"The prince has people around him and doesn't need you."

Mingyi finished speaking fluently and glanced at Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting chuckled and took her hand, passed the two nuns, and only took Buwei to the inner courtyard. He met the princess first, paid her respects, and then turned to play.

Walk out of the palace.

A luxurious carriage parked outside. Beside the carriage were four guards holding long swords and a groom standing with his hands hanging down.

Not wanting to bring a horse stool, he said, "Miss Cheng, please."

"Thank you." After thanking Zhou Ting, he stepped onto the horse stool with the help of Zhou Ting, stepped onto the carriage shaft, and looked back at Zhou Ting; she saw that he had already followed on the horse stool, and she would only be in the way if she stayed here anymore. He bent down and entered the carriage interior.

The area outside the carriage is for the groom, and can be called the outer room; it can also be called the shaft seat or the driving seat.

The two entered the carriage one after another, closed the door without putting away the horse stools, and sat on the other side of the shaft seat.

The groom is responsible for driving the car and sits in the most convenient position.

"Let's go." Without giving an order, he turned around and said through the car door: "Ms. Cheng, where do you want to go?"

Mingyi sat in the carriage, eating the prepared fruit, thinking for a moment and said: "First go to the Baijia grocery store in the east of the city."

"Okay." Buwei smiled and gave the groom a wink.

The groom lowered his eyes and responded. He drove the carriage through the area of ​​​​the palace and out of the area where noble families lived. Less than two streets away was the Bai family grocery store.

After arriving at the place, Buwei glanced at the closed shop and jumped out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty, Miss Cheng, you are here."

"So fast?"

Mingyi opened the car door and took a look outside. This place was really prosperous; at a glance, 60% of the people coming and going were wearing silk and satin, which showed that the service people on this street were all wealthy people.

As for those people dressed in different clothes, most of them came to do business; of course, there were also people who came to buy things, but very few.

Bu Wei moved the horse stool and stretched out his arm, "Ms. Cheng, be careful."

"Thank you very much, Buwei." Mingyi stepped on the horse stool and put one hand on Buwei's forearm.

Zhou Ting then came down and gave Bu Wei a displeased look. He looked at Bu Wei with a puzzled look on his face, and then he saw his eldest son following Mrs. Cheng attentively and talking.

"Yiyi, this grocery store is closed, no one is there."

"Of course there is no one left, Baijia Grocery Store has changed owners." Mingyi said with a smile: "Some time ago, the family had an income, and my grandfather bought three shops; this is one of them. My grandfather bought this shop Put it in my name and I'm thinking about what to buy or sell."

Zhou Ting understood, "Mr. Cheng treats you well."

"It's not bad." With the dual blessing of interests and blood ties, Cheng Dazhu was indeed good to her; there is no doubt about this. As long as he is not greedy, this kind of family relationship is not bad.

"Do you want to do business in the Western Regions?" Zhou Ting stared at her smile and couldn't bear to look away.

Mingyi raised her head and looked at him, "Your family is doing business in the Western Regions. If I do business in the Western Regions, wouldn't I be robbing you of business? Besides, my family doesn't have a convoy going to the Western Regions. I will take advantage of you and steal your business. I can't do it."

"It doesn't matter, just let the convoy bring back some more things from the Western Regions; there is no need to grab business. If you are willing, you can trade all the things they bring back in your shop."

The Prince of Zhou's Mansion is not short of this business. The main purpose of sending people to do business in the Western Regions is to explore the intelligence of the Western Regions. The purpose of doing business incidentally is to explore the information and open up the channels to the Western Regions.

It doesn't matter if you want it or not. "Still not." Mingyi shook her head resolutely and asked, "When will your team come back?"

"They just left not long ago, and it would take more than two months at the fastest to go back and forth." Zhou Ting said.

By then it will be too late.

Mingyi was thoughtful. She wanted to plant flowers and trees and do other business. However, since she couldn't make it in time for the spring season, the chances of having flowers and trees in stock were low, which would delay things too much.

"Chaosheng, I want to plant various flowers and trees. Please help me find some flowers and trees."

No matter what, you need to find flowers and trees first and plant them before you can start a business related to flowers and trees; the winter in the northwest is too cold and some flowers and trees cannot survive, so you have to put more effort into planting them.

"There will be. Before the convoy goes to the Western Region this time, I have asked them to bring back some more flower and tree seeds. There are also seeds of various fruits and vegetables. I will give them to you then."

Zhou Ting spoke in an understatement, and Mingyi listened with joy.

Just ask, what is it like to have a love soulmate?

"Well, you don't have to give all of it, just give half, and we'll share it equally." His family must have a lot of land that can be planted.

Zhou Ting shook his head, "None of us know how to plant. Most of the seed seedlings we brought back can only survive for a month or two and then wither and die. The chance of planting is small, and it is a waste if it doesn't survive in my hands. It's better to give them all." you."

While pleasing her, maybe she can make a living.

The last batch of seedlings given to her all survived, which shows that her family is very good at planting.

If Mingyi knew what he was thinking, she would definitely say that he was overthinking; all those seedlings were pulled back alive, and although the land she chose was a wasteland, it was not a wasteland that could not be planted. As long as you do a good job of keeping warm and getting enough fat, you won't be able to survive.

"You really don't want it?" Mingyi asked uncertainly.

"Give it all to you." Zhou Ting nodded.

Mingyi looked at him regretfully, and the young boy said stupidly, "Okay, if the seeds survive, then transplant them."

She could farm, and if he asked, she would definitely tell him how to keep warm.

Zhou Ting shook his head and laughed, "Okay, I'll transplant one of them and plant it in the yard. Seeing them will remind me of Yiyi."

".Don't you think of me if you don't look at the things I planted?" Youyou asked.

The little girl's eyes were filled with confusion, and she was so cute.

Zhou Ting smiled fondly and rubbed her little head, "I can think of you even if I don't look at your things. However, if the things you planted are in my yard, I can think of you more often."


I was barely satisfied with this answer, but in Zhou Ting's eyes, this was just a sign of ignorance.

"So, what do you want to sell in your shop?"

"Let's sell soap for now. There are many rich people here, so we can sell the second version of soap." Mingyi looked up and down the shop area, "There are two floors above the shop. You can buy and sell fine skin care products, rouge, gouache, etc. upstairs. "

Groceries are sold downstairs, while fine items are sold upstairs, but this makes them a bit nondescript.

Mingyi thought for a moment, overturned her previous idea, and changed her tone, "Let's sell rouge and gouache, not groceries. We sell rouge and gouache downstairs, and we can run women's businesses upstairs, such as human body massage, beauty treatments, and moxibustion and steaming." Wait.”

Zhou Ting:? ? ?

I only understand beauty and moxibustion, but what about steaming?

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