed his opinion hastily.

Fang Mingmei stared at her closely, although she didn't speak, she was full of concern.

Minghua smiled sadly, and reached out to hug them one by one.

"Dear sisters, don't worry about me. I'm going to learn a teacher. My father and the dean found a very good teacher for me, but he's not in Xianyun Town, so I need to go and study with him. I will come back when I take the scholar exam and raise people. For the exam, let's meet again." These little sisters did well.

The five breathed a sigh of relief and let go of their worries.

Xu Shu said again: "Are you going alone? Where are you going to learn from a teacher? Is it far away?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. I'm going to the capital. If the sisters have the opportunity to go to the capital, I'll take you all around the streets and alleys of the capital. Now I'm going to let the sisters know the way of the capital in advance."

The emotions of separation lingered in the hearts of several people. The news came too suddenly, and the emotions were also sudden, and they felt very uncomfortable.

Reluctant to let go for a while, knowing that Minghua will pack up and go home, and those who leave home will always get together with their families; even though the little sisters are reluctant to let go and want to talk to her more, they still endure the discomfort and help clean up together luggage.

She has lived in the academy for two years, and she has quite a lot of things; the things she bought in the past two years were sent by the little sisters in daily life, and after packing up, Minghua's things filled three vine lanes, Si Youjin and Xu Shu's box was used by her.

Minghua couldn't use it for nothing, so he gave them all his notes.

The things were delivered outside the academy, and Xiao Zhengning waited outside. Seeing that it was a bit difficult for him to carry the three boxes by himself, he called his eldest son to help carry them, and sent the things to the intersection from the county town to the village.Fortunately, today is the day of shopping in the village, and there are ox carts, otherwise, it would be too strenuous to walk all the way back with three boxes.

"Xiao Xiucai, are you guys on vacation?" the old man driving the car asked in an acquaintance's tone.

Xiao Zhengning smiled and said, "Yes, the little girl is on vacation, so let's take the things home first."

"You are so lucky, your sons and daughters are promising." The old man said enviously, "The boys in my family are as old as your children, they only know how to play like crazy."

"Everyone has their own blessings, and you are also blessed, with a house full of children and grandchildren."

To say well, a person's self-cultivation is reflected in his words and deeds; he is kind, and he can answer seriously no matter what the old man asks.

The old man is also envious of the old couple of the Xiao family, their luck lies in the future; the former has a son who passed the examination of scholar, and the latter has three promising grandsons, they will have a good life.

"Your stuff, I'll send you and the two boys back to the ox cart first." The old man was enthusiastic and thoughtful as he yelled.

Xiao Zhengning said: "Kangkang won't come back, today my little girl and I will go back."

"That's it!" The old man went in without knowing it, but he didn't keep asking; he just looked at Xiao Hongkang, "Xiao Tongsheng, we should go; send Xiao Xiucai to the village, I have to come back to pick up people from our village."

"It's work."

Xiao Zhengning put things on the bullock cart, which was not very spacious; once the three rattan boxes were placed, the bullock cart could barely accommodate three or four people.

Xiao Hongkang said: "Father, you and your sister should pay attention to safety on the road."

"Go back to the academy, don't delay your homework." Xiao Zhengning responded to his son.

The father and son said a few words, then Xiao Hongkang went to see his sister with reddish eyes, reached out and touched the two bumps on her head, "You can't miss your homework when you go home, although I don't know why you have a holiday, brother hope you are doing well." Good reading, not influenced by the outside world."

Minghua raised her head and rubbed against his hand a few times, then nodded in agreement.

Xiao Hongkang let go of his hand and watched them get into the bullock cart and drift away until no one could be seen; he turned back to the county town and worked harder after entering the academy.

He is not a fool, his father's previous plan was to make his younger sister worship Dean Fan, but his younger sister went home unexpectedly; he didn't know what happened, but he knew that he had to work harder.

Not for myself, but also for my sister.

Dean Fan is not a narrow-minded person, if his younger sister fails to become a teacher, she must have other places to go; he guessed a little about his father's move to bring his younger sister home.

His lack of excellence made his sister take the lead; if he didn't work harder, he would really be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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