Chapter 110 The Reborn Girl 40
The family is in trouble.

At this moment, Xiao Leshi came over with hot water and pancakes, "Here are the pancakes, Sanya, Zhengning, hurry up and eat something to fill your belly; I'll go out and buy some meat later, and I'll have a good dinner tonight."

"Master, come and sit down; we have something to ask for your opinion." Mr. Xiao pointed to the seat next to Sanya.

Xiao Leshi paused, first went to see her husband, then her daughter.

Minghua nodded to her, Xiao Leshi felt relieved, and sat beside her, "Father and mother, what do you need to ask for my opinion?"

"Dean Fan didn't agree to accept Sanya as an apprentice, and recommended her to his mentor; now, Dean Fan's mentor wrote and asked Sanya to go to the capital to learn from her teacher." Xiao Zhengning explained.

"Are you going to the capital?"

Xiao Zhengning nodded, "Yes, Sanya is still young, and we don't feel at ease going to the capital alone; I can't leave here, and my parents are old, so it's inconvenient to go."

"I'll go." Xiao Leshi was categorical, "It's just that after I went to take care of Sanya, my parents didn't take care of me; I have to trouble my younger siblings and second brother. I'm not at home, and I can't take care of the two children."

The old lady Xiao looked as usual, and she was not surprised by her choice.

Mr. Xiao said: "I think it's most suitable for me to go. Although I'm old, I'm still in good health. It's not safe for a woman like Le Shi to go out with Sanya. I'm an old man, so it's most suitable to take care of Sanya."

"Where are you going? When you go, can you cook for Sanya, or can you wash clothes for Sanya?" Old Mrs. Xiao's face darkened.

"Father, you are getting old, it's inappropriate to run back and forth; I'll take care of Sanya, I can wash and cook for her, and I feel at ease." The sons have grandparents to take care of them, and Sanya always has someone who cares about her .

Therefore, she is the most suitable mother.

Xiao Zhengning was reluctant to part with it, and sadness was inevitable, "It is most appropriate for Le's to go, but, this time, our husband and wife will not see each other for a year or two."

Xiao Leshi lowered her eyes, how could she be willing to part with her husband and son.

"Forget it, let's go to Le's, and the boss will go to the county to buy a house and go with them; on the one hand, it is to protect them, and on the other hand, it is to let Sanya study with peace of mind." Mrs. Xiao silently counted the money in her hand, "When we arrive in the capital It is necessary to have a place to stay and buy a house; to have a home, Kang Kangping will use it to take the scientific examination in the future, which is not bad. However, I only have a hundred or so cars, and buying a house is not enough."

"Father and mother, keep the money of your elders for your own use, how can we as juniors ask for your money; the money Sanya earned in the past two years is in our hands, it should be feasible to pool together and buy a small yard Yes." Xiao Zhengning hastily declined.

After the separation, the money was not handed over to the two old people, but some filial piety was given to them on a daily basis; the money was in the hands of their husband and wife, and now they had to do the calculations, excluding the expenses on the road and the flowers when they arrived in the capital, it was time to buy a house money issue.

Old Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao were full of sadness. After watching their husband and wife take Sanya out, Mrs. Xiao spoke heavily.

"After all, it's useless for us to be parents. What a great thing to buy a house! What if we don't have enough money? We can't let their mother and daughter rent a house."

"Don't think too much, the husband and wife have plans; Sanya should have earned a lot in the past two years, and there is money to buy a house, but life is hard just to buy a house." After all, money is not enough.

The old lady Xiao said: "That's not okay, I'll go and bring the money and give them together; the poor family is rich, and it's not okay to let the children suffer outside."

Just do it.

The old lady went back to the house and took out a clay jar. When she went to the main room, she opened the jar and took out small cloth bags; there were six in total. When she opened the cloth bags, they were filled with broken silver.

"We have too little money, we should have given less money to the second child if we knew it earlier; at least let Sanya have more money outside."

Mr. Xiao shook his head and smiled wryly. His family was in such a state. If it wasn’t for Sanya’s real strength; they didn’t even have such a family background. Most of the money was filial money from the boss, and the second child couldn’t give a few copper coins a year. There are many places to use money, and they, as old people, can't ask their sons to do what they want.

"Give it to them first, and if it's not enough, they can make up for it; we're old and useless." The old man wanted to go out to work, but there was a scholar and two young students in his family. Wouldn't it embarrass his children and grandchildren to go out to work?
People in ancient times valued filial piety more than the sky. There were scholars and children in the family, and they went out to work after taking over the elderly. Don't be called unfilial?
The old lady Xiao nodded helplessly, poured the broken silver into a cloth, picked it up, walked out of the main room, and shouted outside the big house, "Boss, come out."


Xiao Zhengning walked out quickly, and asked suspiciously, "Mother, why are you here?"

Just separated.

"Here." The cloth bag was stuffed into her son's arms, and the old lady Xiao said: "We old couple can't do anything, we only have this money in our hands, let Sanya hold it; poor families get rich, and the rest of the money has to be relied on." You and your wife have made arrangements, and we can't help you."

"Mother, I really don't need it." The cloth bag was stuffed back again, Xiao Zhengning's heart warmed, parents always give more to their children, "You and father both know that Sanya earns a lot of money writing scripts; It’s quite a lot, enough for their mother and daughter, and if it’s not enough, I’ll ask Dean Fan to send it to the capital every month, so they won’t let their mother and daughter suffer in the capital.”

Mrs. Xiao confiscated it, "We don't have any money at home, so we keep it for Sanya; it's also part of our heart as grandparents."

"That's not so much, just give me some pocket money."

"Give it to Sanya, then give it to Sanya." Mrs. Xiao refused to take it back, and in the end, Xiao Zhengning had no choice but to accept it.

Carrying a bag of broken silver back to the house, Xiao Zhengning showed the things to his wife and daughter, and said to his wife, "Mother gave it to me."

"Put it aside, after we leave, you can return the money to your parents." Xiao Leshi and Minghua sat together, with a big box in front of them, "You have income every month, and the money for spending Basically, it is taken from your monthly bill; Sanya saved most of the money she earned; she also saved more than 2000 taels in two years, and went to the capital to see what the price of the house is, and you can buy it; as for the two of us For the flowers, I can go to wash clothes for people and earn money.”

The whole family is thinking about each other, and they all want to do their part to lighten the burden on the family.

Minghua sat cross-legged on the stool, "Mother, if you are willing to accompany me to the capital, my daughter must be filial to you; but I can't let you go out to work. Recently, I wrote another story book. After I went to the capital to apprentice, I asked the master to help me write it. It should be fine after a while. Dean Fan said that the master is a Beijing official, and such a small matter will not trouble him."

"Let your father help you with what you said, and give it back to your master. Be careful that your master despises you for not doing a proper job." Xiao Le tapped the tip of his daughter's nose, after all, he was happy, and it was easy to see whether his children had filial piety.

(End of this chapter)

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