Chapter 118 The Reborn Girl 48
The makeup is neat, the mother and daughter don't wear makeup on their faces, Xiao Le's face is a little pale; it's a month's journey from Xianyun County to Beijing, and her body can't stand it, so it shows on her face.

Minghua is in good health and has no symptoms of motion sickness. The whole journey is like traveling in mountains and rivers; except for being bored in the carriage, there is no other discomfort.

After the maid led the way to the old man's study yard, he walked in and found that there were many people in the room; men and women, old and young, the old man was sitting at the top drinking tea, and on the left was Dean Fan Wei'an. There are also two couples, a man and a woman, next to them are young boys and boys.

"Grandpa, Mrs. Xiao, Miss Xiao is here."

The servant girl is blessed and salutes.

"Minghua is here." Fan Wei'an said.

The old man cast a glance at him, a smile appeared in his eyes, he never expected a little girl to be protected by the second apprentice; all his words were meant to protect his shortcomings, it would be a pity not to be a master and apprentice.

"Grandpa, hello, Dean Fan." Minghua bowed.

The two father-in-laws and second wives on the left and right frowned, while the grown-up teenagers watched with interest.

"You don't need to be too polite." The old man introduced them, "These two are Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Minghua. Minghua came to Beijing to study as a teacher."

"Mrs. Xiao." The woman beside the father-in-law said with a smile.

The second wife was not to be outdone, "Mrs. Xiao has worked hard all the way."

"They are the in-laws of my two sons. They don't go out of the mansion on a daily basis, and most of them are housekeepers in the mansion."

"Hello, ladies." Minghua and his mother saluted together, bowing to each other.

The father-in-law and his wife only looked away lightly, and the second lady covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes could not hide her contempt.

Minghua didn't think there was anything wrong with this attitude, but it was her mother who was right about it; it was inevitable that she would feel dissatisfied.

The second lady jokingly asked, "Where is Miss Xiao's house?"

"My home is in Xiaojia Village, Xianyun Town, Shuzhou."

"What kind of place is that? We haven't been there before. I'd like to see it if I have a chance. Is that place interesting? Is there anything interesting? Why don't you bring some interesting things for us to play with when you come to Kyoto. "Casually, this is a little village girl with no confidence.

Just as Minghua was about to speak, the old man said, "It's not easy to go to Xianyun Town to see it. When I go back to Chongcheng, I will bring your family with me; it happens that there is a county magistrate in Xianyun County, and the second child will go and have a look." The qualifications are also good. When we get to the place, the second child can play as he wants, and if he wants anything; if he reaches out to the first-time guest, he will lose his face."

The second lady never expected that the old man would be so merciless when he opened his mouth, the second old man hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"Father, don't listen to what a woman says. My son has lived well in the capital, and he will be filial to you in the mansion." The second master gave his wife a secret look, really couldn't recognize any of them?Embarrassing in front of the father.

It doesn't matter what the mother and daughter are here for, whether it's playing the autumn wind or being a serious teacher; it has nothing to do with them, but it's just that the son in the family is not good enough, and he can't get into the eyes of the old man.Why be jealous?If you want to blame, you have to blame her for giving birth to her son.

"Your elder brother is here." The old man said again: "You have been in Beijing for decades and have not achieved much; it is time to go out and experience. Xianyun County is a good place. Minghua is smart, self-sustaining, and well-behaved. It can be seen that she is a child who can conceive It’s a good place for seedlings. When you go to Xianyun County, it’s time to find more talents for the court, and I’ll tell your fourth senior brother that you can start your journey after Minghua’s apprenticeship.”

Line four is Xu Shoufu.

Knowing that he couldn't change the decision made by the old man, the second old man stopped begging for mercy and sat down in his original position; his hands were hidden in his wide sleeves and he clenched into fists, his face remained calm.

The father-in-law and his wife looked at each other, and each looked away; after this incident, everyone sitting here understands that they should not provoke the mother and daughter of the Xiao family, or the second master will be their fate.For Xiao Minghua's sake, the old man even gave away his own son, and they, the grandchildren and servants, consciously acted well.

"We're done getting to know each other, let's all take our seats." The old man got up and walked towards the dining table on the left, while the female relatives walked towards the dining table on the right.

Minghua followed her mother to the place where the female relatives were, but was stopped by Fan Wei'an, "Minghua, come here."

"Dean Fan." He glanced at Dean Fan who was opposite him, and then at his mother. He couldn't let his mother deal with a group of women alone.

Xiao Leshi nodded slightly at her, "It's okay, mother can handle it, go quickly; behave well, don't let Dean Fan lose face, this is also a welcome feast for you to gain a firm foothold."

"Then be careful." Minghua nodded and walked towards Dean Fan.

Dean Fan led her to the men's table and arrived at the place; the old man asked Dean Fan to sit next to him, his son sat on the other side, and then Minghua sat next to Dean Fan, and after that came all the people in the mansion. grandchildren.

It can be seen that Dean Fan's position in the old man's heart.

"When I get here, I'll live as a family." The old man said to Minghua before the meal.

Minghua nodded without haste.

Only then did the old man call for dinner, and there was no talking about food or sleep at the dinner table. After dinner; Minghua accompanied the old man to talk with Dean Fan, the old man and the sons and grandchildren of the mansion, while Xiao Le was pestered by the female relatives. Stop it, mostly because I want to win him over.

I didn't try to win over and didn't want to offend.

Only the second wife's eyes were red, because she made a fuss of her husband out of Beijing; her family knew that she couldn't blame her, even with her husband, her life was not easy.The sons might have to blame her for being talkative, how did she know that a little girl from the country could be so valued by the old man.

Besides, who is she saying these words for?Not for the sons.

The second lady was full of apprehension and resentment, restless; compared with the person next to her who was chatting with Xiao Leshi, her whole body was low-key.

"Minghua has many deficiencies in poetry. These days, Chongcheng gives her advice; as an official, not only is he proficient in poetry, but he must be able to dismantle the energy group, otherwise he will suffer a lot in the examination room." Do you mean ginger is still old and spicy?The old man asked a few words and found out her depth.

Fan Wei'an got up and bowed in response, "It just so happens that I'm free these few days, before the fourth junior brother comes to claim his apprentice, I'll be teaching for a few days on my behalf."

"It should be so." The old man thought more.

The rest of the second disciple's life cannot be made miserable. If Minghua is a kind person, he will definitely treat him kindly. It is the best way to have the reality of being a mentor without the name of a mentor.

"Grandfather, can my grandson go? Sister Minghua is a child at such a young age; my grandson is still studying the Book of Changes, so I don't know when he will end up." The eldest male heir of Dafang said.

The old man smiled, "If you want to go, you can go. Your second uncle's knowledge was first-class, and it is your honor to get his advice; you too, go if you want. Chongcheng! My grandchildren I'll leave it to you, give me as many pointers as you can, and if you are unbearable, just send it to the teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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