Zhou Ting turned his attention to Mingyi.

Mingyi looked at the mother and daughter before saying: "It's good that you have this attitude. It's true that a woman relies on her family at home and her husband when she gets married. However, as girls, we can rely on others, but we cannot live without our own ability. You What do you think, Mrs. Wan?”

Mrs. Wan's eyes were deeply touched. No one had ever told her these words. She was not as good as a little girl at her age. While she was ashamed, she was deeply touched by Mingyi's words.

She was unable to support herself and her daughter, so she relied on General Xiaolin's kindness to live a stable life for a few days, with plenty of food and drink. However, they also brought trouble to General Xiaolin, causing many twists and turns in General Xiaolin's marriage.

"What Mrs. Cheng said is absolutely true. A girl can rely on others, but she cannot live without the ability to survive." Mrs. Wan raised her head to look at Zhou Ting, then lowered her eyelids in a gesture of respect, "Your Majesty, the mother and daughter of the common people are here for Xiao Lin." The general brought a lot of trouble and made things difficult for General Xiaolin's family. It was the fault of the civilian woman and her daughter. "

At this moment, she openly admitted her guilt, no longer escaping or feeling sorry for herself.

By the time Bu Wei found her, she had been tormented by the guilt in her heart for a long time. If it weren't for this guilt, she might not have chosen to go out to work; it wasn't that she was unwilling to work, but that the Xi Dynasty was harsh on women, and she If a widow takes her daughter to work outside, not only her, but also her daughter's reputation will not be good.

"I can't say right or wrong, it's just a mistake." Zhou Ting waved his hand and stared at Mingyi.

Mingyi nodded, "The war has caused you to lose your husband and father who you can rely on. I have heard about General Xiaolin's deeds. General Xiaolin is kind and willing to support you. There is nothing wrong with that. It's just that you are not relatives, but millions of people." I am a subordinate of General Xiaolin, and it is okay for him to take you in rashly. But over time, it will inevitably make people think that you are all right, it is just the current situation. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Mingyi saw a tear drop on the back of Mrs. Wan's hand and sighed silently.

The Great Xi Dynasty was very harsh on women, making it difficult for them, especially those who lost their husbands and were unwilling to remarry.

It's okay if your husband's family is kind, but what's most heartbreaking is that your husband's family is cruel and stingy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you, Miss Cheng, for your comfort." Mrs. Wan still felt that the fault was hers, but she no longer hid it secretly and did not dare to face it; it was okay when she forgot, but it was the most worrying when she remembered it from time to time.

People have the ability to forget, but this ability is not hypnotic or omnipotent; those guilty past events will always come out inadvertently to remind her that she has made the wrong choice.

A mentally strong person can face it and adjust himself; a mentally weak person is very prone to mental problems.

Mingyi nodded, "I won't say much else. If you are willing to work here, when my shop opens, you will have to do a lot of things and it will be very tiring. You can think carefully before giving it to me. reply."

"I am willing!"

Mrs. Wan nodded hurriedly for fear of missing out, "It's just that I want to take my daughter with me, Mrs. Cheng. My daughter is very well-behaved; she is very capable and can do laundry, sweep the floor, cook, and do some housework."

"I understand your difficulty. Your daughter will live with you. There is a small courtyard behind this shop, and workers will move in there one after another. You and your daughter can choose one to live in first, and don't move the master bedroom. That’s it.”

"Okay, thank you, Mrs. Cheng, thank you very much; I will do my best and won't let you down." If there is a job, she is willing to do it as long as it is a serious business.

Life in General Xiaolin's courtyard was good, he had no worries about food and clothing, and he lived a leisurely life; however, he had no money and could not straighten his waist.

Seeing that my daughter is getting older, I can't live on the charity of General Xiaolin. He gives charity for a year or two; how can I still give my daughter a dowry? She is not one of General Xiaolin's people. They just pity the mother and daughter and give them food to eat.

By earning a living, she was able to save money for her daughter's dowry.

Even if there is some loss in reputation and a larger dowry, the daughter can still find a good family. "Well, then I'll give you the key. You can move into the backyard now. Later, the prince will arrange for people to come over and renovate the shop. You can help keep an eye on it. By the way, you have never been a shopkeeper, so follow the prince. I want you to learn hard and don’t ask you to do everything in the beginning. Take your time and be on your own as soon as possible.”

Madam Wan listened quietly, keeping Mingyi's words in her heart, not daring or forgetting them.

"If you remember it, you must learn it hard."

"Well." After arranging the arrangements for the mother and daughter, Mingyi handed a purse to Mrs. Wan, "It's for you to live on temporarily. Someone will come to help renovate the shop, and I have to trouble you to prepare some soup to quench their thirst; we don't have enough money. Come to the palace to deliver the message. I will stay at the palace during this period. If I have other arrangements, I will let you know in advance. "

"Folk women understand."

Mrs. Wan took the purse respectfully and solemnly. It was a small bag, a bit heavy-handed.

"That's it, you guys go and move." Mingyi waved her hand and started to leave.

Zhou Ting grabbed her little paw in time and said: "No, you stay to help. When you are done, go and bring back the roasted lamb and steak."

Mingyi looked at him, and Zhou Ting smiled slightly; it was funny in his heart, this man had not fulfilled any of the things he promised, he promised that she would have roasted whole lamb to eat every day, so he asked Buwei to buy it every day.

After walking out of the shop, Zhou Ting found one less person, Bu Wei, who didn't want to delay their shopping.

The rest of the time was arranged by Mingyi, and Zhou Ting followed her wherever she wanted to go; when she returned home, she carried large and small bags with many things.

Return to Tao Yiyuan.

Mingyi lay down on the imperial concubine's couch, feeling so uncomfortable that she didn't want to move.

"Yiyi, I bought so many pastries that I can't finish them all. Do you want to send some to your house?" Zhou Ting sat beside her with a smile and glanced at the place where the guards carried things into the house and placed them.

Along the way, Mingyi often buys food on a whim. She doesn’t necessarily want to eat it, she just wants to buy it.

"Pure a copy and send it to the Princess. The Princess is so kind to me and has given me many things. I don't have anything to give. I just want to ask the Princess to try the pastries. It's a small token of my appreciation. Keep it for a while. We’ll eat one portion, and your people will have to ask your people to send the rest to my house.”

Zhou Ting smiled heartily, "It's all a matter of words."

His sweetheart misses his mother and concubine, and he will be happy if they get along well.

His mother-in-law is a sensible and open-minded person; she is willing to be kind to the girl he likes, and he is grateful.

The girl he loves is also willing to be kind to his mother and concubine, and is grateful for her mother and concubine's kindness; only good things to come and go can last a long time. He likes Dudu because he is grateful, so it's no wonder that he likes her.

When the guards had delivered everything, Zhou Ting personally divided the pastry into three parts. Among them were several bunches of candied haws, and he also divided two into the things prepared for his mother and concubine.

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