Chapter 124 The Reborn Girl 54
"Everyone will like whatever the young master gives you." As the young master of the Ji family in the capital, many people rushed to curry favor.

Ji Jin glanced at him, feeling bored, "Forget it, what do you know, I'll ask my mother when I go back."

"Okay, young master."

Changsheng didn't say anything anymore, he knew that sometimes he and the young master didn't agree with each other; fortunately, he was loyal, and the young master never thought of sending him away.

Back at Ji's house, Ji Jin went straight to the backyard, which was now in the yard of the old lady in the backyard; the wife of Ji's family and all the female relatives were there, Ji Jin stood outside the door for a while, told the maid not to convey, turned and went Mrs. Ji's courtyard is waiting.

There are so many female relatives in the old lady's house, even though it is a family, those who should be taboo should also be taboo.

If you want to go in, you have to be notified.

As soon as he left, the maid who was guarding the door stepped into the hall, "Lady, the young master just came back, stood outside the door for a while and then left."

"Jin'er is back, why don't you come in?"

"The young master didn't say anything."

The old lady was dressed in silk and satin, with gray hair, and she was still in high spirits; after hearing what the maid said, she patted her thigh with her hand, and said: "This child has a lot of rules, that's enough, Jin'er is back, everyone, let's go back; See what Jin'er wants to eat at night, and ask someone to make it for him."

"Yes, mother, then I will go first; brothers and sisters sit down slowly, I will go first."

"Sister-in-law, go slowly."

"See you, sister-in-law."

The children and dependents of the whole family stood up one after another, saluting according to their status and seniority.

The family is in harmony.

The eldest lady led her confidant maids and nuns back to the courtyard, and saw Ji Jin sitting in a daze in the main room of her courtyard; she waved away the maids first, walked to the table and sat down, and poured a cup of tea for her son.

"Ah, mother, you are back." Ji Jin came back to his senses and took the teacup with both hands.

"What are you dazed for?"

Ji Jin took a sip of tea, put it in front of her, and said slowly: "Mother, I want to give a girl a gift as a meeting gift, but I don't know what to give; she is very smart, loves to read, and can speak well, which is very pleasing ,so cute."

Four in a row.

The eldest lady had to pay attention, "The girl you like?"

"." Busily shook his head, "No, mother, where are you thinking? My master took in a closed disciple, a little girl. Her greatest hobby is reading and reading. She is very studious. In short, she is very smart. Unlike most girls in this world."

"He said he didn't like it." She couldn't believe that she could give such a high evaluation, but she didn't like it.

Ji Jin helplessly explained, "He is only in his early seven years old, so don't think too much about it; my son doesn't have such a habit."

The eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief, "Your father has already planned your marriage, so don't go outside and cause trouble and debts."

"Understood, you told me early on that my marriage is not up to me, just follow your and father's orders." Born in a clan, and enjoying the benefits brought by the clan, there will naturally be some losses, "As long as you and Father thinks he is a good person, so I will marry him when I marry; let's not talk about this now, mother, what gift do you think I should give as a meeting gift?"

The eldest lady began to think deeply, "cloth, jewelry, inkstone, books, calligraphy and painting; didn't you say that the little girl loves reading very much! The inkstone and books are almost the same."

"Junior Sister won't accept it, and besides, are there any books at Master's?" Don't underestimate Master's collection, he hasn't read all those books; what Ji's has, except for the top-secret books that are not passed on, is there at Master's Both, "I want to give something new and innovative."

"New idea?"

The eldest lady couldn't help but began to worry again, "The little girl you mentioned is really only in her early sevens?"


"Okay, okay, I won't say anything!" Sighing helplessly, the day when her son and crown are approaching is getting closer, and she always takes more precautions, "Instead of trying to find new ideas, let's see what the little girl wants recently ;Giving it away must be sent to the heart of the person, you can't give it away in a flash of your head, and the person doesn't like it, isn't it annoying!"

The most taboo thing about gift giving is that it cannot be delivered to the heart.

Especially those who are very important.

"I understand, mother; my junior sister wants to buy a house in the capital to live in, so I'll ask someone to inquire about it." Ji Jin's eyes lit up, and then he thought that the master had also accepted Minghua's request, and hesitated again, " However, Master is also showing the house to Junior Sister."

The eldest lady smiled, "Your master sees it as your master's, and you see it as yours; no matter how bad it is, after your master has finished reading the suitable one, after your little junior sister settles down, why bother buying the one next door? Some are not."

It turns out that they are new to the capital, so it is easy to handle; if the child who just came to the capital wants to have a home, he can just send the land deed to the house.

Ji Jin shook her head, "No, mother, my junior sister won't accept such expensive things."

"Really?" That being said, the little girl is a principled person, "If you accept it, you can hold it first, and then buy it from you when your little junior sister has money; Return your little junior sister slowly."

Ji Jin's eyes lit up again, with an excited expression, "You are right, let's do this."

"Okay, if we have a solution, go back and rest for a while; are you tired from your master's side?"

"I'm not tired. I'll ask someone to find out if there are any suitable houses around Master. The ones that are too expensive will definitely not work, and the ones that are too big will not work either. My junior sister must not have so much money when she first came to the capital. I have to find a suitable one."

For this reason, Ji Jin ordered the servants around him to run faster, and asked if there were any good houses nearby that he was willing to sell; then he asked him to pay more attention to the people around Xu Shoufu, and after confirming the house, he immediately bought the small courtyards on both sides of the next door. .

This busy work lasted for three days, and when Cui Changhe went to see Minghua, he didn't go; on the fourth day, Xu Shoufu took Minghua to a small courtyard two streets away from Shoufu's mansion, saying it was a small courtyard Relatively speaking, it is actually a secondary yard.

The price of the yard was 8000 taels, and the money in Minghua's hands was definitely not enough; Xu Shoufu paid part of it in advance to relieve the urgent need, but even so, Minghua was still anxious.

Originally, 2000 taels should be enough, but the second-entry yard is really good; Fengshui and Qi are good, and it is suitable for the elderly to provide for the elderly. The yard can also grow vegetables and raise chickens and ducks. The place is spacious and there is a pond.The most important thing is that there are running water channels in the yard, which represent vitality, and deploying formations can not only make the house prosperous, but also allow the vitality of the running water to feed back the people living in the courtyard.

After thinking about it, she decided to borrow money and buy it; for the sake of her family, the money will be repaid sooner or later, at most, a few more scripts.The sales volume in Beijing is definitely higher than that in the county, and it will be a matter of time before the debt is paid off.

There are valuable things in her talisman, but she can't sell them; more people will stare at her in the future, and she has to act cautiously under the premise of having no power or power.

(End of this chapter)

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