Zhou Ting didn't care, Princess Zhou didn't say anything to stop her, but Mingyi couldn't really sit down.

"Your Majesty, please take your seat first." Mingyi stood there without moving.

Her distant call came to his ears, and Zhou Ting couldn't help but frown, fleetingly; following Mingyi's words, he sat down where Mingyi was supposed to sit, and then asked her to take a seat at the bottom.

This time she didn't refuse and took her seat.

With a clear view of every move of the two of them, Princess Zhou looked at Mingyi with a smile on her lips and gentle and firm eyes.

"Ms. Cheng hasn't come to play with the princess for a long time."

"In reply to the princess, I don't dare disturb the peace of the princess."

Zhou Ting looked towards his mother and concubine.

Princess Zhou smiled and said: "Don't be nervous. You haven't come to play in the palace for a long time. Chaosheng misses you very much. Not only Chaosheng, but I also miss you."

"I'm sorry for you, Princess." Mingyi lowered her eyes and said.

"Be more casual, just like at home; if it's too restrained and lacks some fireworks, you can get along with Chao Sheng as you would with me."

Princess Zhou's words caused Mingyi to raise her eyelids and look at her several times. In response to her sizing, Princess Zhou made a gesture of allowing her to be scrutinized.

Even though Aunt Xu was displeased and felt it was rude, she didn't say anything; her master didn't say anything, and it was hard for a slave like her to speak rashly.

"According to what the mother and concubine said, it's like being at home, and it's the same with the princess. Be more casual. I didn't invite you to come to the palace to play to make you unhappy."

Zhou Ting leaned forward and spoke to her in a low voice.

Mingyi was surprised in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, "Okay, the daughter of the people listens to the princess."

"That's good. It's okay for the family to get along more casually in private. It's good to maintain the palace's reputation outside the palace. Chaosheng is just too well-behaved and loses his popularity."

Zhou Ting glanced at her and turned to look at Mingyi.

Mingyi also happened to listen to what the princess said and looked at him. The two looked at each other and then smiled again.

Princess Zhou saw it clearly and said happily: "It was my fault as a mother-in-law that made Chaosheng pay too much attention to the rules. Fortunately, Miss Cheng, after you appeared, Chaosheng became more popular. Look He looks like he should at his age."

Mingyi was confused when he heard this. What should he look like at this age? Chaosheng has always been very good.

Princess Zhou only responded to her doubts with a smile, "Chaosheng's life was not satisfactory for more than ten years before Chaosheng. Because of me, the mother-in-law, she has aged like an old man. In the future, you will interact more and make Chaosheng's life less interesting."

"The princess is serious, the prince has always been very good." As a mother, you can say that she is just an outsider, but you don't want to take it seriously.

It's not that she overthinks it, but it's better to be cautious.

She only knew a little bit about Princess Zhou; she didn't use her spiritual consciousness and could only rely on the perception that she had no ill intentions and could not know her true thoughts.

The aristocratic family has many rules and strict etiquette.

Her current status is too low, and she doesn't think it matters, but the reality is this; she should be cautious and follow all the rules.

If it were a dynasty where women could take part in the imperial examination, she could naturally relax a little; the Daxi Dynasty did not have a policy for women to take the imperial examination, and the status of women was already low, not to mention that in the face of a family background that was like a chasm, what did she, a little girl, do in the eyes of those who were interested? Neither.

Princess Zhou only thought that she was protecting Zhou Ting, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Chaosheng, take good care of Miss Cheng. You have been stable since you were young, but you have few friends of your own age. It is not easy to get along with Miss Cheng, so you should cherish it."

"I understand." Zhou Ting sat on the chair and bowed his hands.

Princess Zhou looked back and forth on them, and the more she looked at them, the happier she became; these two little people, one was thoughtful and the other was not, were very happy no matter how she looked at them.

After chatting with them for a while, seeing that the sky was already darkening, Princess Zhou sent them away. On the way back to Tao Yiyuan, Mingyi's stomach growled.

Zhou Ting apologized: "I'm sorry, Yiyi, for making you hungry; let's speed up and go back to Tao Yiyuan. The big kitchen will stew the beef you like. You can eat more later."

"Okay!" She nodded generously, but hunger made her couldn't help but touch her belly.


The feeling of starvation is something I haven’t experienced for a long time.

Zhou Ting turned to look at Bu Wei and said, "Go and pass on the meal, and bring some pastries and fruits."

"The slave obeys."

Don't go for the ceremony.

After the people left, Zhou Ting reached out to Mingyi, "Let's go back quickly; I'll ask Buwei to order roasted whole lamb and steak tomorrow, and I'll make sure you can eat them every day."

You must make Mingyi eat well and drink well, and be happy and not miss Shu; you will not get used to it when you go back, so that you can often abduct people to stay in the palace.

Mingyi put her hand into his palm and let him lead her back to Tao Yiyuan.

As soon as she stepped into the courtyard, she smelled a faint spicy smell of beef stew. Mingyi felt even hungrier; hunger made her walk faster. It was Zhou Ting who pulled her away, but she pulled her instead. Follow Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting followed her footsteps, staring at her back with his eyes, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth; the soft touch in his hands, and the little girl's joy at his side, made him very happy.

Stepping into the living room, the strong aroma of meat hits your nose.

Two sets of bowls and chopsticks have been placed on the table.

Mingyi pulled Zhou Ting to sit down, and took the first bite of the food. The rich aroma mixed with the soup exploded in her mouth, and she was left with endless aftertaste after swallowing it.

"Chaosheng is quick to eat. Your chef is really good at it."

She enjoyed eating very much, and Zhou Ting brought her vegetables and meat from time to time.

Instead of serving the other four dishes to the host, he led the host back outside to wait.

Zhou Ting served the meat and vegetables one after another, only watching Mingyi eat, but he didn't take a few bites.

"Chaosheng, stop picking up vegetables for me. Eat some quickly; it's too much for me to eat so much meat alone." She also gave him a few pieces of meat and vegetables, which were nutritious combinations.

Zhou Ting nodded with a smile and started eating after her. In fact, he didn't need to eat at night; he was used to having two meals a day and not eating at night, so he followed her and ate a little.

This meal made Mingyi feel full and satisfied.

"very nice!"

Eating at home is not bad, but it is definitely not as delicious as what the chef cooks. The food cooked by the chef is full of color, flavor and flavor. The food at home can only be regarded as home-cooked food that tastes good. However, after experiencing the road of escaping, she is not picky about food. , as long as you can eat enough.

"So happy?" Zhou Ting put down his chopsticks and stared at her with a smile.

Mingyi seemed unaware, immersed in the satisfaction of having enough to eat and drink, "Of course I'm happy because there's so much delicious food and drink~ Chaosheng, you haven't eaten much, can you be full?"

"This is enough." Zhou Ting said, "Don't worry about me. I'm used to not eating at night. It doesn't matter whether I eat or not."

"Then you will eat with me when I eat, and develop a good habit of eating at night. We have three meals a day to meet the needs of the body. After two meals, if you don't eat at night, you will feel empty." If you are not hungry, you will still feel empty. Okay, being hungry is really unbearable.

I don’t know if anyone is like me. When you are hungry at night, you have to eat something. Even drinking some water is good, otherwise you will be too hungry to sleep~~

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