Chapter 1098 Famine and Natural Disaster 258

As for what kind of opportunity and chance it was, he was unwilling to expose his background to others, including teachers.

"Teacher, I believe in Yiyi unconditionally, and I ask you to believe in her. My body has healed because of her, and my martial arts can even improve in a short period of time. It's all because of her. She gave me a share of her opportunities." , so I won’t doubt her.”

Fan Qingzhi stared at him for a moment. The young boy was extremely determined, so determined that he was stubborn. If he continued to speak, he would definitely feel rebellious. He only hoped that Cheng Mingyi would be as Chaosheng said.

"Come on, just know what's going on."

Zhou Ting's expression softened and he said slightly apologetically: "Teacher, if you spend more time with Yiyi, you will understand that she is a very good, very good girl; she is not interested in my identity, and the reason for her friendship with me is I approached her many times, but her family didn’t want her to have a close relationship with me.”

Fan Qingzhi fell silent.


"Is her family really disapproving of your association, as you said?"

Zhou Ting nodded nonchalantly, "Really, the Cheng family, especially her parents, don't want students to interact with Yiyi; students have seen them look bad many times, and they are reluctant for students to go to their home."


Fan Qingzhi looked at his cold face and marveled.

Chaosheng brought the Cheng family to settle in the northwest, which meant that the Cheng family knew Chaosheng's identity; if they didn't want to do this, then there should be no problem.

"They didn't want you to go to their house, so you didn't go?"

"That's impossible." Zhou Ting said firmly.

Fan Qingzhi: "."

Good guy, really good guy.

Is this his lonely little apprentice? Are you so thick-skinned?

"The students didn't see their faces, and they didn't hear them say anything about not letting the students go."

Fan Qingzhi: Shameless.

In this way, there is really nothing wrong with the Cheng family; being so clear-headed that he doesn't want to get too close to Chaosheng shows that the other party understands the difference in status and wants to avoid suspicion, but his disciples are thick-skinned.

"Chaosheng! I'd like to ask, what do you think about Cheng Mingyi?" If it is a friendship between friends, his performance is too much; if it is a relationship between a man and a woman based on their age, it is unlikely.

Fan Qingzhi looked at his young apprentice with a headache. Could it be that there was really a love between a man and a woman? Cheng Mingyi is so young, so there is a big difference in age!

Five years difference!

Zhou Ting's cheeks were slightly hot, and he felt a little embarrassed when he was suddenly asked this question.

"You" forget it, don't say anything, Chaosheng is really special to the young lady of the Cheng family; he said that Chaosheng has been aloof since he was a child, and rarely pays too much attention to others unless the person is related to him "You actually have such thoughts about a girl."

Zhou Ting suddenly felt that he was a little older and was born a few years earlier.

"Teacher, students don't do anything inappropriate. They usually hold hands at most."

"What's the most?" Fan Qing stopped holding his forehead. Faced with the rippling tide, as a teacher, he didn't know what to say, "Then what else do you want to do?"

Zhou Ting shook his head in embarrassment, "Teacher, what are you talking about? Students like Yiyi, but they don't do or think of anything out of the ordinary."

"That's okay." Fan Qingzhi said happily: "You are twelve years old and will be thirteen soon. Has Princess Zhou arranged someone to stay in the room?"

"No!" Fan Qingzhi felt strange. It was common for men from aristocratic families to have a roommate at the age of eleven or twelve. It was not uncommon, and it could even be said to be very common. Princess Zhou actually did not arrange a roommate for Zhou Ting. , his health has improved, and according to what he said, his martial arts has also improved, so why didn't he make arrangements?

"What did Princess Zhou say?"

"The mother-in-law didn't say anything. Teacher, don't ask. The student doesn't want to take a concubine so early, and the student doesn't want his future wife to be like the mother-in-law."

It was related to the matter of Queen Zhou's house, so Fan Qing stopped and didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, let's go to your study first and tell you what I saw outside."

"Okay, teacher please."

An old man and a young man took each other to Heyun Courtyard. After waiting for tea to be brought, they closed the door of the study room before Fan Qingzhi spoke.

"The tide is rising, and there is complete chaos outside. There are civil wars, rebellions by princes from all sides, and natural disasters. The people's lives are miserable. It has been so long since the natural disasters began, and none of the princes or the court has taken care of the people. The princes are in the midst of natural disasters. After the war, forced conscription was repeated many times, and most of the families of refugees and refugees could not see an adult male, and the people were miserable. "

Zhou Ting frowned, "Teacher, the students understand the suffering of the people; now most of the princes have rebelled. Among them, the eldest prince, the third prince, and the fifth prince have gathered all the princes to recruit bandits and gathered hundreds of thousands of troops. Northwest The population is not large enough, and the current stability of the people is only because the northwest is desolate and not prosperous enough. If the three princes and the court find out about the students' rebellion, the northwest will be in danger. "

Fan Qing stopped and felt a little relieved that he had a plan. Chao Sheng was not distracted by his children's affair.

"The northwest army only has 200,000 troops. It really cannot fight against the various princes. We can only recruit troops, or defeat them one by one to form more troops."

Zhou Ting nodded. Since the teacher mentioned this, he did not hide it. "Teacher, to recruit security and form more troops, military food is needed. The northwest is temporarily not enough to support hundreds of thousands of troops. Today's twenty With tens of thousands of troops, the palace has to provide a large amount of money every year, and there will be more people that the palace cannot afford. "

In this case, the gain outweighs the loss.

It will bring down the palace.

"What you are talking about is a problem." Fan Qingzhi shook his head a few times, then stopped suddenly and said, "Why does it have to be supported by the palace? Businessmen in the northwest can also contribute."

Zhou Ting shook his head silently. The northwest was stable, so how could merchants be willing to provoke a war?

Fan Qingzhi guessed what he was thinking, "For businessmen who are willing to support the Northwest Army, the Northwest Army will open the door for them; if they are unwilling, don't force it. If there is a business problem in the future, the Northwest Army will not care about it, and the merchants will focus on profits. They Know how to weigh the pros and cons.”

"A method is a method. The hard-working teacher works hard for the students." Zhou Ting had an outline in his mind, but he had to put the rebellion on the moral high ground; he had to let the court be justified. The Northwest Army could not take the initiative to rebel.

There is a difference between active rebellion and passive rebellion.

"In short, prepare early. If you don't want to raise troops now, you must also guard against the various princes. The northwest army has been resisting foreigners all year round, just for fear that they will invade from within. By then, the army will be on the front line and enter the northwest. If Pingyang Pass is weak, this rare piece of pure land in the northwest will be destroyed."

Fan Qingzhi persuaded Zhou Ting sincerely, and Zhou Ting listened.

"Teacher, don't worry. The students have mobilized 50,000 troops to Pingyang Pass and will not give the princes a chance to cause chaos in the northwest."

Fan Qingzhi smiled happily and said, "As you grow up, you think more carefully about problems. I'm worried about things in vain."

"Teachers are there for students. It's not too late for students to appreciate teachers."

One was sincerely respectful, the other was full of comfort. After the questions were asked, the knowledge was checked, and the atmosphere between the two relaxed.

Second update in place~~

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