Chapter 1102 Famine and Natural Disaster 262

Aunt Xu introduced them to the flowers, plants and trees along the way, and then observed their words and deeds.

Along the way, Mingyi finally understood the layout of the inner courtyard; Fan Ningyi spent most of her time comparing herself with Mingyi, as if comparing her with Mingyi would make her happy for the rest of her life. Instead, she missed understanding the palace of Prince Zhou. The best time.

After they finished their rounds, Princess Zhou and Fan Qingzhi in the inner hall also finished their conversation and followed Zhou Ting out of the inner courtyard.

Aunt Xu sent Cheng Mingyi and Fan Ningyi to the corridor at the junction of the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard. She happened to see Master Zhou Ting and Fan Qingzhi coming side by side.

"Master Brahma, the Crown Prince." Fu Shen saluted.

"Your Majesty, Grandfather." Fan Ningyi followed her own upbringing and wanted to show good upbringing, so she responded accordingly.

Seeing her like this, Fan Qingzhi looked at Fushen Mingyi again and smiled, "Are you having fun?"

Fan Ningyi gritted her teeth, "Grandpa, we had a good time."

"Miss Fan is very concerned about me. Miss Fan lives in the back house all year round and doesn't know much about people's livelihood. There are some obstacles when we chat. I want to have an in-depth conversation with Miss Fan, but unfortunately Miss Fan is not interested in people's livelihood, so I can only give up. "After Mingyi said with a smile, Zhou Ting laughed first.

Everyone present understood that Fan Ningyi lived in the back courtyard of a noble family and knew very little about the common people; she was not interested in this, but that meant that she did not care about the common people.

Fan Qingzhi knew very well how much Zhou Ting valued the people of the fiefdom, and it was precisely because he knew that he was a little disappointed with Fan Ningyi.

Even if he is just pretending, he cannot reveal his inner thoughts in front of outsiders. As a child of a noble family, he has not learned the most basic things well.

He doesn't blame Mingyi, there's nothing to blame; Mingyi and Chaosheng have a good relationship, if they say anything, even if there is a suspicion of eye drops, it's just a trivial matter.

The main reason is that Ningyi's mind is impure and her character is not upright; she wants to be on good terms with Zhou Ting, the eldest son, and even go one step further so that she can't offend others and only go along with them.

When he was in the officialdom, he was not in a high position at the beginning. He also went through a long and sad journey. He had to pay for what he wanted. Obviously, Ningyi didn't understand.

"Forget it if Miss Fan is not interested. She is a carefully raised girl from the Fan family. She is different from you and me." The smile emanating from his heart made him a little softer, and Fan Ningyi noticed it. , and successfully interpreted it as the prince's tolerance for her.

Fan Ningyi looked at Mingyi proudly, "The prince is tolerant and generous. Everyone has their own favorite things; I don't like people's livelihood and political affairs, I like planting flowers and plants, playing chess, calligraphy and painting."

"Okay, Ningyi will go back to the courtyard first. Aunt Xu, please take Ningyi back to her courtyard." Fan Qingzhi quickly stopped her from talking to herself, not looking at Mingyi and Chaosheng and paying no attention to her. ? Why don't you have any eyesight?


"Go back. You are not allowed to leave the yard until I call you."

Fan Ningyi opened her mouth to refute, but Fan Qingzhi gave her a cold look, which made Fan Ningyi reluctantly leave.

Nanny Xu smiled slightly and saluted the three of them before catching up with Fan Ningyi.

Fan Qingzhi shook his head and sighed, looking at what Ningyi had done; the first fault was that he could not recognize himself, the second fault was that he did not know how to seize the opportunity, the third fault was that he had no vision, and the fourth fault was that he did not have the ability to manage connections.

As a confidant of Princess Zhou, Aunt Xu was actually used as a servant; from this point of view, her pride and willfulness were too much.

"Teacher, let's go back."

Zhou Ting spoke up.

Fan Qingzhi came back to his senses and nodded lightly, "Hui, are you busy with government affairs?"

"Yes, wait until the students have finished their work before going to greet the teacher." Zhou Ting said.

Fan Qingzhi said, "Mingyi, follow me. We will start formal study today." "Yes, teacher."

Mingyi responded with a smile.

"Let's go." Fan Qingzhi walked towards the front yard with his hands behind his back.

Zhou Ting: "."

He was wrong!

You shouldn't be too categorical. It's better now. You can't even accompany Mingyi. You can only pretend to be pitiful with Mingyi so that Mingyi won't forget him while studying.

The two followed the teacher's footsteps, Zhou Ting quietly held her hand and lowered her voice.

"Yiyi, study hard with the teacher. I'll go find you when I'm done."

"There's no rush. You work slowly. What the teacher teaches won't be too difficult at first. Just come back after you're done with your work there. You handle government affairs seriously, and you have to rush to finish the things I gave you before." That’s good.”

Being in a border area, war may break out at any time, so the more advanced the weapons, the better.

Zhou Ting smiled slightly and nodded repeatedly, his smile was worthless, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The two of them thought they were talking quietly, but Fan Qingzhi, who also practiced martial arts, heard clearly and was quite emotional for a while. From yesterday to today, Mingyi's actions and words did not seem to be deliberately approaching Chaosheng. It's the tide that keeps sticking to it.

Their relationship is surprisingly good, and the little granddaughter has no chance.

According to Illuminating Instrument's intelligence, it is absolutely impossible for him to be stupid and do something wrong; even if the granddaughter wants to divorce, she cannot succeed.

Arriving at a winding path in the front yard, Fan Qingzhi, Mingyi and Zhou Ting went their separate ways; Mingyi followed Fan Qingzhi to his yard, while Zhou Ting went to his study to handle government affairs.

Stepping into Fufengyuan, Fan Qingzhi took her directly to the study room, which was filled with books he brought.

These books are quite old, and the covers are already yellowing.

"Mingyi, go find the book you have read and show it to me."

"Okay, teacher."

Mingyi moved a small stool to the bookshelf, using the small stool to increase the viewing height, and took down the basic books he had read.

I didn’t notice it until I looked carefully, but after looking carefully I discovered that there were at least seventy or eighty books brought by Fan Qingzhi, some were thin and some were thick; each one was yellowed, and the pages had obvious signs of turning, which was obviously I often read books.

Moreover, these books cannot be bought outside, which shows how many good books Fan Qingzhi, the former grand master, collected.

"Teacher, I have read these." He jumped off the stool and handed the five selected books to Fan Qingzhi.

Fan Qingzhi swept through them, and they were all the more basic books among his books; such as the Four Books and Five Classics.

In fact, Mingyi had read many books, but Zhou Ting gave them away to her. Although they were sent to her brother and father, she could read them at any time if she wanted to.

"You're not bad." Fan Qingzhi raised his head and looked at her appreciatively, and continued: "Ningyi is older than you, but has not read as many books as you. Knowing that you have read those books, I know how to teach you. You have to study hard. If you are lazy, I won't teach you. I don't dare to ask you as a registered disciple, do you understand?"

Mingyi narrowed her eyes with a smile and nodded hastily. Her knowledge had a source.

"Students must study with the teacher carefully. If the teacher is dissatisfied, just raise it and the students will change it."

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