Chapter 156 The Reborn Girl 86
She is not stupid.

Mother has said that they are slaves, and they will be slaves all their lives; even if they are released, once they are known to be slaves, they will be despised.

The mother also said that with the young lady, no one dares to despise her even if she is a servant; as long as the young lady is well, she will be well, and if the young lady has a great future one day, so will the people around her.

Minghua didn't know that the girl had been brainwashed by her mother, so she wanted to persuade her again; but she didn't want to, before she could speak, she refused.

"Miss, don't even think about abandoning the servant, the servant will never leave you."

Go and go.

It's okay not to talk.

Minghua shook her head and sighed helplessly, "Hurry up and do your work. When my brother Jin Yi comes back, I still have to report."

"Oh, I'm going now, servant girl." Xiao Mei walked out of the bedroom, bouncing around to get water to scrub and wash; the kitchen was cleaned and ready for use at any time.Xiao Mei cleaned the pots in the kitchen, rummaged in and out, and asked her to find some firewood left by the previous owner. It wasn't much, and it was enough to boil a pot of water.

Si Jinyi led the buyers back and brought over what Minghua wanted.

"Where's your lady?" Xiao Mei was happily cleaning things, and when Si Jinyi came in, she saw her busy, and felt that this girl was diligent and lively.

Xiao Mei saluted with something, "Master Si, the lady is in the room, and the slaves are going to call the lady out."


Si Jinyi glanced at the things she put down, and then saw that there were signs of being cleaned again in the yard, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Miss, miss, Mr. Si is here; several people are following behind, bringing a lot of things."

Ming Hua stood up and put on her shoes, "I'll go out and have a look."

"Okay." Xiao Mei followed her out of the bedroom, and saw Si Jinyi and several servants as soon as she went out.

"Brother Jin Yi, did you buy it back so soon?"

"There is a place at the foot of the mountain that specializes in buying and selling these things. You can find all the toiletries, desks and chairs you want; it's just that the bookshelves and beds have to wait for a few days and need to be made." Si Jinyi led her to the pile of things at the door to check, "Check to see if you missed anything."

Minghua looked through carefully, there were two sets of toiletries, she and Xiao Mei each had a set; the desk and chairs were the ones she could use now, but because she was too short, she admitted that it was a bit difficult to use the desks and chairs.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jin Yi. I like the desk very much, and I am very satisfied." With such care, anyone who marries Senior Brother Jin Yi will be blessed in the future.

"Thank you, we will be serious senior brothers and sisters from now on, feel free to come to the senior brother if you have something to do; this desk can last you two years, and I will give you a new one when it grows taller." Si Jinyi said secretly with a smile, Gentle and refined.

Minghua thought of Cui Changhe, the second senior brother was tortured in Cui's house, and his heart became cold; however, Si Jinyi, who was also fighting in the back house, escaped because he followed Lin Shishu since he was a child.

As a result, Si Jinyi was gentle and gentle, like a gentleman.

The second senior brother is calm and steady, with cold brows; they are completely two kinds of people, but they are both good-natured, maybe the second senior brother is stronger and more ruthless.

After all, he is a child who came out of the turmoil in the back house. If he didn't have a cold, hard, and ruthless heart, the second senior brother might not live to be a teacher.

It can only be said that the current situation makes it.

People living in different environments have different personalities.

"Okay, in the future I'll go to Senior Brother Jin Yi if I have something to do. Senior Brother can't dislike me for being noisy, and I can't dislike me for having too many things to do." Minghua said it confidently, intending to get closer to him.

"No." Si Jinyi smiled lightly, full of patience.

Ming Hua grinned, "Brother Jin Yi, please ask someone to move the things into my bedroom."

Si Jinyi turned his head and said to the people waiting at the side: "Move in and send it to the master bedroom."

"Yes, Master Si."

The servants came out immediately after sending the things into the bedroom, Si Jinyi said: "The things have been purchased, you take your household registration and go with me; I will take you to report, and after the report, you will receive books and school uniforms."

"right away."

Minghua ran into the house and took hundreds of taels of silver notes and household registration; her household registration was in the name of Xiao's parents, so this household registration also included the information of Xiao's parents.

"Let's go, Senior Brother Jin Yi."

The two went out one after another, Xiao Mei locked the door behind her feet, and went to inquire about the affairs of the academy; coming here, she thought well, and must have a deep understanding of the academy.Moreover, as a servant, it is also the servant who can get in touch with the most; don't even think about looking at these people, their words may have hints.

She has seen the matter of the capital's mansion, and her mother is well-informed, no matter what she does, everything will go smoothly; there are many ways in it, and it is also a great knowledge.

Si Jinyi led Minghua to the logistics report, and after handing in the bundle repair, she received her books and school uniforms; there were two sets in total, and now the student uniforms are issued in autumn. The logistics man said that they will be distributed in winter Two sets are worn alternately.

"Come on, I'll take you to see the class you've been assigned to. There are three grades in our academy. The first class is for young students, the second class is for scholars, and the third class is for juren."

"Tongsheng, Xiucai, and Juren are divided into red, orange, yellow, green, and green. The red class is the top of each class, and the green class is naturally the bottom of the grades; the five classes are divided into one class, two classes, and three classes. You are going to the first class of the red class in this class of children."

Si Jinyi introduced her and took her outside the class; Minghua saw Ji Jin and Cui Changhe inside, and the two seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and turned their heads to look over.Ming Hua raised his hand and waved to the two of them, Ji Jin smiled slightly, Cui Changhe looked up at the teacher who was giving the lecture, and raised his hand resolutely.

"Excuse me, sir."

The gentleman who gave the lecture was an old man with gray hair. Although his hair was gray, he had white hair and a childlike face. His skin was quite good, without dark spots, but his slightly curved waist showed that he was indeed very old.

The old gentleman was gentle and tolerant, he didn't scold him, but asked him with a smile, "Why did student Cui interrupt the class?"

"Mr. Hui, there are people outside."

"Really?" The old man put down the book in his hand and looked out; seeing that the smile on Si Jinyi's face was a bit thicker, "Jin Yi is here."

Si Jinyi led Minghua to the door, and first bowed to the husband, "Hello, Mr. Yu, this junior brought his younger sister to school."

"Junior Sister? Your husband has accepted apprentices again?" Mr. Yu walked out of the classroom and looked at Minghua, who was holding books and wearing student clothes, "Is it her? Why is she a girl?"

Si Jinyi chuckled, "It's not my husband's disciple, but it's about the same; she and the young master of Ji's family have the same master, and they are even friends with my husband. Junior sister Xiao Minghua calls my husband an uncle."

"But, our academy's enrollment has ended long ago." Mr. Yu frowned at Minghua.

"Junior sister Minghua is quite special, she has only arrived in Beijing not long ago; but she is very knowledgeable, you know my husband, if you can't pass the test of my husband, it is impossible to arrange to study."

Minghua: When did she pass Uncle Lin's level?Why doesn't she know? !

(End of this chapter)

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