Chapter 162 The Reborn Girl 92
"It's okay, I'm not sleepy. If you are sleepy, you can stay in the carriage and sleep; go back with Xiaowang, and I don't need you to serve me in the capital's mansion." Isn't this book delicious?
Xiao Mei hurriedly shook her head, "No, no, miss, the servant will not go; if you don't sleep, how can the servant sleep?"

"I've said it all. You don't need to wait at the master's house. If you should go back to sleep, go to sleep with you. Take care of your spirit. You are also growing your body. What if you don't eat and sleep well and grow into crooked melons and cracked dates?"

"What kind of crooked melon and cracked dates?" Xiao Mei asked innocently.

Minghua couldn't show her an example for a while, so she said: "You just look at those people with crooked facial features, yes, that's it, you'll know it after seeing it; but don't look too much, maybe you will grow up in the future." You have to be like everyone else."

"Will it grow like that after watching too much?"


Xiao Mei nodded in confusion. After arriving at the Shoufu Mansion, Ming Hua got out of the carriage first; Xiao Wang drove back to the gate of the mansion, and Xiao Mei woke up.

"Brother Xiao Wang, where's the miss?"

"Miss has already gone to the capital's mansion." Xiao Wang looked at her inexplicably, why did he act like he didn't know where Miss went?
Xiao Mei scratched her head, "What should I do? I was fooled by the lady, and the lady must have tried to get rid of me early in the morning; she thinks I'm annoying, doesn't it mean that the lady doesn't want me?"

She is young, not stupid!What should be understood, as long as she is given time to turn her head, she can understand.

Xiao Wang was helpless, "Then I don't know. When the lady comes back, you can ask the lady yourself."

"It's over, it's over."

Xiao Mei entered Xiao's mansion, first greeted Xiao Leshi, and said Xiao Minghua's words; Xiao Leshi held his forehead, "Okay, no matter how miss fools you next time, you can't be shaken; just follow her By the way, do you know?"

"Yes Yes."

"Go down and rest." Is the daughter starting to let herself go?Look what's going on.

Don't let the maid follow, and don't want the maid to serve you?
Xiao Leshi didn't know what to say about her. In the whole capital, who doesn't have a maid to serve the serious lady?

However, when Minghua entered the capital's mansion, she met the master directly.

"Master." Bowing to salute.

Xu Shoufu was dressed in official uniform, solemn and dignified, "Why did you come here so early?"

"The disciple went to send Master Fan off, and came directly over when he couldn't sleep."

"I can't sleep and go back to the three gentlemen of your family to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting; it will be like this from now on, except for the days when I come to pay my respects and to be assessed by the teacher, I will learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at home after Muxiu."

Minghua really forgot, she was all focused on reading; now she was really scratching her head, "Master, why don't you let me read books with you for half a day, and then go back to study other things in the afternoon?"

"No, study hard, don't embarrass yourself as a teacher."

Xu Shoufu stepped past her and left, followed by the accompanying servant.

Minghua had no choice but to leave Shoufu's mansion, but Xu Shoufu who had just gotten into the carriage opened the curtain and glanced at her, "Where's your carriage?"

"Go back to Master, let's go."

"Then you come up, and the teacher will send you back first."

As a last resort, Minghua climbed up the shaft of the carriage and entered the master's carriage; after being nagged by the master for a long time, she stopped at the gate of the mansion.

"Study well. In the future, the teacher's assessment of you will not only be based on knowledge points in books; piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, riding and archery will also be tested."

After leaving this sentence, he hurried Minghua out of the car, and he ordered people to go directly to the palace.

Minghua stood where she was, feeling bitter; she really forgot about the three gentlemen, and she had lost her manners if she didn't go to see the ceremony yesterday.

"Three ya." Xiao Le put down the net, hurriedly got up and greeted him, "Have you eaten early? Are you hungry? Didn't you go to your master's house? Why are you back?"

"The master told me to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I will take an exam later."

"Then study hard. A few days ago, the three gentlemen told Wei Niang that they made a study plan for you; you just need to follow them to study."

Minghua: What a real mother!
"Hey, mother, let someone bring you food, and after eating, go and say hello to the three gentlemen; then, learn from the three gentlemen, my daughter is so smart, she can learn anything, don't be afraid!" Xiao Le touched Touching her daughter's hair hanging on both sides, "Mother will bring you some soup, and then you can rest for a while."

Minghua had no choice but to agree; after dinner, she went to greet the three gentlemen, and the three gentlemen were very happy to see her coming.The performance of being happy is to take out a well-made study plan.

It was written by the three gentlemen after discussing, "In the future, you will take a bath once every half month, once for two days; I will arrange your studies to the full within these two days, you will work harder, and you will not suffer when you learn."

Minghua: What kind of devil speech is this?

"Okay, let's start. The first class is Mr. Qu teaching the piano; I will wait in the yard next to it. After Mr. Qu finishes, we will take turns coming over."

As a result, Minghua started the devil-style learning mode of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, as long as Muxiu is at home; he must be forced to learn various routines of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Obedient to carry out.

During her miserable days, Fan Wei'an returned to Xianyun County and called Xiao Zhengning.

"Dean, you are back, are you safe on the road?"

"It's all good, Minghua successfully apprenticed to my third junior brother, Xu Lingjun; don't worry, she is doing well, your Minghua should have written to you, right?"

Xiao Zhengning smiled calmly: "Yes, Ning is worried that she will report the good news and not the bad news; if you say yes, then everything is fine."

Fan Wei'an didn't continue to talk about other thoughts, just pointed to the box, "Minghua asked me to help bring it back for you, take it away, and this letter, Minghua gave it to you." He took out the letter and gave it to him, After sending the person away, he called for help to move the box with him.

Xiao Zhengning returned to the residence, first thanked the boy next to Fan Wei'an, and then closed the door to read the letter; the red paint on the seal was intact, tore open the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

"Daddy Zhan Xin'an: Everything is fine with my daughter and mother in the capital. My daughter has a teacher who specializes in teaching six arts; I wanted all my brothers to come to the capital, but Xingzhi Academy will not recruit students again until next year, and Xingzhi Academy has limited enrollment. Enrollment conditions are based on children. The eldest brother can try it, the second brother may not be able to participate in the assessment if he has no fame, and the daughter will find him a good private school in the capital to enroll."

Explain clearly the purpose of the books in the box, and then greet Xiao Zhengning later and ask him to take care of his health.

After Xiao Zhengning finished reading it, the longing in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

As long as they lived well in the capital, the future of the two sons had to be arranged in advance; next year he didn't plan to teach in the county, he packed up his things and went to the capital with his sons, bringing his parents with him, and the family could be reunited.

(End of this chapter)

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