Chapter 121 The Reborn Girl 51
Xu Shoufu listened carefully to the training and could not refute it. The grandchildren in the family were indeed not up to the mark; although they were younger than the grandpa's grandchildren, they had learned more bad habits.

"What Master said is, we will strictly investigate when we go back."

Only then did the old man let him go, and told Uncle Liang, "Set a seat for Mrs. Xiao, and then bring tea. Serve tea first."

"Yes." Uncle Liang led Xiao Leshi to the last seat on the right, turned around and walked out of the main room, turning around after a while, he held a tray with two cups of tea in his hand.

"Everyone sitting here should testify that Minghua has been a disciple of my lineage from Fu Zheng since the day he became a teacher; you are all disciples of the same lineage, or elders. Handle. If you don’t want to be a disciple of my lineage, you can do whatever you want; when you encounter troubles in the future, don’t think that other people can take action, understand?” The ugly and good things are said first, and they are not walking around in the court all year round. All slack.

"Let's begin, tea."

The old man gave an order, and a servant girl brought a kneeling mat; Minghua hesitated for a moment, silently apologizing to his master and ancestors, knelt down obediently, took the tea from Uncle Liang, and put it in front of the old man with both hands .

"Master, please have some tea."

The old man paused, but he didn't bother with her choice of words. He took a sip of the tea and said, "Go and offer tea to your master."

"Yes." Minghua moved his position again, and brought the teacup to Xu Shoufu with both hands, "Master, please drink tea."

Xu Shoufu nodded, took the teacup with one hand, and took a sip of meaning, "Get up, from now on, you are my third disciple of Xu Lingjun, and you are also a closed disciple; I hope you will study hard and practice hard, and guard against arrogance and impetuosity." , get to court as soon as possible."

The latter sentence is exactly what Minghua wanted; it is not the case for others, what is a girl doing in the court?Although Her Majesty the Empress allows women to enter the court, the fact is that there has been no mention of women entering the court for thousands of years.The deep-rooted concept has taken root in the mind, and a few people are enlightened and will send their daughters to the school; however, the treatment received in the school is not the same as that of male students, and there are contemptuous eyes everywhere.

They dare not blatantly despise women who go to school, but they can criticize them in private.

"Yes, I would like to obey the master's instruction." Minghua clasped his hands and stood up respectfully.

"En." Xu Shoufu responded casually, "You and your mother go to pack your luggage first, and follow me back home later."

Minghua looked at the others, and said, "Master, master, I want to buy a small house in Shangjing. It doesn't need to be big enough for me and my mother to live in; but I'm not familiar with Beijing, so I don't know where to go to get it." I bought a suitable house, so I would like to ask my master and master for help."

The little baby is not polite.

However, Xu Shoufu's heart became inexplicably smoother, and he was able to ask him for help to explain that he did not treat him as an outsider as a master; he was able to take the initiative to get close to him when he was just apprenticed, this is a good start.

"It's all trivial matters. There is a suitable small yard around my mansion; after I return to the mansion, I will ask the housekeeper to take you to have a look."

"It's time for you, Master."

"You and I, master and apprentice, don't need to be too polite." The corner of Xu Shoufu's mouth curled up slightly, obviously happy.

Seeing this, the old man was relieved, and he looked at Minghua with relief; he knew how to improve his situation and plan for the future, and he was a person who knew how to take one step and see three steps.Don't look at it as just asking for help, but Minghua has achieved both.

She really needs a permanent residence. At the same time, as a child, what does it mean to ask the master for help?It shows that she trusts the master.

Of course, it is also possible that the master thinks she is a trouble, and will reprimand her if she is unwilling to help;After a long time, you will naturally be able to find out the other party's temper and way of doing things.

After packing up her luggage, Minghua and her mother left Weiyuan Duke's Mansion together with Xu Shoufu, Xu Shoufu's students, and grandchildren; entering the mansion of Shoufu, she found that there was a big gap with the layout of the mansion.It may be due to the title of the title, or it may be due to the respect for the teacher; the decoration and area of ​​the first-class mansion of the first-class mansion will be second-class. No matter whether Xu Shoufu is intentional or not, from the subtleties, he has already won the hearts of the people.

"Mrs. Xiao, let's go to rest with the maid first, and the maid will invite you for dinner in the evening; when the time comes, I will get to know the family members. You can live in the mansion with peace of mind, and I will take Minghua to see the house later." Living in someone else's house, after all, It's better to live at home.

There's no place like home.

There is no such thing as being so comfortable when you live under the fence.

"Mr. Xu, Minghua is still young. She has some things that are not thoughtful. Please teach me slowly. She is very smart." Before leaving, Xiao Leshi said something worried, and Xu Shoufu nodded. , she followed the servant girl and walked away step by step.

There are only five children and grandchildren left in the Xu Shoufu Academy, and two direct disciples, both of whom are male.

"Come in." Xu Shoufu turned around and walked in. After stepping into the room, he led the people to the study on the left.

In the study room, there are two rows of chairs for guests, a desk, and behind the desk is a grand chair; a row of bookshelves are placed on both sides of the wall, and many books are placed.

"Sit all."

"Yes, Master/Master"

"Yes, father/grandfather."

There are three generations in the house, Minghua is the youngest, but the seniority is the same.

Only then did Xu Shoufu make an introduction for understanding, "Come, meet your two senior brothers. He is Ji Jin, the eldest son of the Ji family of the Kyoto family, and also your senior senior brother; next to him is your second senior brother, Cui Changhe, from the Kyoto family. The concubine of the Cui family. Ji Jin is currently working as an editor at the Imperial Academy, and Cui Changhe is going to be a Jinshi in the second half of this year; I only have the three of you as my disciples. As a teacher, I only hope that the three of you will support each other. Even if the brothers and sisters don’t get along, don’t be suspicious of each other .”

"Master, please don't worry, I will take care of the younger brothers and younger sisters." Ji Jin, dressed in a dark blue robe, bowed to express his opinion.

Cui Changhe had a stern face, dressed in black, "Remember, disciple."

"Disciple remembers." Ming Hua raised her head and asked with a smile, "What are the hobbies of Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother?"

"Hobbies?" Cui Changhe asked calmly.

"Yes, your hobbies, such as riding and archery, poems and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." After Minghua explained, he introduced himself first, "My biggest hobby is reading. Give me a stack of books. I don’t move for a long time in one place; of course, I also like to eat, as long as I love delicious things. On the premise of doing these things well, I also love to sleep, sleep well, and wake up the next day full of energy. I can read better."

Cui Changhe and Ji Jin: After all, reading is my favorite thing, and everything I do is to prepare for reading.

Xu Shoufu was stunned by the little apprentice's words for a moment, and then chuckled; this smile was incredible, and the children and grandchildren next to him looked like they had seen a ghost.

Minghua had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, but didn't point them out; she was new here, and her main purpose was to observe silently.

(End of this chapter)

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